Author name: Allyson

Four Universal Laws to Get you Going

Everyone has their hard days, but then we also have extra hard ones – the days when nothing seems to work and you’re in a constant state of a tailspin. We tend to think that we’re finally reaching an ending, a doomsday, or a painful finale of a losing game.

These four universal laws are here to remind you that it’s not “the end” yet, but only a sticky middle part of the ride. Take it from me, practicing these laws made all the difference! Tune in to find out how you can get out of that difficult place and master how to keep doing it whenever the testing seasons come.

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Five Universal Laws That Make the Journey Beautiful

Before I ever understood any of the universal laws, life was more challenging than I could bear. But when I learned these laws, I finally understood what was wrong: Life wasn’t so hard, I was the one making it hard! I stumbled many times before, and my goal is never to let you go on that same path. You don’t have to struggle as much as I did. The good news? You won’t – as long as you follow the laws.

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Four Universal Laws That Can Transform Your Life

Universal laws are enormously powerful. They teach us the way to prosper and create a reality we desire. But to know them is one thing, and to truly understand them is another. In my decade of research about the universal laws, I have found that it’s helpful to categorize these laws into two: The laws to use when you’re just getting going, and the laws to use when everything is falling apart.

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The Thought Experiment that Changed Everything

f you’ve been listening to me for a while now, you probably already have an idea about the thought experiment that my family and I did years ago. It’s a simple formula that has only one agenda: to feel good while you manifest something that’s beyond my capacity to have. It worked unbelievably well for us, and I’m positive it will work for you, too.

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The Great Prosperity Experiment

When life is hard, we tend to become very practical to make ends meet. We embrace frugality to the point that we say no to everything we want so we stay on budget. I have been to that same place before and it was no fun. I was very tight about money to ensure our finances don’t fall apart, but it only led me to a state of deeper lack and scarcity.

Is practicality a good thing? For sure! But how practical is “too practical”?

In this episode, we talk about how the Prosperity Exercise can help you. You can flow through life without losing financial control and without losing that critical sense of prosperity. As I always say, the struggle is not necessary. Tune in to learn this life-changing exercise with me!

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It’s time to embrace your inner Obedient Rebel and stop playing by the rules that drain you. :star2:

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