Author name: Allyson

It's time to give up

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” John D. Rockefeller This quote describes the universal Law of Sacrifice in a nutshell. Unfortunately, most people have bad information concerning this law: thinking it means going without, suffering, or surrendering (read: giving up). No wonder people have such hang ups about […]

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Can't you see?

We hear the reports on a regular basis: the majority of the population is sick, broke, and unhappy. Yet we live in the richest, healthiest, most miraculous time in the earth’s history! Why does most of the population continue to see emotional, medical and financial poverty when abundance literally surrounds them? Why do YOU? Because

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I'm quitting

By nature I’m a mover and a shaker. I like to move quickly, finish projects and hit goals. You might call me an overachiever. For the past several months I’ve been training for a marathon, hosting a telesummit, writing articles, creating programs, newsletter and blog content, connecting with potential clients…and making very little progress. What

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It’s time to embrace your inner Obedient Rebel and stop playing by the rules that drain you. :star2:

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