You Are Enough

Women are easy targets for unrealistic expectations. Because we want to do things perfectly, we tend to feel that we aren’t “enough” when things go south. Every journey has its ups and downs, and sometimes the bad days feel more defined.  It’s easy to feel that we aren’t enough!

How can we keep our glow without questioning ourselves? How do we remain “enough?”

Let’s get to it!

People-pleasing Is a Trap

“You’ve got what it takes!”

Wouldn’t that be wonderful to hear from someone? Aren’t we always in the quest for validation? I’m guilty of this in my growing years. I became a performing pony! To perform well meant I would get praised and acknowledged, and boy did I get that a lot.

You may be guilty of this, too. Have you gone to the point that you perform for approval? I was constantly doing my best because I was waiting for someone to tell me I got what it took! 

Now, I’m not saying it was wrong. It blessed me a lot back then. It turned me driven with ambition. But there are points in our lives that this mindset no longer serves us, especially in adulthood.

Fast forward to me being a business owner; it got harder to “feel enough”.

After hiring business coaches, attending summits, and bursting with my little girl energy, it was still hard to feel enough. I aimed to be the best in every room I entered because I was hungry for being on top. But it became an extremely destructive program – every failure made me feel much more miserable than it only should.

The Superstar Glow

This is going to sound a little cruel. But across your lifetime, you will keep meeting people who will tell you that you aren’t enough. As for me back then, I was driven for success, but there was something wrong – I listened to the whispers that said I might not be enough. 

Although I knew I was competent, I was not entirely confident about that. I just kept pushing on, hoping that the mentors and clients would find me “good enough” today so I could feel better tomorrow.

Then I realized something.

The only time I can ever be enough… is when I decide that I’m enough. Nobody is going to give that to me but me. Talk about wasting time looking for someone to give me validation outside of myself!

That light has been inside of me and I didn’t choose to let it glow. My superstar glow remained dormant and unseen all because I kept hoping other people would switch it on for me.

Miss Perfect No More!

When you decide that you’re powerful enough to create the reality you desire, the next thing to do is commit to it. Don’t get good right away, just get done! Let go of the whole idea of perfection.

Perfectionism is just not a thing anymore. If you let perfectionism stop you from creating, that’s not something that you should be proud of. If you freeze at the idea of doing something without errors on your first try, you would probably freeze until the end.

Allow yourself to make mistakes and take risks. Some plans work and some do not, and either way is fine. You have to feel okay with failing because nobody really “wins” their way to success. We all “fail” our way to success, don’t we?

Celebrate what worked and learn from what didn’t. The spirit of perfectionism is a mindset that no human should ever embrace – it’s a pitfall for possibilities that may only come true if you go through failures.

You Are Enough

Things will always work out for you because you are enough. There might be days when you’ll need to apologize or take responsibility for unintended faults. But in no circumstance are you going to blame yourself for falling and stumbling. Just own it, fix it, and move on!

I am a work in progress for this, too. But I have turned myself into a much better version of myself compared to years back. I’m through with playing the victim – you can stop victimhood for yourself as well!

Princess Diana knew she was destined for great things way before she met Prince Charles. In a concert we just attended, Michael Buble mentioned that he knew he was meant for more incredible things since he was six years old. That sparked a little worry in me – I don’t remember being six years old and thinking that I was meant to be so much more.

And I realized right there that I denied myself that superstar glow, the way YOU might be depriving yourself of that superstar glow. And that glow does not require you to be the best of something before you can feel it. That superstar glow only requires you to know and believe that you’re good enough

Connect to Your Divine Superpower

Don’t wait for anybody else to permit you to stand in your imperfect perfections. You are powerful enough to live the life that you desire. As women, we are divinely designed to create. Nobody can give you that feeling of enoughness, because the only person who can do that is you!

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