Be-Do-Have, Allyson Chavez, Prosperity Approach

A Powerful Formula to Attract Truly Abundant Life

She wanted to create a $10,000 month. But she didn’t fall into the trap of HOW. Deep in her heart, she knew she wanted that and trusted God even when He wanted her to do a thing that had nothing to do with business.

Long story short, in two days, she found a client who signed up for her $10k course literally on her kids’ playground. And this is just one example of her co-creation with God that she’s doing on a daily basis. 

I invited her to share her experience with us today. She is Elisha Gough, a faith-based business mentor, public speaker, and author. She has successfully run a mentoring business since 2014 and has influenced hundreds of business owners. 

Her experiences have made her an expert in increasing business profitability by aligning her clients with their mission and purpose. Her methodology centers around divine feminine leadership skills that connect to the heart. 

Elisha trains them to find, see, and bridge the internal gaps that keep them from achieving their business and personal goals and results. 

Tune in for this episode as Elisha shares how the ‘being’ in business must come before ‘doing’ to have financial, business, and personal success.

Let’s dive in!

The Difference Between Masculine (Doing) & Feminine (Being)

Elisha is one of the mentors and spiritual coaches with a pretty similar audience to mine. And both of us often get the same question when we talk about the concept of being vs. doing – How do I do the being?

It may seem absurd, but on the other hand, it’s absolutely understandable that women think they need to DO something even when they should only BE. Because we have been taught that way for centuries.

So, I’ll briefly go into the difference between masculine (doing) and feminine (being) part of creation. When we’re in the doing, we’re actually in the counterfeit masculine (because God created us to be in our divine feminine).

Again, we all have both feminine and masculine sides, but when we run and operate mainly from the masculine, it’s counterfeit. It means we are: 

  • out of the truth of who we are
  • trying to control and demand 
  • spending time in a problem-solving space
  • trying to push away and ignore the fear we have
  • reacting instead of responding

In a nutshell, we’re running around like a chicken with our heads cut off, showing so much judgment on ourselves and the people around us. Of course, that leads to tons and tons of anxiety.

Do-Have-Be vs. Be-Do-Have

These things happen because the business world is operating on masculine principles. And it’s not surprising – men are amazing doers (God created them to be the doers of this world). So they have created a formula, the Do-Have-Be. 

Since we’re learning the business from men, we think the men’s formula will work for us. And guess what – it does … to a certain level. But it’s not sustainable, and we inevitably come to the point when we’re like: 

  • What am I doing?
  • Do I need to do more? 
  • What do we need to do here? 
  • I don’t know how to make this! 
  • What am I doing wrong?!
  • What’s wrong with me?

So, we end up in this space of chaos, getting burnt out and feeling overwhelmed. And that’s what the Do-Have-Be formula does – it robs us of our divine identity. 

That’s exactly Elisha’s passion and desire – to teach women how to get out of the doing and into the being, actually to accept the divine feminine formula – Be-Do-Have. See, we’re not done with the Do, but it doesn’t get to go first.

Also, when you’re on the Do-Have-Be, you’re operating from the mental and separating yourselves from God. And God’s the best business partner ever. But we’re in the mood, “do this, do that,” and when we get so overwhelmed, we’re like: God, I’ll finally pray – what do you want me to DO? 

But God says that it’s not your job. You should be settled, calm, still, learn who you are, and step into that truth. Elisha helps women to take the mental out of the job and give it a new job by teaming it up with the heart – but to lead with the heart. 

When Your Heart Talks to You – Story

And that’s when you can receive that divine inspiration and direction and do what you are inspired to do so that you can have what you desire to have. Because we got to let go of the How. It’s not our job to know the How. Our job is to be in alignment with who we are – ask for direction, take action, and then we will receive. 

At the beginning of this blog, I’ve mentioned Elisha’s story on creating $10,000 in two days (which may be the best way to explain the Divine Feminine formula of the Be-Do-Have). 

So Elisha wanted that $10,000 a month, and as soon as she made that goal, the brain decided not to team up with the heart anymore. And it was like, Oh, I need to do this, I need to do this…

But she decided to lead with her heart and said, OK, I appreciate you wanting to take over, but you do have a job – to do all the daily things we do in business anyway: generate leads, send emails, create programs… 

(Just to quickly clarify here,  – you already know what needs to be done daily in your business. God already knows your foundational stuff of a business – they are non-negotiable. You don’t need to ask God if you should do them.) 

But when it came to the new inspiration, she asked God what He would have her do. Elisha says sometimes that’s a thing that pops up from a to-do list, but that time she felt nothing from the list should be done. She just felt she needed to take her kids out of school and go play at the park.

$10,000 at the Playground

But that didn’t have to do with business or money. And made no sense whatsoever. But Elisha decided to obey. When she came to the playground, she met a phenomenal woman whose best friend was looking for someone like Alisha to help her stop struggling. 

And right there on the playground, Elisha made a phone call and got a client for her $10,000 course. And she just listened to her heart.   

I bet this amazing story sounds inspiring to you. So make sure to check out the full interview, as Elisha explained a bunch of details about how to lead with your feminine on a daily basis and deliberately create what you want.

You really don’t want to miss this one.

– – – – 

Follow Elisha on LinkedInInstagram, and Facebook, and join her Facebook Group.

Check out Elisha’s freebie Free High Performing Masterclass.

Book a free consult call with Team Prosperity and learn how to stay on track in your manifestation process.

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

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I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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