Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach heaven God silent

When Heaven Goes Silent

This is a time in the history of the world when so much upheaval is going on – so much anger, hatred, fear, polarization all over the society. Sometimes we can’t help but ask ourselves, Is God anywhere in this? Why doesn’t He stop it?

Also, on the micro-level, there are periods when it feels like your prayers don’t even reach the ceiling, let alone go to Heaven. So, is it possible to get Heaven to open up, especially in such turbulent times?

I say YES! 

God actually talks to you in ways that are familiar to you. But, it’s quite easy to overlook His messages when you’re not looking for them and to feel like the Heavens are sealed.

Today we are going to talk about what happens when Heaven goes silent.

Tune in and learn what you can do to open up those communication channels with God again and how to recognize when He is speaking to you.

Let’s dive in!

When Life Is Rough

We asked why didn’t God do anything about these turbulent times… 

Well, it’s not that He won’t. It’s not even that He can’t (although God is subject to Universal laws, He is God, the one who created the laws), but sometimes His hands are tied behind His back because of the choices that people on Earth are making and the things they’re focusing on. 

When life is rough, we’re programmed to go into fear and survival. We have a knee-jerk reaction to everything, trying to get to the weekend or through whatever challenge we face. And many times, we are run by fear, doubt, and uncertainty. 

And then we’re like, “Where is God in all of this?” 

I actually experienced this firsthand. 

There was a time in my life when I was anxious, worried, and generally in massive monkey brain all the time. I was also very active – working both full time and part-time, working on my business, raising four children, trying to be everything to everyone… 

But my dominant thought was fear. Thinking about that now, I’m aware that I was looking for a rescue – I wanted God and Jesus to save me. And I was sincere in that. 

Do You Love Me?

I remember being at a training in that period. One of the exercises that we did was to find a quiet place in a room, ask God if He loved us, and see what answer we got. 

I prayed, Do you love me? I got the answer: Don’t ask a question you already know the answer to! That was not very kind, and I was pretty devastated. We all went back to the room and shared our experiences. Others mainly were thrilled, and I was trying to hold back tears. 

I thought a lot about that experience. I really don’t believe that God was talking to me at that time – it’s more likely that I got the answer that matched the vibration as I was on. 

God Is in the Details, Not the Devil

If you want to open up Heaven, you need to do specific things and apply a particular way of thinking for God to be able to get in. God is all-powerful, and He does huge miracles every day. 

But He wants us to tune to Him. His voice and the voice of the Spirit is quiet – it’s a whisper, a nudge, a prompting, an idea… So, He wants us to tune to the subtle, to the nuance. 

And there is nothing subtle or nuanced about fear or doubt, hatred or anger. Disasters scream out of us all the time. Even if you’re quiet, your energy’s really loud when you seethe, and people can feel that. 

I realized that I needed to get myself into a position where I could hear and feel God. It required me to decide that God was everywhere and that He did love me. And God was in the details, not the devil! 

He was in the details of my life, of what I was trying to accomplish and create. Of course, it didn’t mean I was perfect, or even close to that, but God knew that I was trying and that my heart was sincere and willing to make a difference for good. 

God Created the Sky for Me 

That was a decision that I had to make before I could feel God speaking to me. Then I had to start actively looking for God in all of the details of my life.

For example, I love clear blue skies. So one day, when I was outside, and the sky was crystal clear and so beautifully blue, I remember thinking, “God created this color for me because He knows how much I love blue.” 

I knew He also created it for billions of others of His children that He knew would enjoy it. But that didn’t diminish the fact that He created the clear blue sky for me because He knew it would bring me joy. And it made me feel closer to Him. 

You can try this yourself. What is your favorite color? Where do you see that color in your life? Start looking for your favorite color, and you’re gonna find it everywhere. But more importantly – look for that as evidence that God knows what you like and that He wants you to connect to those things.

This might sound dumb and too simple to work. But that’s why it does work! I started looking for God everywhere and reminding myself that God’s in the details. 

God Answers All of Your Prayers 

God actually communicates with you all the time. But it’s usually through other people that your prayers are answered. 

Have you ever had somebody just shoot you a text that made you feel supported? Has a meme or a GIF come across your desktop that just makes you smile? Has your mind ever gone like, Oh, I wish that was God talking to me? 

Guess what? 

That was literally God talking to you! He speaks in ways that are familiar to you and very simple. That’s why you easily overlook God’s messages. Now you may think, Oh, this is just Allyson’s imagination – believing that God communicates with her just makes her feel better… 

So what if it is just my imagination? It made me feel good, supported, and comforted. I felt connected to my higher power at that moment. I got a choice, and I chose to believe – that was a simple one!

When you have a choice, choose to believe, and your whole world will open up because it settles your spirit down. And you start tuning your spiritual ears and eyes and all of your intuitive gifts to a higher power that wants to communicate with you. 

But God can’t do it when you’re filled with fear, doubt, and second-guessing. Start opening up and say, Yes, I’m willing to receive messages any way that God wants to send them! And He will start sending them in wonderful, creative, and fun ways. 

Who Is Your God’s Messenger?

God talks to me through billboards, vanity plates, bumper stickers, memes, GIFs, or quotes that just come across right when I need them. That is one of the things that helps me feel so confident and supported in these uncertain, turbulent times. 

And what we all need in this world is more light and more certainty!

So, try that technique – start jotting down how God and angels communicate with you. That helped me, and I do believe that it will help you as well.

If you’d like extra support with this, join our free Facebook group – Success Without Struggle. It’s a powerful group of like-minded women who support, encourage, and uplift each other. 

Sometimes we get to be God’s voice – an answer to somebody’s prayer. As well as the Prosperity Approach podcast maybe is. And if that’s the case, I’m honored that I got to be God’s messenger for you today. 

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

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I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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