How Jealousy Kinks Up Your Miracle

My husband Jeremy is a great manifester. Right now he’s working on a nano saltwater tank, which is a smaller, 21 gallon tank. For those saltwater fish enthusiasts out there, this is an expensive hobby, even with a small tank like he has.

For the last two months Jeremy has had his eye on a coral that costs $100. But he’s had an algae problem which has required expenses he didn’t plan on, which has cut into his saltwater budget. (Ever tried to save for a trip? Isn’t that when things seem to break down more than normal?)

Last weekend when he was at the fish store, he told the owner he’d had his eye on that coral for months but things kept coming up that prevented him from getting it. The owner told him he’d sell it to him for $60! And though that’s a fabulous discount, it was still above his budget right now.

Enter one wife. (Me.)

Father’s Day in the United States is this Sunday. I had no idea what to get for him this year. Until he told me about this coral. Within an hour he had his coral, I had Father’s Day taken care of, and everyone was happy.

As we were driving home from the fish store Jeremy told me how he’d thought before that it would be really cool when he got the coral if the owner would knock twenty bucks off the price. Not only did the owner double that, but because this was a Father’s Day gift, it didn’t dip into his fish tank budget at all! (There’s another lesson in that: many times we think too small, when God is more than happy to give you big things.)

At one time in my life this would have made me really jealous. Our whole married life he’s been better at manifesting than me, and he doesn’t even try to do it! But I’ve learned that jealousy sends out a signal of “you have something I don’t have and I want it” and that actually kinks up the energy of being able to receive it. When you can see someone else’s success for what it really is–a sign that whatever it is you want in your life is literally all around you–you will realize that if you can see it in someone else it will also happen to you!

This will help you to really celebrate when other people have success or experience abundance, knowing that you’re that much closer to being able to experience it for yourself. It will help you to be patient, look for things that are going well in your life, and keep your faith and excitement high in the miracle you want to create.

And that’s when you’ll start making miracles!

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