find inner peace, Allyson Chavez, Prosperity Approach

A Simple Way to Find Inner Peace in Difficult Times

It’s so easy to get hypnotized by the drama playing out literally everywhere in front of us. I mean, we can’t get away from the upheaval that’s going on in the world. The pandemic, wars, hyperinflation… we’ve been in this holding pattern for a couple of years.

It’s not surprising that we feel deflated from time to time. And that feeling can quickly spiral towards feeling discouraged and defeated because we’re conditioned to be victims of our circumstances. That’s why it’s often hard to allow yourself to dream, let alone make any plans. 

Amid this, I started thinking, is there anything we can do to end this addiction to all of the drama called reality? How do we NOT future-trip or feel scared and exposed during this time? How to find inner peace in a world of turmoil and pull away from causes of upset?

And I’ve found a way!

So tune in for this episode as I share a practical yet powerful technique to keep you feeling safe and secure in the moment.

Let’s dive in!

I Know Better Than This

We often feel powerless against the government (or some other “power”) when things aren’t going our way, and it just feels like fire after fire, as has been the case in the last two years. We earlier talked about how hard it is not to be sucked into that and hypnotized by the drama that is going on.

It happened to me recently. Even after all of the study and application that I’ve done, I started future-tripping into next month and be like:

  • What if we run out of money?
  • What if I can’t pay my team?
  • What if I can’t pay for all my monthly expenses? 

I know it’s ridiculous because I know (and teach people) how money actually works.

However, I just got sucked into the whole drama of hyperinflation and the turmoil the world has been in lately. And then I decided not to go back down that path because (been there, done that) and I know exactly where it leads.

I had to remind myself that reality and circumstances are fluid – they change all the time. As an old quote says, Change is the only constant in life. I know it sounds like a cliche, but that’s only because it’s true. 

Reality and circumstances are a whole lot more fluid than we’ve been led to believe. 

A Simple, Yet Powerful Idea

So, when I started that “what-if-ing,” I felt that answers such as, “Something will come along” or “Everything’s going to be fine” were not landing for me any longer. 

To be honest, I’ve been a kind of disgusted with myself lately because somehow I slipped into connecting to my bank account (or the next product launch or my clients) as my source.

It was time to ask myself: What am I doing!?!

I needed to go back to basics and connect with God and infinite intelligence instead of infinite stupidity. I was determined to reconnect back to God being my source and do those things that felt scary to me financially at that moment. 

Although everything is in such an uproar (even your mind, if you allow it), your heart doesn’t have to be. So I wanted to connect my heart with God’s. 

Because God is a power so much more massive than any government on this planet. 

And then a simple idea came to my mind. (You know that Einstein said, When the solution is simple, God is answering. And I love to quote Einstein and everything he said.) I felt it really was a direct inspiration from God.

I started taking notes on my phone that I called God’s Daily Supply. There I wrote all the different ways God supplied my needs/wants just for that day. That was the way to stay present in the day instead of going to the things like, “What happens next Tuesday?”

God’s Daily Supply as My Morning Routine

Every morning I think about what happened the day before and list all the different ways God supplied my needs – financially, spiritually, with laughter, with play, my friends, my time… just keeping records of everything, no matter how big, small or silly it was:

  • gorgeous weather (because I can finally wear shorts outside)
  • comfort through a wonderful, powerful conversation with one of my dearest friends
  • I drive a Tesla (God supplies my need for not only a reliable car but also really affordable gas because it’s an electric car)
  • I had water within arm’s reach all day long
  • We have enough money in the bank account for me to get my hair and lashes done

My morning routine might sound a little simplistic and silly, but I stopped going into all of the “What if…” and future-tripping. It has helped me calm down, reconnect back to God, and remember that God is my source. 

It took me out of being worried and frustrated and got me in a place where I felt my heart expands with space.  It’s hard to describe a feeling, but it was like a relief after releasing a band around your heart. 

Also, there was this space inside my heart and body where it was quiet and peaceful, and I knew I was OK. Everything is perfect now – all of my needs have been met. And I shifted my perspective in really simple and beautiful ways. 

What’s the most powerful thing – it disconnects me from the drama of other people’s stupidity and connects me to the drama of my dream. And my dream is to feel peace and expansion. 

I Found My Inner Peace Again

So, with God being my source, I’ve found inner peace, regardless of what’s happening around me. I’ve connected to limitless supply again and aligned with how I desire to feel. And it has been nothing short of glorious.

I hope my down-to-earth, practical way helps because God’s Daily Supply is a real thing. It’s why Jesus said, “Give us this day our daily bread,” as part of the Lord’s Prayer. He was actually asking God to keep us present in the day and supply our needs today. 

I don’t require any needs met next Monday – because I’m not there. I’m here – in today. And I require my needs to be met today. 

So, how is God supplying a small desire that you have today? Or how has He already supplied your yesterday’s needs? 

Think about that. List God’s Daily Supplies for yourself – it’s so powerful. And gives so much relief in these difficult times.

Join Us

If you’re looking for more practical strategies to not only open you up to God’s supply but to help you:  

  • feel peace in times of turmoil
  • stay connected to the flow of money 
  • learn how money actually works on a spiritual and energetic level
  • get connected to the flow of your own dreams
  • learn how to lead with your feminine and let the masculine support 


Join our 5-day workshop, Conscious Creation the Feminine Way, and discover the components of conscious creation, laid out in practical terms, but apply them like a woman. 

Book a FREE 30-minute consult call with Team Prosperity!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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