That's so crazy, it just might work!

2013 picAfter the roller coaster ride of the last three months putting together the Simply Abundant Summit, I can state with absolute confidence that this year I have experienced new levels of growth, abundance & blessings in my life than any other year previous! The hardest part of this experience–aside from my annoying ego who kept screaming at me that I couldn’t do this with any measure of success–was letting God do what I couldn’t.

I remember working so much getting in touch with experts, trying to keep things straight,  and hitting a wall where I was all tapped out of knowing who to contact.  I needed 21 experts and  still had 6 slots to fill! On a “whim” I emailed one of my experts and asked if she knew of anyone who would be a good fit for this summit. Then I backed away from the computer and let it be. An hour or so later I checked my messages, and not only had she listed 6 or 7 experts, she had also contacted them and introduced us! In fact, I had messages from them wanting to connect! I was so humbled by her graciousness in going the extra mile, and for these other experts who were willing to help me with my summit. I felt an invisible wall dissolve in front of me and a feeling come over me that I had passed that course. I had done everything I could do, and God stepped in to do the rest. In fact, I ended up with 24 experts on my summit!

So the trick to abundance (in my case, an abundance of fabulous experts) was to do all I could, and then back away and trust that it was enough.

What about you? What crazy thing have you done that has brought growth, abundance & blessings into your life? Comment below and let’s have a conversation!

15 thoughts on “That's so crazy, it just might work!”

  1. Trusting that GOD handles the rest can be challenging for some, but I have always believed GOD opens a way when we have full faith. Thank you for this article.

  2. What a great experience you had and all experts go through that. You are well on your way and I am very excited for you. I do the same thing as to just do what I can and trust in God and the process of taking action.

  3. That’s awesome! Sounds like you gained a great deal of confidence along the way! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I completely agree, Fabiola. I’ve struggled with getting to full faith at times, but know that God is there to take it the rest of the way!

  5. When I was stuck on someone 6 years ago, I let go and trusted that if we were meant to be together we would be, even if it couldn’t be at that time. I also trusted that the universe would bring the right person into my life, even if it wasn’t the person I thought and hoped it would be. That was a really big lesson for me. <3

  6. I love how you backed off & let the Universe do the work! And what fabulous results you got – thank you for sharing that story. I needed the reminder.

  7. The title of this alone made me want to read it. I think you’re so right on with what you’re sharing here. Thanks for giving me something to think about!

  8. Thanks Lynn! It’s the backing off that most of us tend to struggle with. I need the constant reminder myself!

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