About Allyson

I am a prosperity transformation coach. My mission in life is to end struggle and bring joy to the worlds of one million women and men.

I am passionate about teaching ambitious, God-centered women and men how to get out of their own way so they can easily and consistently hit their targets, and also feel peace and joy as they go!

I developed Success Without Struggle: The Prosperity Approach because my own journey was filled with so much struggle I practically choked on it every day.
I started my online business in 2013, because I wanted to change my family tree from one filled with scarcity thinking and playing small, to prosperity thinking and playing HUGE! I wanted to make cool memories with my husband and our four children in exotic places around the world, and show them a better way to get to their dreams.

And so I began my hike.
By 2015 I’d built my company up to multiple six figures, bringing in about $25,000 a month. We’d never come close to making that kind of money! And for a while we did get to make those cool memories in fun places: Hawaii, Disney World, cross-country trips and road trips. We remodeled the house, bought new cars, and had fun buying things without having to look at the price tag.

But there was a dark side to success.

Building my business was SO HARD. It was SO SCARY.

I was terrified I would fail, and I showered in self-doubt all day every day, second guessed every idea I had, yearned for the weekends when I didn’t have to spend every waking moment working my business, and lived in the agony of overwhelm and “not enough.”

I was such a head case that I woke up at 2 am every morning with my guts twisted in anxiety thinking, “Oh NO! What have I done? I’ve created this lifestyle for my family…but what if I can’t maintain this? What if I can’t sustain this? WHAT IF WE LOSE IT ALL? What will we do?”

The worst part was, I was fully aware that I was a head case! I KNEW I was getting in my own way! I KNEW I was making it harder than it actually was. And I had no idea how to stop.

I micromanaged the journey, felt defeated before I even started, and hated my life, because I felt so powerless.

The belief that backed all the hard work I was putting into my business was that it was too big for me, and that I couldn’t handle it.

So, slowly but as surely as night follows day, my business began to collapse.
And no matter what I did—mentors, strategies, a marketing team, programs I implemented—nothing changed.

I continually felt like I was dangling off the side of a mountain, naked and exposed to the elements, and slipping more every day.

And then came the devastating fall.

By August of 2018, we were in financial ruin. We were $1500 behind in our bills every month. For the first time in our life we asked for food assistance from our church. My family stepped in and paid for new tires and the registration on our van.

My business was a joke. But the $150,000 of debt I’d racked up in the name of “success” was a stone cold sober fact.

And the 45 pounds I’d packed on since I’d started my business was less than funny, too. (Nothing like 45 pounds on your butt to cushion that fall!)
I told my husband Jeremy that my business made me bipolar and quasi-suicidal, and I couldn’t do it anymore.

So I back-burnered my business, got a job as a crossing guard, worked part-time and then full-time in the family business for my mother-in-law, and decided what I wanted most was to feel peaceful again.

(And I wanted to learn to manifest easily, dammit!)

I was done efforting myself into the ground.

Done with beating myself up when things didn’t pan out. I was exhausted by all the noise in my head…

I would no longer tolerate the voices in my head that told me to quit.

I refused to get stuck in the hidden quicksand called ”how”, or caught up in the brambles of doubt and disbelief again. I would not be consumed by my circumstances anymore. I DEMANDED a different experience from this hike. I just wanted to feel better emotionally. So I began a very simple experiment.

So I began a very simple experiment.

  • An experiment that, I had absolutely no idea at the time, would literally change everything.
  • It would change our financial landscape forever.
  • It would change my body.
  • It would change my relationships.
  • And bring me closer to God than anything I could possibly imagine.

I decided I would take my family of 6 to Hawaii by the end of the year.

  • I had no idea how.
  • I didn’t care how.
  • I just knew that’s what we were going to do.
  • But I wasn’t going to effort myself into Hawaii.
  • I wasn’t going to struggle with it in any way.
  • My entire agenda consisted of ONE thing.


