What does Suffering actually look like?
Understand my reality of chaos and heartbreak - because there is hope for you in my transformation.
Broke Allyson did this before:
This is your formula for Success WITH Struggle
- Efforting myself into the ground
- KNEW I was getting in my way
- KNEW I was making it harder than it actually was
- knew I was a head case
- Frustrated and defeated
- Doubtful and second guessing
- Felt like a complete fraud
- Looked for answers outside of myself, to make me “enough” (programs, mentors, marketing teams, to the tune of $150,000)
- Confused more often than not
- Massive anxiety
- Victim and martyr
- “I know that.”
- Me + Peanut M&Ms = 4EVA
- Abject terror of failing and falling (nothing like 45 extra pounds on your butt to cushion your fall)
- Micromanaged the journey
- HATED the journey—I was powerless
- Do or DIE mentality
- Hanging off the side of a mountain by my fingernails, naked and exposed
- Felt bipolar and quasi-suicidal
- Why is this so freaking HARD?
- Scarcity approach talking to God

Results: Collapse of my business, $150,000 in debt, $1500 behind in the bills every month, 45 lbs overweight, couldn’t sleep, cried almost every day, got 2 more jobs to make ends meet, worked 50+ hours every week, hiding in pictures, woke up every morning thinking, “I don’t want to do this day.”
I KNEW what I needed to do—and I was doing it—so WHY wasn’t it working?
Success Without Struggle: The Experiment
Get out of your own way. Consistently hit your targets. Feel peace and joy as you go.

Do you want to hear about the experiment that transformed all of this?
I began a very simple experiment that, I had absolutely no idea at the time, would literally change everything. It would change our financial landscape forever. It would change my body.
It would change my relationships. And bring me closer to God than anything I could possibly imagine.
I decided I would take my family of 6 to Hawaii by the end of the year. I had no idea how. I didn’t care how. I just knew that’s what we were going to do. But I wasn’t going to effort myself into Hawaii. I wasn’t going to struggle with it in any way. My entire agenda consisted of ONE thing. PEACE. I on-boarded my family, had each of them pick one impossible thing they wanted to manifest by the end of the year, and we were going to do an experiment to see how close we could get to it. The whole goal was to get into the realm of possibilities, and feel good as we went along. And just follow the nudges that came.
Prosperous Allyson did this to change abominable failure to sustainable success:

Formula for Success WITHOUT Struggle
- Failure thoughts became intolerable
- Awareness with ZERO judgment
- Simple agenda: feel better
- Connected to God, my Higher Power
- Got clear on what I wanted and why
- Followed the nudges
- Let the circumstances BE—stopped fighting what was
- ONLY focused on changing ME
- started a family experiment, just to see
- Let’s just see what happens
I KNEW I’d cracked the code on manifesting with CERTAINTY.
I felt peace and joy along the way.
It was EASY!
Results: what showed up in my life in 3 months!

Hawaii for 6 within 3 months
(my experiment)

2 Yorkies
(my daughter’s experiment)

Every bill paid every month
(husband’s experiment)

Cool friend group
(my son’s experiment)