create a big life, Allyson Chavez, Prosperity Approach

How to Create a Big Life in Uncertain Times

She has recently decided to make her dream come true, and she is going to travel for the next year. There is no logical reason for this decision. Except there is the most logical one – she feels that’s her mission.

She decided to allow herself to do what her guts told her and show ultimate faith despite:

  • other people’s opinion
  • what most people in her situation would do
  • uncertain times we’re currently in 

Because she saw so many people creating big lives doing everything but what they were programmed and expected to do.

She is so brave, radiant, and unique… And she’s my guest today – Lauren Guerrieri (Lo), the Founder and CEO of HOUSE of LO.

Lo’s last name means warrior, and she has always felt God put her here to be a warrior for women. To help us connect deeper with each other and see there’s a bigger life waiting for us when we tune into the frequency of love.

Currently, Lo is the host of the HOUSE of LO Podcast. She’s also hosting her Abundance Activation events and creating other unique abundance offerings to inspire and empower women on a daily basis using her voice.

She embodies abundance consciousness and uses her voice to empower women to create their full and abundant life. Lo is on a mission to create safe spaces to help every single woman on Earth to:

  • feel her power 
  • live from her truth 
  • find her magic 
  • discover a love for herself so deeply that it opens her up to love others
  • walk in her purpose 
  • live life abundantly

Tune in for this interview as Lo shares what it takes to create a big life and how to do that with courage when so much is unknown.

You don’t want to miss this one!

Expanding for 10 Years in a Month

Lo is vulnerable in sharing her own transformational and spiritual journey and desires to lead by example in what it means to come home to you and become whole once again, living from your soul. 

I started this story with her decision to spend the next 12 months traveling. That is so fascinating that I couldn’t help mentioning it at the very beginning. So how she made such a brave choice?

She says there are people she has to meet, connections she has to make, and lessons she needs to learn. But what’s actually her thing on that journey – there is the freedom she needs to activate. 

Lo believes you need to create a big life (if nothing else) to experience real freedom instead of feeling trapped or caged. 

However, such a decision is not easy to make – it takes a lot of courage. Especially when it is made in such uncertain times. People guided by logic are like, You’re not buying a house? You’re not finding a husband? 

But this decision was based on intuition. This is a perfect example of showing ultimate faith and trust in God. Lo says she feels like she is expanding for ten years in a month with this decision. 

However, if she had stayed, she would have gone down a very dark path. Not depression or something like that. In this case, darkness would mean starting to be really irritable and resent our lives.

The Biggest Time in History

Many people do resent their lives. And that’s why people like Lo (and all of us speaking about abundance and prosperity) are on these missions of spreading the truth to systems that keep people trapped in scarcity and fear so that they control them. 

As Lo points out, abundance and consciousness are incredibly threatening to our culture, markets, and economy. Because what happens when everyone knows they have the power within them to attract what they desire? What happens when we actually believe in God?

Currently, everyone’s preaching and using God, but they’re not living from a place of believing in God. They’re just using God to trap people further. But Lo has some good news – That’s shifting! 

She’s a big believer that the planet is going through insane upgrades and shifts. No one on this planet has any sense of what exactly is happening and what’s to come. But we know we’re living through one of the biggest times, if not the biggest, in history.

Because after thousands of years of being under wounded masculine, the energy of the planet is coming more into a balance between the masculine and the feminine energies. 

It’s the masculine energy of: 

  • purpose
  • mission
  • claiming what we desire
  • taking thoughtful action

And the feminine energy of: 

  • creativity 
  • playfulness
  • love
  • radiance
  • fun
  • wildness sometimes

And we know, any time we’re doing an uplevel, there is a big shake. So, I think we need this upheaval and what is currently happening on a global scale so that we can raise and get balanced.

The point is that we’re all being asked to step into fully who we are and to create the biggest lives we possibly can.

Release to Receive

And step one in creating a big life we dream of is to look seriously at what we have to let go of and release. Because you have to release before you can receive – there is no infinite absorbing. Think about a sponge – when it gets full, it can’t receive any more until you squeeze it out.

So, releasing and letting go is a process that requires us to start making decisions from our intuition, our gut, and our inner knowing. However, that’s challenging for people because we have been taught, programmed, and conditioned for centuries that the answers are not within.

And they are within, and they don’t lie. Still, it’s extremely difficult to live that way in our culture. But Lo has managed to do that, and when she made the shift and took the risk without thinking about what’s good for her business or how many people she knows at home. 

She’s followed what her soul asked her to do. And she’s experiencing thriving connections and more business success than ever! And more importantly, she just feels good in her physical body and her life.

Want to learn more about Lo’s incredible journey and how you can use her experience to create your own big life? Check out the full episode – she dropped a ton of value bombs!

Find all Lo’s offerings on her website.

Subscribe to Lo’s podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Follow Lo on Instagram and Twitter.

Book a free consult call with Team Prosperity and learn how to stay on track in your manifestation process.

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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