money, financial stress, Allyson Chavez, Prosperity Approach

A Strategy to Overcome Financial Stress Amid Uncertainty

Here’s the thing – actually, two things (or a brutal truth about money, if you will).

  1. Most people are broke. 
  2. We love to give each other advice all the time. 

So the worst thing you can do is take financial advice from a broke person. 

Sounds like reinventing the wheel? Then imagine you come to well-meaning friends and family members with a great idea to either invest in something, or start a business, or go on an inspiring vacation…

How many of them would say something like: 

  • That’s a lot of money
  • Boy, the market share is unstable right now
  • But you don’t even know how to do marketing

And then give you advice that sounds like:

  • Well, let’s just wait and see.
  • Better to be safe than to be sorry.
  • Let’s wait for things to calm down just a little bit.

See? And you wonder why they’re broke?

I’m not saying here that they’re bad people. They just don’t know what they’re talking about as far as money is concerned. They haven’t figured out how their money works, so they can only respond with fear. 

All of you being here for some time know that you only can absorb info and have thoughts that are on the same level as the emotion you’re feeling. That’s why you should avoid those voices of lack, fear, and scarcity.

So today, we’re diving into the strategies you should use to feel financial relaxation no matter what your personal or the global economy looks like.  

You don’t want to miss this one! 

Broke People Give the Worst Advice

“Don’t let anything but money stop you!” – this is what I was told once. Literally, the worst piece of advice I ever got. And I’m not going to give you financial advice today.

I won’t talk about budgeting, what stocks to invest in, or cryptocurrency – because I don’t know anything about that. I have a financial advisor for those things. 

But I do know:

  • the inner workings of money
  • the spiritual component of money
  • the feminine component of money
  • the energetic component of money

So when speaking about broke people, I’m not saying that with any sort of judgment. (I myself was there for practically my entire life.) I’m just pointing out that they are at the mercy of their paycheck when thinking about what they can do to reach their goals or how close and quickly they can get to their dreams.

We still love them and enjoy their company, but it’s a bad idea to ask someone struggling financially how to make money. Instead, we seek advice from wealthy people – those who know it. (And we know that they know it because they have it.) 

I Was Broke 3 Years Ago

Three years ago, I was broke. Back then, I couldn’t figure out the inner workings of money because I was taking advice from myself. And my pieces of advice were like:

  • stay safe
  • don’t go too big
  • tighten up the belts

But then I decided to hire somebody I trusted who had the lifestyle I wanted to live. I started implementing the way they thought and different strategies they were using to grow their business and money.

I was also like, If I want to have greater control over my money, I need somebody to help me invest, so that I’m not always working for my money, but my money starts working for me. 

What does that mean? 

It means that you put money away into an investment account that is making actual interest for you instead of working to pay off your house. Because if your biggest dream is to pay off your house, it’s not the next level of success. Your house isn’t an asset – there’s nothing liquid in it. 

But the money you put into an investment account works for you. And that’s what’s going to get you wealthy. 

However, it took me a long time to get out of the hole, “I’ll reach financial liberation once we’re debt-free.” And when I finally understood and accepted with all of my heart that it’s just not true, the change happened. 

  • Now, I drive a Tesla Model Y.
  • All of my jewelry is from Tiffany’s.
  • We’re spending a month on Maui because I want to see if we’re going to buy a house there.
  • We’re going on a 10-day castle tour in Ireland on Delta One fly with some friends.

Because we can! And all of that has all come in just three years! 

Stop Watching the News

Based on what’s happening in the economy right now, I would say, Stop watching the news! 

Seriously, stop scrolling through your social media feed, focusing on all the negativity that is going on right now. Because there is a plethora of that, which is distracting and causes a whole lot of stress and upset. 

Also, stop getting upset about inflation and whining about it. We’re going to get through this. And we’re going to do it beautifully. The most important thing to understand these days is that we’re going to come out on top on the other end because of this situation, not in spite of it. 

So you can gripe against the government, feel victimized, and get upset about taxes. The only thing you can get from that is the feeling of being small, scared, and tight, which won’t allow you to grow. 

Or you can start seeing the things like, OK, inflation is a thing right now. But does it have to take over your life? NO! And it shouldn’t – don’t allow it to. If you have to make different choices because right now, money is not going as far as it used to a year ago, then do it.

Eat at home more often than out, or change whatever you think you have to, but don’t get overblown by the circumstances or feel like you’re drowning in them. 

Money’s Not the Bad Guy

I remember when we were broke, what hurt most was what I was thinking about money – I made money the bad guy all the time. 

But my circumstances changed when I finally started shifting my perspective about money. I started thinking that I didn’t have to wait for a certain amount of money to hit my bank account before deciding I was prosperous, or wealthy, or even before I let myself relax financially.

That’s an inside job. And it’s entirely up to you. So, you don’t have to wait for any amount of money to show up before you feel relaxed. In fact, you feeling relaxed is what will bring more money to you!

Yes – every single one of us is affected by what’s going on. But we have 100% control over how we experience it and how we will respond to it. 

We live in a really reactive society. So, instead of reacting, how about you just respond with the premise of Everything is always working out for me, and Only good can come of this. Not despite this, but because of this.

We’re going to make more money than we ever have before because of this. I’m going to learn things and follow the advice of wealthy people, people I trust and resonate with. 

Don’t take someone’s advice just because they’re wealthy. There are lots of rich people who have no scruples. And guess what! There are lots of broke people who have no scruples either. Money has nothing to do with it. It’s about your character and the integrity you have.

And remember – your money can only grow to the extent you do. In fact, that’s true for all areas of your life, not only your financial situation. 

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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