alignment, Allyson Chavez, Prosperity Approach

How to Recognize Misalignment & Quickly Realign Yourself

Do you know what alignment is? Can you tell when you are out of alignment? Why is it important to be able to get back into your personal flow? Do you know how to do that in a practical way? 

Having in mind that clients have often asked me about this topic, I’m sure it will probably resonate with most of you. And, to be honest, I also need a good conversation about this, so I invited a real expert in this field to join us today. 

I’m excited to introduce you to LauraAura, an alignment coach for driven female entrepreneurs and a soul sister of mine. 

She helps female entrepreneurs undo the “shoulds” of life and business and reclaim the parts of themselves that they have unintentionally given away to people, circumstances, or situations so that they can create the aligned business they actually want.

Laura is the CEO of Worx & Co, an urban branding studio, speaker, author, and all-around visionary. She’s also the host of The Gutsy Podcast, which is designed to empower women in business while humanizing the realness that happens behind the scenes.

As Laura says, she’ll be the first person to push you out of your comfort zone and the last to hug you as you head to the next level of your life. Laura’s energy is contagious – an Aura – and if you’re up for the challenge, she just might trick you into believing in yourself!

This woman is going to unpack (mis)alignment for us today. Tune in for this episode as we’re going to discuss:

  • what alignment looks and feels like
  • practical ways to quickly realign 
  • the physical benefits that come from alignment

Let’s dive in right now!

Recognize That You’re Out of Alignment

Ambitious women often can’t recognize that they are out of their bodies. For a long time, I didn’t know I was out of alignment. That’s because we spend most of the time in the masculine energy, and (I’ll say this again) we have been taught for centuries that it’s the right (and only) way.

So, if we want to realign and lead with our feminine, we need to recognize the misalignment first. How to do that? LauraAura suggests asking yourself a few questions: 

  • Do you feel alive? 
  • Do you feel excited? 
  • Are you happy? 
  • Do you have joy in your life?

This may seem simple, but sometimes we need to dive deep into ourselves and literally come back to basics. Because you can be super successful and out of alignment at the same time. That’s why we need to consider our emotional inventory of who we are and where we’re at in this world.

This kind of looking at ourselves in the mirror is a huge portion of the process of getting back into alignment. When you ask yourself if you are alive, it means if you feel fun, playful, energetic, rested, and excited about things. You ask if you have the motivation to do the things that you want to do.

As you see, you need to have an honest conversation with yourself about these deep things. Maybe your answer would be, “Yes, I feel motivated and alive!” And that’s great. 

But you may also say, “I feel overworked, exhausted, unmotivated… like I’m dragging myself through the day, but I don’t have a choice, and I have to get this done.” If you have to force yourself to do stuff and feel like you are in a mundane routine repeating the same freakin story over and over again – you are out of alignment.

I Can Choose Differently 

An essential part of the alignment is recognizing that we don’t have to flick the whole table overnight. Being out of alignment doesn’t mean you have to sell your house, divorce your spouse, close your business, change your wardrobe, cut off your hair, or do any other drastic thing.

Of course, if you feel called to any of those things, go for it. But getting into alignment is really about tiny incremental shifts that you make on a daily basis that start to add up to bigger change. 

There are so many things that you can implement today, tomorrow, and the next day that really add up. And this is important to point out because now more than ever, we live in a culture of extremes – we’re either doing it all, or we’re doing absolutely nothing. 

I used to swing from one extreme to the next – I got up every day thinking, I really don’t want to do this today – all I want is to sleep until Saturday. But I had to get up, work, and try to be better because I thought I had no choice but to show up.

I think many women feel the same these days. And it’s refreshing to know that you don’t have to make a huge change overnight. It is not about perfection but about recognizing and taking your power back and making those shifts.

First and foremost, always start to recognize when you’re feeling snippy, irritable, sad… or just not in your natural state. Remember how you feel at your best and notice when you start to go into a different type of energy.

Then you’ll be able to say, “OK, I see it. Now I can change it. Now I can choose differently.”

What’s (Mis)Aligned Success?

So, why it’s crucial to be aligned? Because it’s a measure of prosperity. You can be rich without being aligned. And it’s OK… if you want a bunch of money in the bank and feel sad every night. But I don’t think it’s something you’d choose. 

I guess you don’t want to have anxiety every morning when you wake up, or feel bitter about the work you’re doing, or wake up and say, “You know what, this thing that I’m doing makes a lot of money, but I can’t freakin’ stand doing it. And it makes me angry!” 

That’s a misaligned success. 

And you definitely can have aligned success, which is literally limitless. That’s one of the coolest things about alignment – it’s limitless. And so when you have an aligned success, everything gets easier – work, relationships, health…

Disclaimer – neither Laura nor I am pretending to be a doctor by any means. But we know for certain that you can go to the doctor for years and labs show that nothing’s wrong… However, you keep asking, “Then, why do I feel like crap?!” 

One of the reasons could be that you’ve been out of alignment for so long, and your body is trying to tell you that it needs more rest, playfulness, and adventure. You don’t need to work your face off in order to receive success. 

And so when you are in alignment, you can have the success that feels good to you. It’s more enjoyable to do the work you’re doing and easier to get clients. You’re not waking up in the morning with anxiety and regret. 

You’re waking up saying, You know what, I get to do this amazing stuff today!

Laura’s Gems

If you want to learn more about techniques and daily little tricks on how to get back into alignment, make sure to check the full episode because LauraAura generously shared her gems in the interview.

Take Laura’s Free Power Leak quiz to identify where you may be unintentionally giving away your power (and your biggest opportunity for aligned expansion).

Check out the Gutsy Podcast – for energetically driven female entrepreneurs who want to feel alive and run a business that fuels them.

Connect with LauraAura:

🤝 Instagram 

🤝 TikTok 

🤝 LinkedIn 


Book a free consult call with Team Prosperity and learn how to stay on track in your manifestation process.

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

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I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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