Where Is Your Tomorrowland?

Last week my family and I went to see Disney’s new movie Tomorrowland. In one of the first scenes the main character is talking to her father. He’s about to lose his job and is, naturally, pretty despondent. She tells him, “Two wolves are always fighting. One wolf is darkness and despair; the other wolf is hope and optimism. Which wolf wins?” Her father replies, “The one you feed.”

Our entire future is shaped around which wolf we feed as well. We’re programmed to be fearful, to live in a lack or even poverty mindset, to always be careful and cautious, to think, think, think! But which wolf does that feed?

Miracles can come into our lives even when we’re feeding the wolf of worry. Transformation can’t. Miracles aren’t dependent so much on where we live in our minds. Our mindset is crucial to transformation. Miracles don’t always lead to transformation; but transformation will always lead to bigger and bigger miracles.

Transformation absolutely depends on the wolf we feed.

You build your Tomorrowland today, not tomorrow! With every thought or idea you play with or toss aside, you are shaping your Tomorrowland. It’s that simple. At times we get so caught up in our circumstances we mindlessly and chronically toss food at the wolf of despair. And sometimes it’s too much of a stretch to even think about feeding the wolf of hope. But the only thing we always have control over is our thoughts. If you can’t feed the wolf of optimism, at least don’t feed the wolf of despair! You do this by going into self-love during those times where holding onto joy is just too much of a stretch. We all have these days, including myself and other teachers of transformation.

Do something that makes you feel nurtured,whether it’s buying flowers, taking a bubble bath, reading a great book that lights you up, watching a fun tv show that makes you laugh, enjoying a 20 minute walk, listening to uplifting music or being with people who fill you with love. I have a student in Miracle Academy who got some bath crayons and started writing affirmations on the walls, love notes to her husband on the mirror and reminders of the universal law she’s working to master right now. What a brilliant idea! It’s full of fun and play, and touches that side of us that as adults we neglect far too often: the playful side of us. She’s feeding the wolf of optimism and building an incredible Tomorrowland for herself by doing this.

Your Tomorrowland is built entirely by you, regardless of your circumstances today. Every brick you lay and building you construct there is fortified by you. Are you designing a Tomorrowland of desolation, or of transformation? If it needs to be bulldozed, then bulldoze it! Scrap those blueprints if they have worry weaved into them and choose to create new blueprints of power and delight. Your Tomorrowland is right inside of you.

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