Mind your own business

“You’ll stop worrying about what other people think of you as soon as you realize how little they do.”

Like most people, I used to really worry about what others thought of me. It wasn’t until about a year ago, honestly, that I finally let go of that. You really have zero control over what people think of you, and their opinion of you is theirs to have, not yours to manipulate. What you can control is your reaction to what they think about you. And I suggest your reaction being: who cares?!

The moment I let go of the fear of other people’s judgment was the moment I felt my true, authentic self step forward. It was a heavy energy I’d carried around with me for my entire life, that served no purpose other than to make me play small. Those who don’t approve of me don’t need to be in my life. It’s as simple and freeing as that.

What an incredible weight lifted off my shoulders as soon as I let that go! It is really the most liberating feeling when you honestly don’t care what other people think of you. When I realized that the only validation and permission I needed was my own and God’s, an entire new world of possibility and adventure opened up to me! And I could help so many more people when I was no longer afraid to open my mouth and share my knowledge.

It’s really okay that not everyone likes you. Chances are, they won’t resonate with you either, so you’re not missing out on anything! “Bless and release” are words I live by now, and they will change your life!

Please comment below if this post resonated with you. How did you get out from under the weight of others’ opinions of you?

24 thoughts on “Mind your own business”

  1. Allyson, you have expressed this issue so well. We probably all worry what others think, at lease every now and then, which then limits what we can accomplish. I love, “Bless and release.” Just bless everyone and release them to think what they want. My allegiance is to God and my family, to live a life that adds value to others and the world. Whether that meets the standards of others is not my concern, or shouldn’t be. Thanks for the reminder. Love your blog!

  2. Hey Allyson!
    This is a phenomenal reminder! And I would believe that most people stubble with this at one time or another in their life..and perhaps some never overcome it..Until they meet people like you! 🙂
    But as I have been there before, the thing I remind myself is, and what I will remind myself to think of others when they frustrate me, is that We are doing the best we can. I don’t believe I have ever met anyone is isn’t trying to be better.
    And I tell myself I am awesome! haha! that helps too!

    Valuable Article Allyson. Thank You!

  3. Great article and title Allyson Chavez, excellent writing, keep giving us great content. 🙂

  4. Love this – I too have been one to worry WAY TO MUCH about what others think…sometimes I find myself creeping into those old habits of worry..love this “that served no purpose other than to make me play small. ” Darn right Allyson – we were born to PLAY BIG!

  5. Great post Allyson – I have really taken this lesson to heart the last couple years. The only person who really matters is ME and how much I love myself. I have no control over anyone else 🙂

  6. That’s such a great lesson to really internalize, isn’t it Susan? It makes it safe to be authentic!

  7. You got it, Colin! Go big or go home is my mantra these days. We’re here to do HUGE things–it’s time to get to it!

  8. Thanks so much for the reminder, Shanelle. I think you’re right: we’re all trying to do the best we have with what we’ve got. And you ARE awesome!

  9. Thanks so much for your positive feedback, Deanna! You’re making a big splash too. I’m so glad you enjoyed the blog!

  10. Love it Allyson! So true! I realized years ago at the gym when I had been worried about the guys thinking the small weights I was lifting were ridiculous that they were far more interested in looking at themselves in the mirrors to notice what I was doing. And it really clicked that people think about us far less than we think! 🙂

  11. Allyson, I can so relate with this. I remind myself often to mind my own vibration & allow those that are not in vibrational harmony with me to drift away. I let them be them & me be me. It is so freeing when you allow & accept yourself for who you are & not care what others think. What others think of me is none of my business except when they think good stuff! Haha!

  12. That’s so funny, Julie! It takes so much pressure off when we realize that others really don’t think about us much at all.

  13. That’s right, Judy! When I respect others and their processes, it makes it easier to accept my own process, and to let go of any outcome. I love that feeling of freedom!

  14. Very true! I learned the hard way that not everyone is going to like me and that’s okay. I just have to focus on being my best self and aligning myself with the people who I resonate with most. When I do that, there’s no need to fear.

  15. I am so glad you wrote this. Just what I have been thinking for so many years. That everyone else was better than me. And, I was afraid to express my true feelings. Thanks for “Bless and release “.

  16. Thanks so much for your comment, Ellie. I think a lot of times we get caught up in comparing our weaknesses to another person’s strengths. Your feelings are just as valid as anyone else’s. “Bless and release” has served me well–I’m so glad it helped you!

  17. I have chills after radeing this. Allyson is my sister-in-law she sent me a link to this to read. I can see her doing this, this is why I love her bent down with her cute little red cold face. I love her. Give her a kiss from her Pennsylvania sister next time you see her.

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