Are you ready to turn pro?

I’m in beautiful La Jolla this week, staying at the Marriott hotel for my business mentor’s 3 day event called The Zone Event. The weather! The atmosphere! The energy in that room every day is intoxicating in its ability to inspire, uplift and encourage.

And, thanks to my fabulous clients and their friends, I was the top client in Shanda’s client contest! I spent an incredible two hours with her in a small group setting, where she turned my dreams upside down and made them bigger than me!

Have you ever had a dream that was too big for you? Did it scare you? Good! That means you’re on the right track. Our dreams are meant for us to grow into them. Otherwise they’re simply ‘to do’ tasks. In order to reach our loftiest dreams, it requires a price. We must be willing to give up being an amateur and turn pro. What does that mean? I’ll be diving into that over the next several blogs, but for now, it means that you START.

Start where you’re at and take a step toward your dream. and if that looks like doing some research or writing a vision statement today, so be it. But do SOMETHING. If you keep thinking that it’s time, you are absolutely right. And if you think that you can’t do it, you are also absolutely right.

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