execution, experience, Allyson Chavez, Prosperity Approach

Execution vs. Experience (Differentiators Between Masculine & Feminine Energy)

Hi Prosperity Seeker, 

Today we’re going to dive into masculine and feminine energy. I know I talk a lot about that, but it’s such a deep topic with so many aspects that no matter how often you get back to it, you can always learn something new. At least I can. 

Actually, I’ve found that understanding masculine and feminine energy was one of the three keys that turned the locks about four years ago and opened all of the doors for prosperity to just come raining down on me.

Even now, when I’m out of the struggle I was stuck in, I’m continually diving into this topic. And I always learn something new about balancing feminine and masculine energies and recognizing when I’m in too much masculine (or even too much feminine).

In that way, I’ve found the biggest differentiator that helps distinguish between the two energies – feminine energy is all about the experience, and masculine energy is all about execution. And that’s the exact topic of today’s episode.

Tune in as I’m explaining divine masculine and feminine through the lens of execution vs. experience.

Let’s dive in!

Execution vs. Experience

I believe the best way to describe the difference between masculine and feminine and why we need them both is through an analogy. This one was really helpful for me.

Feminine is the river, and masculine is the river bank. 

If we only have the river (the feminine) and no river bank, all we get is spillage. There’s no direction or power to the flow – it just spills everywhere, and we don’t get anything done.

If we only have the river bank (the masculine), but there’s no river to support, then there’s no purpose or point. And so we need both – we need the river bank to support the river. And we need the river to give the river bank a purpose and a meaning for its existence. 

Regena Thomashauer beautifully put it this way: The primary function of the feminine is desire, and the primary function of the masculine is the production of that desire.

So, we got to lead with our vision – with the experience and let the execution support that vision.

What’s the vision? Well, we can get really broad here because we all have these big visions, like:

  • two commas in the bank account
  • clothing size 4
  • meeting our soulmates
  • deepening our relationships with our soulmates

But, we also have a hard time consistently connecting to our vision and believing in our vision because we get bogged down by the execution of the vision. 

What Do You Want to Experience?

You know that I love simple ways of dealing with issues. So, in this case, I ask myself what I want to experience on my way to my vision. Because I still have to go through every second of every day to get to my vision.

And to reach it, you can’t spend all those days in execution. (Well, you apparently can, but you’ll be struggling during the journey and you won’t feel fulfilled once you reach the goal.) So you need to think about what you want to experience along the way. 

For instance, I want to be in flow. And when I say flow, I mean that delicious sense of being carried along from one activity to another throughout your day. It’s not sitting, floating, and doing nothing. Because as ambitious, professional, God-centered women, we quickly get restless if we’re not in action. 

Picture yourself in a kayak floating down a river in a certain direction. When you’re in the flow, you have that wonderful feeling of being carried along by the current, and you’re present in the moment. 

Being in the flow also means you don’t get carried away or smashed into the riverbank when interruptions happen. Also, you won’t turn the kayak around and swim up the river (which we often do when we get into resentment). 

Instead, you’ll turn your kayak around and see that as something happening for a reason (and the reason is to assist you). In that way, you can handle the interruption and then go back to what you were focusing on. 

Swept up in the Drama of the Economy and Politics

I’m aware that this can be challenging, especially in such uncertain times. Despite the years of applying the prosperity approach principles, I experienced that. 

I allowed myself to be swept up in the drama of the economy, politics, and all of the nonsense going on in our society and globally. And I experienced a lot of uncertainty during that period. So I started getting into the hustle, like:

“Oh, no, things might not work out. So I’d better do more.” And so I would get into execution, execution, execution… But I wasn’t aligned with my vision. What I was aligned with was, “Things are not working out. So I need to have Plan B, Plan C…” (And all of the other contingency plans.) 

This state of mind was causing a great deal of anxiety, and I had a hard time sleeping. Simply to say, I had a hard time staying present in the moment because my brain kept taking me to the future. 

And then I realized that I was getting into so much masculine and execution, which wasn’t serving me at all. It certainly wasn’t giving me the experience I wanted nor yielding the desired results.

Living in Certainty

Then I got back into basics. I asked myself to remember what happened four years ago that got me into quantum leaping and helped me:

  • pull out of bankruptcy
  • make a quarter million dollars in six months 
  • go from 6 to 97 clients
  • drop 45 pounds
  • change relationships with my husband and children

I just started living in certainty and let my feminine lead. It was just about the experience – I was no longer completely wrapped up in the outcome.

So I went back to the basics and got really simple. Instead of trying to hit myself over the head with, “You know better,” “You need to do this,” and “You need to do that,” I started to focus on what I wanted to experience that day.

  • peace
  • flow
  • certainty

As I have been able to step more into that, I’m sleeping so much better. I’m opening myself up to receive wonderful miracles and get a deeper trust in God as we’re in this gap. 

That’s actually where the feminine is – in the unknown. We got to start getting comfortable with the unknown. And the way to do that is to live in certainty. 

3 Steps to Live In Certainty in this Uncertain Time

Most people have a misconception of what living in certainty actually is, what it looks like, and how to live in certainty. It’s why I’m doing a free masterclass, 3 Steps to Live In Certainty in this Uncertain Time

We’re going to spend a couple of hours discussing the logistics and the practical ways to retrain your brain for alignment and flow. If you join us, you are going to learn the simple yet powerful process of letting go of struggle and living in certainty now, regardless of 

  • what’s going on in the economy
  • how much gas and food costs
  • how much business is coming in

I’m also going to share with you the little-known secret to changing your life without having to do more. So if this feels like something you would benefit from, join us. 

Join our FREE masterclass, 3 Steps to Live In Certainty in this Uncertain Time to learn how to execute business ideas without having to go through burnout, frustration, or dissatisfaction.

Book a free consult call with Team Prosperity, and let us help you on your prosperity journey.

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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