Serving From an Overflowing Cup

When was the last time you gave yourself permission to be first? I was guilty of believing that shunning myself for the sake of serving others was the best way to live. But this kind of mindset can be self-destructive in the long run! Stop filling your cup for others! Fill your cup so much that it overflows – then serve from the overflow!

Discover a fascinating way to get the very best of both worlds: living for others while living for yourself. When you practice miracle mornings and self-care routines, you are putting your best foot forward each day; not giving them an exhausted, burnt-out version of you. 

Stop Filling Your Cup for Others

Never forget that everyone has their own cup, and the cup in your hands is for no one else but yourself. Fill it up for no one else but yourself. Now, I know what you might be thinking… “Isn’t that the most selfish thing ever?

Society tells us the noblest way to live is to love others. I believe that’s true. But I also think we need to rethink the way it’s done. We need to erase the mentality that we need to be the ones to fill other people’s cups.

Self-Care Is a Requirement 

The key to breaking this daunting cycle? Self-care!

It’s not selfish to take care of yourself first. Fill your cup so much that you can serve others from the overflow. Never deplete it to the point where you have nothing because you never took care of yourself!. I remember being in a challenging situation in my life when I worked so hard and pampered myself too little. It’s almost normal to do this because society tells us that the busier we are, the more important we are.

That’s a big lie.

You see, the busier we are, the more frustrated we get. The busier we are, the more exhausted we get. The busier we are, the more susceptible we are to snap at others and forget ourselves.

And when we snap at others or disregard ourselves, we realize that all the hustle and bustle of “forgetting oneself for others” becomes a curse – no one benefits from it. Not you, and not the people around you. No one benefits from a burnt-out version of yourself.

Start Your Day Effectively

So how do you release that “best version” of yourself? Start by starting the day right! 

We all have different preferences, but let me share strategies that worked for me. This may sound like “more stuff to do”; but this is not about doing, it’s about being – the state where the empowered feminine thrives!

The secret is claiming your early mornings and giving them to yourself. For those who think I’m a natural morning person, you’re mistaken. I used to hate waking up early, and many people probably prefer sleeping in. Loving mornings does not come naturally. It requires training.

When I started, it was not a fun journey. I was not fond of early mornings, and there were times I fell right back to sleep. But believe me when I say that it gets easier in time. It gets to the point that you look forward to it, and even crave it! 

Never forget this: you are not training yourself to sleep less. You are training yourself to create boundaries at night and sleep at a proper time so you get enough rest.

Empowered Feminine Morning Routine

The quiet hours are gold. It doesn’t have to be an hour, an extra 15 minutes for yourself will help you shape your entire day. It makes a huge difference compared to waking up at 7:10 AM, and your kids are awake by 7:00 AM! That space you create for yourself is crucial.

Once you have established a time for yourself, you can create a routine that will help you set up for success for the day. I do four things to start the day’s journey: Read, write, meditate, and move. Sometimes I switch the order, except for the “move” part, which is masculine, as it refers to my workout routine. Always start with your feminine. If you do, you will find that your day is filled with gratitude and positivity. 

Reading is different for everyone, but in my case, I usually turn to Scriptures. Get the book that feeds your soul and uplifts you. It could be a self-help book, the Bible, or even a biography of someone you look up to!

The writing part is not complicated. Sit down and think of the things you’re thankful for on that day. Is it your husband’s birthday? Write down why you feel so blessed to have him. Are you expecting a parcel today? Write down why you’re excited about it. It doesn’t have to be based on anything grand or rare; it just has to be authentic.

Meditations are key. This is how you connect yourself to your day. Listen to some soothing meditation music and embody whatever value you need on that day. Is it patience? Strength? Beauty? Self-love? This is the part where you define what you need at the moment and use it as your aura for the day!

Put Yourself First

You don’t have to feel torn between trying to be a phenomenal mother and a phenomenal businesswoman. There’s no reason to feel torn because you don’t have to choose! Start your day right, create a morning routine that will direct your entire day, and you will see that there are ways to spend your days productively without feeling drained.

Set your intention to have better patterns while having fun. Change how your mornings look,  and you’ll never want the old ways again. My own life is my testimony.

I hope this helped you as much as I hoped it would. Don’t forget to share your experience with me because I never get tired of hearing about the progress you’re achieving, no matter how small or big. Always remember, prosperity becomes you!

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for three days! 

We will hang out in the Success without Struggle Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Success without Struggle Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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