How to Dissolve Self-Doubt Forever & Build Self-Confidence

Self-doubt makes us look at issues and opportunities as if they’re a level 10 situation, and we’re just a level 3 person who doesn’t have the ability to meet that challenge or opportunity head-on. Dissolving self-doubt is the first step to take to ensure joy on your journey.

When I first started my business, I lived and breathed self-doubt. It’s an exhausting state to live in! It took some serious inner game transformation for me to get to a place of confidence.

Today, I want to share the way I got out of second-guessing and constantly going back and forth on any decision. I’ll also share some really powerful, yet practical techniques that you can do to quickly dissolve self-doubt. Let’s dive in!

This Is What Self-Doubt Looks Like

Now I am intimately acquainted with self-doubt. When I first started my business, I lived and breathed self-doubt.

Not only is this exhausting, but it makes it very, very difficult to create any kind of a reality that you want. When you’re constantly doubting yourself, everything seems too big for you.  

Self-doubt also makes us live in constant fear that we’re going to make the wrong choice. And because of that fear, we don’t allow ourselves to make mistakes. This in itself is the worst mistake we can make—failures are there to teach us important lessons.

It all happens because we don’t trust ourselves, we don’t trust our process, and we don’t trust God. 

This is the state I was living in for years. Self-doubt made me overcompensate in every area of my life. I always felt I was failing my kids and I was a massive people-pleaser to my clients. 

For example, if I saw something my client didn’t, I would be wary to tell them because I was afraid to offend. I showed up with the greatest amount of integrity that I could, but I would always ask myself: “Was that enough? Did I do enough? Am I enough?

When I would look at new opportunities, I viewed it as a level 10 challenge and myself as a level three person. Even my dreams felt bigger than me.

Stay with me here—our dreams should be bigger than us. But if we don’t feel we can eventually reach them, that’s the problem. We are defeated before we even start. 

Another issue that arises with self-doubt is comparison. When you doubt yourself, you start comparing your weaknesses with somebody else’s strengths. You even go as far as to compare your starting place thinking that it’s somebody else’s starting place as well. 

In one of the first business groups that I was in, there was another woman who was killing it in our industry. She was also brand new to entrepreneurship, but she was already making five figures a month. I thought to myself: “Look at that, she’s doing the same thing I’m doing, I should be able to do that, too.” 

I felt we were starting at the same place, and we weren’t. She had a much larger wealth consciousness than I had at the time. She was used to large amounts of money coming to her quickly, but I hadn’t had that experience yet. I still ran the belief system that money was hard to make and life showed up for me in that way. 

It was tormenting to constantly think: “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I do that?” There was just no way to win because I was in a constant state of judgment of myself. All that anxiousness is simply not worth it. We got to stop with the self-doubt. 

Decide That Everything Is Happening for You, Not To You

So, how do we overcome self-doubt? The first thing to do is to decide that whatever is showing up for you is there because you’re ready for it. 

If you’re presented with a level 10 problem, it’s there because it will help you get to the next level. Ultimately, it will help you experience more joy. All of our circumstances are here so that we can increase our capacity to feel more joy. 

The more catastrophic the situation is, the greater the potential for joy. When you make this decision, it makes life so much easier. Your mindset now works for you instead of against you, and you can flow through the entire process. 

This works the same way with opportunities. Sometimes we’re offered something amazing but we decline because we don’t think we can do it. We just need one more certification, or a degree, or another course. But the fact is, those opportunities come because you are at a frequency that is a match to those opportunities. 

Perfectionism Is Not Your Friend

One of the best ways to dissolve self-doubt is to stop demanding perfection from ourselves and others. We take so much pressure off our backs when we realize that the world won’t fall apart if we don’t live up to our impossible standards.  

Be aware of any thought that comes that makes you feel like you’re less than. In addition to perfectionism, I also found that panic can exacerbate self-doubt. This happens when you imagine the worst-case scenario and become anxious before anything even happens. 

There’s an exercise I use when I get in this state. With questions like: “What if this doesn’t work? What if I fail again? What if I lose it all?” start swarming in, I try not to ignore them. Ignoring them leads to more anguish. Instead, I answer these questions. 

There are times when your mind is being ridiculous, and you just have to put a stop to it. What if I can’t pay my heating bill? Well then, we’ll wear jackets and get more blankets. Answer these questions from a position of authority, confidence, and certainty. 

When you do that, it calms the fears down and allows the self-doubt to dissolve. Even better, it allows you to grow your self-confidence and your trust in yourself. You’re trusting God, you’re trusting the process. 

My Favorite Exercise To Help You Dissolve Self-Doubt

Pull out a piece of paper and just write down what your biggest challenges and opportunities are right now. And I want you to look at that and then just say out loud: “This is a level three issue and I’m a level 10 person. This is here because I’m ready for it. This is here because I can handle it.” 

Say that over and over again, between five and 10 times. You’re not looking for a solution. You’re declaring and claiming who you are relative to whatever life is handing you. It’s one of the most empowering things that you can do to dissolve self-doubt right from the get-go. It will help you open up to the nudges, inspiration, revelation, and support. Everything is there for you, just waiting for you to claim your power.

As always, I’d be so grateful and honored to hear from YOU. Let me know how this advice helped you and what your major takeaways were! 

Either subscribe and leave a rating and review or send me a DM on Instagram.

And if you want other exercises that will help you get to the next level, get out from under doubt and overwhelm, and break free to live a life you love, get my FREE Prosperity Guide: 52 Ways to Release Fear & Money Blocks to Create Success Without Struggle.

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