Manifestation success stories

Manifestation Success Story: Making God Part of Your Manifestation Journey

Welcome to the second episode of the manifestation success stories series, where I’m talking to people who have used the prosperity approach successfully and the results they’ve gotten in their lives.

I’m super happy to have on the show Makenzie Quintana.

She made God part of the manifestation process, which made it so much easier to stay on track and let it work out.

Makenzie’s first manifestation success was a new family car she and her husband wanted. She was able to find the exact car at the exact down payment she could easily and joyfully pay. 

Tune in to today’s episode as Makenzie shares this and other successful manifestations she had using The Prosperity Approach and some powerful tips on making God part of the journey. 

Let’s dive in!

Manifesting a Family Car…

Makenzie got started with the prosperity approach two years ago. Even before her first manifestation success, she was already sharing everything she was learning with her husband.

When they were looking to get a new family car, her husband already knew that this was something she had been manifesting. 

On a family trip visiting family, they decided to start looking for the car they wanted. But the plan was for her to stay over with family and her husband went back home due to work. 

After a few hours of looking at some cars, he called and told her that he had seen the exact same car they wanted. 

At first, they struggled to figure out how to make it work with the down payments of the car they saw and knew they wanted.

But Makenzie was aware that with the Prosperity Approach, there doesn’t have to be a struggle, and you don’t have to push through anything. This particular car was not for them.

The next morning her husband returned to the dealership and found a similar car at the exact price point they had hoped and planned for.

It turned out to be great for them, and everything worked out easily, just as it should be. They didn’t struggle with the down payment and have continued joyfully with monthly payments on it as well.

Experiencing Inner Shifts First Before Outer Manifestation

One thing I like to really remind people who get caught up with wanting to experience manifestation fast is that some inner shifts have to happen before you experience outer manifestation, which is the last process.

For Makenzie, she had to let go of what she had been taught about money. Prior to starting with the prosperity approach, she hadn’t been saving or doing other things she was supposed to be doing financially. 

Through the prosperity approach tools and resources, she learned how money really works and how to give it a purpose. 

Making God Part of Your Manifestation Journey

Another great point that Makenzie brings up is making God part of your manifestation journey. Even though she communicated and prayed to her heavenly Father before, she now has a greater level of intimacy and trust. 

She shares how to recognize a yes from the heavenly Father and trust that everything will turn out great. Her way of praying is through journaling; writing down prayers and conversations is a beautiful way to get answers. 

Manifesting Business Growth 

Another success in Makenzie’s manifesting journey over the past two years has been good continual steady growth in her business. This might not sound flashy, but a huge part of success. 

Before, she used to dread waking up to another monotonous day. Now she is excited to wake up and see what she will create and what miracles will unfold during the day. 

This is an often-overlooked part of manifesting. We often make the physical part, the end all be all of manifesting. But being able to wake up excited and looking forward to the day and going to bed fulfilled or having those experiences throughout the day is very important.

The Hardest Thing about Manifesting

The hardest thing Makenzie found with The Prosperity approach was letting go of whatever judgment anyone would have towards her and doing things differently. 

She had to let go off looking at her surrounding circumstances to determine what she was capable of doing.

In the prosperity approach, she learned how to visualize the life she wanted despite the circumstances. 

Visit Makenzie’s Instagram.

Come and schedule a FREE consult call with Team Prosperity, and let’s see what we can do for you.

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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