I onboarded my family, had each of them pick one impossible thing they wanted to manifest by the end of the year, and we were going to do an experiment to see how close we could get to it. The whole goal was to get into the realm of possibilities, and feel good as we went along.

And just follow the nudges that came.

And within 4 months…
Every single one of us manifested what we wanted!

And it was easy! And fun! And peaceful! And joyful! And so deeply steeped in miracles there was no way I could deny God’s hand in every single part of it.
Imagine my relief! I had summitted the top of this mountain! The view was spectacular!

I had cracked the code to manifesting!
But… my business was still in ruins.
And I was still 45 pounds overweight.

The Experiment

I had to learn how to quickly and permanently change my beliefs.

So, early in 2019, I decided to make my business and my weight test subjects for the experiment.

I began what I thought would be the steepest hike of my life. I quickly learned that, even with all the incredible tools and supplies I had in my pack, in order to successfully summit this particular mountain I required one more tool:

  • I had to learn how to quickly and permanently change my beliefs. (I did that in March.)
  • I went from making $2,500 a month in my business in Feb (the biggest month I’d had in some time, BTW)… To making $15,000 two months later. And $25,000 the month following that. And $40,000 the next month!
  • All in all, I made $120,000 in my business in 5 months…

Just by doing the experiment and following the nudges.

  • And it was easy! Simple! And so much fun I couldn’t contain my enthusiasm.
  • And my weight?
    45 pounds GONE in just over 5 months.
  • And it was the easiest, most joyful and effortless way I’ve ever released weight in my entire life.
Along the way, as I continued change my beliefs and follow the nudges, I discovered something surprising:

Manifest with Ease & Joy

Summiting the manifesting mountain is fun, but quantum leaping is whole lot more exhilarating!

I was manifesting things and experiences I wanted at lightning fast speed!

I was no longer afraid of falling. I could easily see cliffs that I’d blindly walked off before, and just steer clear of them. The path was smooth and easy to walk, no longer littered with the pebbles of doubt, the pits of lack or the brambles of disbelief. And no quicksand of “how”, either!

And without those things tripping me up, I could not only summit faster, I could quantum leap from one mountain to the next!

This I found from personal experience: Summiting the manifesting mountain is fun, but quantum leaping is whole lot more exhilarating!

I also learned that no one can successfully summit their mountain without a guide. And most guides in the personal development world just yell at you from the top of the mountain.

Now its time for your experiment

Brace yourself for the exhilaration of a lifetime!

I prefer to hike the mountain with you.

I have a higher vantage point than you do, simply because I’ve already been on the side of the mountain you’re currently tangled up in. I love rappelling down, untangling you from the brambles or pulling you out of the quicksand, refocusing your direction, and hiking with you for as long as you need me. (That’s what my group program is all about.)

So I invite you to share your hike with me.

If you prefer the gentler slope as you Rise Up your mountain… (which is what I offer in my Rise Up Group Mentoring program)
Or you want to be tethered to me as we thrill in the exhilaration of Ascending to the top and then Quantum Leaping to your next mountain… (which is what I do in my private mentorship, and is not for the faint of heart!)

I’ll hike with you!
Allyson Before

The Experiment

See how Allyson transformed $150,000 of business debt, along with devastating emotional turmoil into a thriving multiple six figure business!

Rise Up
Group Mentoring

Take advantage of the power of a group as your learn to ascend your own mountain peaks! Discover simple laws to manifest and overcome obstacles.

Quantum Leap
Private Mentoring

If you are ready to skip the climbing and go straight to bending time and space, this private mentoring is for you! Learn more about exponential growth.

You're one step away!

Break Free from hustle.
Quantum Leap Into Your Next Level.



It’s time to embrace your inner Obedient Rebel and stop playing by the rules that drain you. :star2:

Grab access to The Art of Quantum Leaping—a FREE audio series and PDF playbook designed to help you rewrite your story, tap into your true power, and step into the life you’ve been craving.


Your next chapter is waiting.

Let’s Quantum Leap into alignment, purpose, and effortless growth.


Sign up now to start your Quantum Leap today!