visualization, deliberate creation, Allyson Chavez, Prosperity Approach

Unlock Your Untapped Potential for Visualization w/ Julia Martin

Hey Prosperity Seeker, 

I’m super excited today because I have a super special guest – phenomenal Julia Martin! 

This episode will be the one you listen to at least twice because Julia’s dropped plenty of gems during this fantastic conversation about visualization, manifesting, and balance when you’re working on it.

Julia is a manifestation and business coach whose mission is to help women ignite the fire and passion in their lives and careers. 

After a successful 12-year career in Business Development at Google and Twitter, Julia realized it was time to start sharing what she knew about manifestation with the world. 

She combines her deep understanding of the power of mindset with proven business strategy to help her clients transform their lives and catapult their careers.

In addition to one-on-one coaching, Julia offers group programs as well as immersive manifestation workshops over Zoom and in person. She also has a top-ranking podcast, Dream Your Life: Manifest A Life You Love.

Tune in for this episode as Julia is sharing:

  • visualization and deliberate creation tips
  • suggestions to raise your vibe for easier manifestation
  • simple ways busy moms can find more balance in their lives

Let’s dive in!

Hanging Out With Jennifer Aniston and Friends

I said that this episode should be listened to twice. Why? Because Julia really knows what she’s talking about.

I believe this blog should contain as many examples of successful visualization as possible because that’s the best way to illustrate the power of this tool and deliberate creation in general. 

And Julia is the best person for that. Not only did she visualize and manifest her job in Google, but she even managed to meet the actors from the Friends TV show after she visualized sitting with them on the legendary orange couch.

It all started in her early teenage period when she realized she could get into the energy of the place she wanted to be by daydreaming. Back then, she visualized a lot, although she didn’t know what manifestation was. 

(Probably most of us remember our childhood daydreaming when we start learning about the law of attraction and manifestation.)

So, when Julia was in high school, she was obsessed with the Friends TV show. She recorded VHS tapes with all episodes and a coffee table book with backstage scenes, so she could see their sets and many other details. 

Then 14-year-old Julia would then close her eyes and sit on their orange couch. She would put herself literally on the stage surrounded by Jennifer Aniston and other actors. And she did that over and over and over again… 

One day when she learned that they would record Friends like on Friday in LA (she lived there), she asked her parents to drop her off there, and she was convinced she would figure out a way to get in.

And she did! She found herself on that orange couch surrounded by the actors, and she was literally reliving her visualization. 

Manifesting Job at Google

This happened to Julia many times with all the things she would get very interested in or intrigued in BEFORE she started discovering the law of attraction, manifestation, and visualization.

She was like, I literally know how to do this! And one of the most effective ways she applied the visualization technique was when she wanted to manifest a job at Google. She did the same thing as she had in high school, but this time deliberately. 

She closed her eyes and put herself there physically. As she describes that – it wasn’t like watching a movie of yourself, but rather like feeling (seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling the breeze) all the place. 

Julia was walking around the Google campus, writing on boards in their boardrooms, drinking coffee in cafes there – everything was vivid and 3d vibrant colors as she really just put herself there. 

I already mentioned that she had a 12-year successful career in Google and Twitter, so I don’t have to say that this visualization was successful. I’d only add here that you can learn more about the tools and strategies Julia uses on a daily basis if you check out the full episode.

How I Manifested Our Trip to Hawaii 

I also have to share my story from several years ago, when we were getting ready to file bankruptcy. In the midst of that, I wanted to have the experience of taking my family of six to Hawaii. (Because Hawaii is my heaven on earth.) 

In that period, there was not a slight possibility for us to manage that. Our life seemed totally falling apart at the time, and I was like, OK, I’m going to do three minutes of peace. And then I’d visualize our trip to Hawaii.

While I went into this visualization, I would look at our hands, at the ocean, and I’d pictured all the details of our trip. For instance, I saw my then 20-year-old putting his arms around my waist behind me, kissing me on the cheek, and saying, Hey, thanks for this trip, mom. 

Then I would actually talk with my husband Jeremy about it, and I would cry. But not because it was something that would never happen, but because I was right there – I felt it, I tasted it, I touched it… and it was almost real.

And I’ll tell you what – I wanted to go within five months. We actually had everything ready to go within three! Every piece of the jigsaw puzzle fell right into place, and it was the most amazing experience I had. 

You Can Make It Happen

What’s more, it really was the catalyst for what I’m teaching now. Because God was like, You need to document everything. Because we need to learn how to rinse and repeat rather than manifesting something alone and with no intention. 

I’d like to finish this blog with Julia’s message: Every human being on this planet has the power within themselves to create a life that they love, and there’s no need to sacrifice at all. Get clear on what you want, and you can make it happen!

I’d add: Amen!

Visit Julia’s website, and listen to her podcast Dream Your Life: Manifest a Life You Love

Grab Julia’s amazing freebie Raise Your Vibe Workbook & Habit Tracker

Join my FREE online Mindset Mastery Camp, and let’s tone up the most powerful asset you have: YOUR MIND!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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