Take a deep breath… and scream!

Have you ever felt so wildly in love with life, so excited for the future and the delights that are coming your way, and so dazzled by the magic that surrounds you that you want to tip your head back, take a deep breath and just scream? No? Not so much lately? I feel you. But I discovered something that’s simple, quick and free that I wanted to share it with you.

Earlier this year I got pregnant unexpectedly. We already have 4 children, and our youngest is 7. We were done! Complete! I had big plans for my life, as my kids were all finally in school all day and I had a bit of free time. I wanted to launch a business, and felt guided and driven to do that. A baby simply did not fit in the mix. I was emotionally traumatized. My husband was my rock and allowed me my grieving process without judgment.
I finally got over myself and started picturing a baby in my life. We started buying baby things and told our younger children about the baby right after the first awful trimester. Two weeks later I  miscarried, hemorrhaged and took an ambulance ride to the emergency room. With a high deductible insurance plan I knew we’d be paying for this experience on our own.
And more grief settled in. I had just gotten used to the idea of a baby! And now I had no baby but still had a hospital bill to pay. I felt myself slowly spiraling into a depression, and had no interest in going there. So I pulled out a small notebook and started writing the things I was grateful for: We received excellent service by the EMTs and emergency staff at the hospital, and I was grateful for their knowledge and expertise in taking care of me. I wasn’t home when I hemorrhaged, so my kids didn’t have to experience the trauma of seeing Mom pass out and collapse and watch the ambulance take her away. I was SO grateful for that. I didn’t lose so much blood that a transfusion or longer hospital stay was required, and that was good. And we had TONS of goodies and treats that the neighbors, family and friends dropped by. I also didn’t have to cook for a week,  and that is always appreciated.
As I listed these things I was grateful for, I literally felt my energy shift, my depression lift, and peace and gratitude settle over me. It changed my entire perspective.
So take a notebook and start writing the little things that are going right for which you feel grateful. And then take a deep breath, tip your head back and scream in joy and gratitude. I promise you’ll literally feel the shift in your energy, and you’ll start to feel better.
What simple things do you do to get yourself out of a funk and into the magic that surrounds you? I’d love to swap ideas!

6 thoughts on “Take a deep breath… and scream!”

  1. That is such a powerful story! Thanks for sharing! I also like to tap into gratitude. I’ve found that it works best for me to go outside, find a quiet setting, and look at the beautiful things God has created, feel the wind, or listen to the sounds of nature. When I do so, I feel grateful that I am alive and can experience these things. I feel God’s love all around me. When I can’t go outside, I hole up in my bedroom 🙂 and pray or read inspiring things. Once I’m feeling God’s love, I can approach my difficulties with a new perspective.

  2. Oh, I love that visual Chelsea! Being outside, feeling the wind and listening to the sounds…that taps me into gratitude as well! Isn’t it amazing, the miracles that happen when we pull back a little, take stock of the wonderful things already around us, and feel grateful for them? Thanks so much for sharing that!

  3. I find music so uplifting. Singing in my choir makes me feel grateful and connected to others. The healing vibrations are so lovely and I am reminded to listen to others and blend my voice with theirs. Sometimes my part will have the melody, sometimes the harmony, and occasionally a rest. It is a great metaphor for life.

  4. I love that metaphor, Liz! I am also a singer, but had never thought of life in that context before. It’s beautiful!

  5. I look at each of my thoughts to see if they’re true, toss aside all untruths and integrate all truth. When I’m done sorting I find that despite what my circumstances look like on the outside, the truth is that God loves me and life is beautiful. I find that He is always offering me joy, and sometimes I need to empty myself of the garbage so that I have room to receive it.

  6. That is absolutely beautiful, Regina. Thank you so much for sharing that. I love the way you toss aside all untruths!

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