Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach redefining success

How to Redefine Success When Life Takes You on a Different Path w/ Theresa & Blair

What does success mean to you? 

Is it making a lot of money?  Is it achieving top business results? Is it having enough time to do what you want? Are you sure you have to choose among these things? Do you always have to trade time for money (or vice versa)? 

Today I have TWO guests who are the perfect persons to help us answer these questions – Theresa Lambert and Blair Kaplan Venables, co-hosts of the Dissecting Success podcast. 

Theresa is an Online Business Strategy Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality. She supports Female Coaches and Service based Entrepreneurs to get their first clients or scale to 6 figures and beyond through strategic, tangible, and practical support.

This bestselling author of her book Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces has a powerful mission to make business EASY so your life can be more FULL.

Blair is an expert in social media marketing and the president of Blair Kaplan Communications, a British Columbia-based PR agency. She brings fifteen years of experience to her clients, which include global wellness, entertainment, and lifestyle brands. 

She is the creator of the Social Media Empowerment Pillars, has helped her customers grow their followers into the tens of thousands in just one month, win integrative marketing awards, and more. 

Yahoo! listed Blair as a top ten social media expert to watch in 2021. In her free time, you can find Blair growing The Global Resilience Project’s online community, where users share their stories of overcoming life’s most challenging moments.

When I heard their podcast, the first thing I thought was that these two powerhouse women were my soul sisters! I invited them to join us and had a great time talking to them. I’m sure you’ll have the same experience too!

So, tune in for this episode and enjoy it as I did!

How Dissecting Success Started

Blair and Theresa met at a woman’s business conference hosted at the hotel Teresa was the GM of. They developed a friendship and became Zoom business besties at the beginning of the pandemic when Theresa left her hotel job. 

In that period, no one knew what was going on, but they were having really cool conversations about success and what it meant. After some time, they realized that their conversations were so cool that they could start a podcast. And they did.

Since then, they have been doing these powerful and fun live podcasts you can learn so much from. Actually, after listening to a couple of episodes, you start to look forward to Tuesdays to hear what new these two fabulous women prepared. 

It’s no surprise that people have started reaching out and asking how they can work with them because of the podcast. So they created the velocity masterclass, which was a feeder into a six-month program. 

Now they have a lot of clients and a successful coaching business because people heard their passion, and they wanted more.

Follow Your Intuition

Passion and courage are the traits both Theresa and Blair have. As I said, Theresa left her hotel job when the pandemic started. Why? She followed her intuition. She wanted to redefine success and achieve it without struggle. 

Because sometimes you are so successful from the outside – people see what you’re doing and sharing, having confidence, even becoming a best seller, and all this great stuff. Yet, at the same time, as an entrepreneur, that might not be reflected in your bank accounts.

And then the other way around, we can have financial abundance, plenty of money, but somehow that doesn’t connect with how we feel. And success is all about being connected to your purpose.

So, your entrepreneurial journey is changing all the time. And it’s more evident in the time of global or local challenges, such as the pandemic. Then it’s crucial to be aware that you constantly have to pivot and redefine success. 

I know it can sometimes be challenging. But not if you lead with your feminine. We talked about that in some of the previous episodes of the podcast

Flow is a feminine trait, and instead of feeling stressed because of constant pivoting, you need to connect to flow and be focused on what you want to BE and how you want to FEEL during the journey. 

As Blair says, success is constantly changing – what someone perceives as success might not be what you’re feeling. And it’s all about what’s going on in your world and really defining the life you want to live. 

COVID Didn’t Stop a New Beginning

Both Blair and Theresa made big changes at the beginning of the pandemic. Blair said No to a 6-figure contract with a company, and Theresa left the hotel she was managing.

Actually, Blair says she used to live in a place of chaos. But a few years ago, she made a decision that she didn’t want to be there anymore. 

She used to say yes to everything and packed her schedule from the minute she woke up till the minute she went to bed. She was making lots of money but didn’t even have time to cash the checks. And she didn’t like the work she was doing. It wasn’t fulfilling. 

So she made a decision that she wanted to live a life she feels fulfilled with. 

A part of it was a decision to ease into her day – working out, having a bath, meditating, journaling before 8 am. She started picking things she wanted on her schedule and saying NO to the things she didn’t want to do.

Blair started to be clear on what the things she wanted were and how she could make money from them. Even at the beginning of the pandemic, she rejected the projects if they didn’t align with her values because she isn’t driven necessarily by money first. 

Who Is That Person?

At the beginning of 2020, Theresa was the GM of the luxury boutique hotel for six years. At the age of 29, she had everything other people would spend a lifetime walking toward – all the accolades of leading a large organization and building an eight-figure business.

She says she was driven by the pressure of working hard, doing things fast, and proving herself until it drove her into burnout and feeling miserable. Theresa described that this way: “It was this moment when I started looking in the mirror, and I was like, Who is that person?! Do I even know who this is!?” 

And all that happened at the beginning of the pandemic when she was in the position where most people would ask her, How can you not want that? But she was actually wearing golden handcuffs – she struggled physically, emotionally, and mentally while pretending to be fine.

Then she decided that money was not worth it. Theresa knew how she wanted to feel and just let her intuition lead her. She says she started following the feeling of satisfaction. She had to figure out how to do what she wanted to do virtually, without leaving her house. 

All those things meant a lot of pivoting, and it wasn’t easy at the beginning – they started the podcast, she wrote her book and became a best-selling author, made strategies, and in two years managed to build a 6-figure business that supports the lifestyle she wanted. 

And the journey was filled with fun. 

What do these two journeys to success have in common? 

  • both Theresa and Blair made a decision to change something 
  • both of them followed their intuition (gut, feelings) 
  • both of them trusted their intuition more than the whole standard/system

When the Masculine Supports the Feminine

The most important thing was that both of them realized that the systems, structures, and strategies are designed to help us support the lifestyle that we want and not vice versa. Otherwise, we get so caught up in the systems/structures, and they have to work perfectly.

That’s the essence of leading in feminine and the point when the masculine supports the feminine.

We were chatting a lot more about redefining success and how to pivot and stay successful no matter what circumstances are, so make sure to check out the full episode. And until next time, remember – prosperity becomes you!

Listen to the Dissecting Success podcast on all the major platforms and leave a review

Visit Blair’s website, check out her Global  Resilience project, and follow her on social media: 

Go grab Blair’s Stress Free Social Media Checklists and stay organized following them!  

Get access to Theresa’s FREE Masterclass that teaches you to create and host Masterclasses for your online Coaching business that convert warm leads into paying clients. 

Connect with Theresa on Instagram.

Join us for Redesign Your Reality, the free 3-day online workshop where you can learn how to change your reality without struggle.

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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