Closing the Gap Between Knowing and Having

Let’s find out how to go from “knowing” how to be prosperous and actually “having” prosperity. Today I share the inner game you need to play to close that gap and experience success without struggle.

For the longest time, I knew what I should do—I read all the books and listened to all the mentors. But, no matter what I knew, the “how” was still unreachable.

I just couldn’t figure out how to apply that knowledge, and I know that’s a frustration for so many of you. 

So, today, I share the inner game strategy I used to get to the next level, the 5 steps that will jumpstart your life, and a great exercise to help you take that first step, today.

This Is Why Things Are Not Working, Even if You Have All the Tools

We listen to podcasts, we go to seminars, we read books on business development, we read all of these books about growth. We got to a point where we just have to ask: “OK, I know all this, but why isn’t it working for me?”

I had that same question, for so long. What I realized is there’s a big difference between knowing and having. This is where the frustration sneaks in! 

We all get so tangled up trying to figure out the how. It comes to a point where you just want someone to tell you exactly what to do and you would do it!

No one would describe a financial freefall as a pleasant experience, yet it was necessary for me. I tried everything—and I mean everything, to make our situation work. And I kept hearing was: “Let go, let go.” But, how do you let go? I was afraid everything would fall apart. 

It was only when I came to a point where absolutely nothing was working, that the only thing left to do was to let go. I just let things take their natural course.

There was a very profound shift for me. I found that I was no longer focused on success or my business, I just wanted to feel better.

Shift Your Focus From Being Successful to Just Feeling Better 

So, I started listening to this one song, Over the Rainbow. Life became very simple. It was no longer about the result, it was about how I wanted to feel from one moment to the next. 

In doing that, I shifted from “doing” into “being.” What I found then, and what I teach now: your actions are going to reflect who you are in the moment. We’re thought to grind ourselves into dust, and I was just exhausted by that. More than that, it just wasn’t working.

When I started asking myself: “Who do I want to be in this moment?”, a new type of inspiration came through. This state of just being in the moment leads to inspired doing. And let me tell you, inspired action beats busy action, every single day.

These Are the 5 Steps I Used to Move Forward

Letting go helped me move in the right direction. But I didn’t want to have unconscious success. I wanted to reverse-engineer this thing so I can rinse and repeat. These are the five steps that lead me to manifesting my miracle:

1. Get really clear on how you want to feel

If you’re not sure what you want yet, you definitely know how you want to feel. This is what you need to focus on. Personally, I just wanted to feel good. Your feeling might be peace, support, comfort, contentment, satisfaction or joy. Just pick something that resonates with you and focus on that

2. Keep it simple

Too often in our society simple is discounted. But Da Vinci said simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. And I rather like that philosophy. That’s what I subscribe to, and I recommend that you make it really simple about how you want to feel.

3. Lay down the struggle

You’re probably wondering, just like I was, what exactly needs to be done to lay down the struggle. First and foremost, you have to stop fighting your circumstances. You don’t need anybody’s permission to stop fighting. If you’re in a tug of war, the way that you stop the tug of war is by letting go of the rope.

And then boom, the struggle ends. When you let the circumstances play out how they’re going to play out, you stop being judgmental, you stop feeling victimized, and you stop blaming yourself and others. 

When you stop fighting what is and you start looking around you and develop gratitude for all the things you do have, well, it’s not going to be very long before you start having money in the bank. 

4. Do things to connect with the feeling that you’re after

So, how do you make yourself feel the thing you want to feel? Start with this: you’ve already felt peace. You already felt joy. You already felt good. There’s a lot to work with here. 

For me, it was just kind of a game I played. I remember I did this with that song, I would listen to it for three minutes at a time. And then six minutes, and then I would listen to it again. I was trying to stretch that feeling and at the beginning, it was just a couple of minutes a day. But the more connected with it through different, small activities throughout the day, the more it will last.

5. Give yourself compassion

Be gentle with yourself and lay down the judgment. We need massive awareness with zero judgment. Here’s what I know, after having spent the last 20 years working with people: we are all doing the best we can with the knowledge and the tools that we have. That’s the truth of it. 

We don’t have time to spend in despair and doubt. It’s not necessary and that’s not going to lend to our growth. Give yourself the same level of understanding and compassion you give to your friends. 

A Simple Exercise to Get You Started

Now that we’ve gone through these five steps, I want to give you a really powerful and simple exercise. Pull out a piece of paper or your Notes app and just write down the emotion that you want to feel most of the time. 

Whatever that is, whatever comes to mind. Then, just make the decision that you’re going to feel that emotion one time today. That’s it.

Don’t forget to celebrate every success and every little victory. And remember, you can use these steps whether you’re at rock bottom or looking to jump to the next level. 

I hope this was helpful to you. If you want other exercises that will help you stop worrying about money, get out from under doubt and overwhelm, and break free to live a life you love, get my FREE Prosperity Guide: 52 Ways to Release Fear & Money Blocks to Create Success Without Struggle.

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