speak things into existence, Allyson Chavez, Prosperity Approach

How to Speak Your Desires Into Existence

Oh, not again! I thought I was over this! Why am I back here? Seems familiar? I bet it does, especially in this uncertain time when most of us are addicted to the drama of insane events happening both here and globally. 

Over the last year, I’ve allowed myself to be swept away into the current and the waves of the day until I’ve realized I feel like I’m back where I was four years ago. And back then, everything was falling apart, so I’m not willing to experience that again. 

So I’ve decided to get back to the basics and start inviting things I want into my life instead of accepting those given by the circumstances. I’ve begun reminding myself that I don’t have to wait for the circumstances to change. 

We have the power to change our vibration, and then our circumstances will change to reflect those vibrations. That’s the law, and it always works. But we easily forget that and allow ourselves to get overwhelmed by the drama of the world because we’re conditioned to do that. 

One of the ways to change our vibrations is to pay attention to what we’re talking about during the day. Words are a powerful tool of creation – if we believe them, we can speak our desires into existence. 

And this is exactly the topic of this episode.

So join me and find out why you should be choosy about what you talk about and how to speak whatever you want into existence, even in this uncertain time.

Let’s dive in!

Why Am I Back Here?

I bet many of you have asked this question many times. But the good news is when we’re experiencing patterns and feeling like we’re back in the past – you’re not back there at all! Actually, you can’t go back there because you’re not the same person.

  • You have a greater understanding
  • You’re in a different vibration
  • You have greater wisdom

Then why it feels very familiar? Because there is no staircase of growth. It’s more like a spiral or a corkscrew. So sliding up the spiral to success, we can be several rungs higher than we were a year ago but feel pretty similar because we’re on the same part of it.

However, you’re not at the same place – it only means there’s some more cleanup to do. So, instead of feeling defeated and frustrated, you should celebrate because you’ll clean it up faster and more easily as you continue to progress. 

(I just wanted to make this thing about patterns clear before we dive into the idea of invitations.)

So, it’s time to ask ourselves what experiences we invite into our lives each day through what we talk about. If you’ve ever paid attention, you could notice this yourself – words are soo powerful when you believe them. 

If we invite ourselves to feel overwhelmed by our thoughts and what we’re talking about every day, we invite that experience because energy is contagious. Both positive and negative.

However, negative energy is a lot easier to pick up than positive one because of conditioning. For thousands of years, the masses have been held down in fear. And the reason is simple – it’s much easier to control a large population if they’re in fear rather than being empowered. 

Your Energy Is Contagious

And your own energy is very contagious. That’s why you need to be really conscious about what you’re talking about and thinking about. Because you speak your life into existence if you believe the words that you’re saying. 

It’s not enough just to speak about something. Have you noticed that many people who are burned out or frustrated (or struggling in any other way) say things like: “Oh, I live in ease and flow…” but they don’t believe that at all. 

Instead, they’re just pushing all the time and in the mood like, “I can’t take a break because everything relies on me, and if I stopped for two minutes, it would come crashing down around me.”

Been there, done that. 

And got out of there, using some proven methods and techniques. So what should we do in such situations? We should start thinking of some things that make us feel uplifted and that we want to invite into our lives, like:

  • I’m powerful
  • I am capable. 
  • God is exceeding my expectations.
  • I am equipped.

A lot of people will call these declarations or affirmations. However, the term “declaration” feels very masculine (It sounds to me like, “This is how it IS!”), and “affirmation” is rather dry to me. I really like the feminine term “invitation” instead. 

For me, “invitation”  reflects the principle of, “What do I want to speak into my life that I can really get behind and say ‘Yes, I believe that, to a certain extent’?” 

Speak Your Desires Into Existence

For instance, I love saying that God is exceeding my expectations. I like to remind myself of that, not trying to convince myself it’s true when I’m not feeling it. And I’ve started saying all these invitations I want to invite in my life, looking at myself in the mirror. 

And it’s been amazing!

Has anything dramatically changed in my circumstances? No! But I don’t need to wait to feel patient, certain, and secure for circumstances to change (which is what all the politicians want us to do, so that we’re in fear, constantly reaching out for somebody else to save us). 

I know I just need to change my vibration. And then, my circumstances have to change to reflect my vibration. Because circumstances are the physical manifestation and whatever we’re calibrated to. 

So, that’s what I’m going to tell you to do as well. Make a list of what you want to invite into your life. What do you want to experience today – power, grace, relaxation? List that, think about that, speak about that, believe what you talk about… and wait to see the change.

I’m Giving You Certainty

However, if you are having a hard time with this, you’re not alone. Let’s link arms together in a free online masterclass that I’m teaching all about certainty and sharing three steps to get into certainty even in the midst of this uncertain time. 

If I could give you one gift and one gift only, it would be certainty. And I’m willing to do that. So click on the link, and I’ll see you soon.

Join our FREE masterclass, 3 Steps to Live In Certainty in this Uncertain Time to learn how to speak things into existence.

Book a free consult call with Team Prosperity, and let us help you on your prosperity journey.

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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