shift your identity, change your life, allyson chavez, prosperity approach

5 Simple Steps to Shift Your Identity and Change Your Life Forever

What most people don’t tell you about mindset work is that you MUST change who you identify AS and WHAT you identify WITH in order to make a lasting change in your life. Those two pieces are critical in the redesign of your reality.

See, it’s all about becoming. However, becoming and changing your identity can feel very daunting and esoteric, especially when we’re in a masculine-driven world that expects you to DO instead of BE.  

So how do we be? How to start becoming and changing your identity?

That’s the thing I’m unpacking in today’s episode. Have no fear – it will be super simple! Because I’ve broken the process down into five simple steps (and some sub-steps) to help you.

Let’s dive right in!

Let It Be Simple

You know that I’m all about simplicity. Leonardo da Vinci had a beautiful quote that I always cite: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. And it’s so true because we need things to be simple. 

So I’ve prepared some easily digestible and implementable chunks that are anchored in reality and practical for you. (Because if there were like 58 steps, I’d be lost after step number one and a half, and I wouldn’t do it.) 

So are you ready for the first step?

Step #1 – Start Thinking Higher of Yourself

This step is about identifying with the version of you that you want to become. We often tend to self-deprecate, even thinking of it as a virtue. Just listen to people (or yourself) talking out loud: 

  • Oh, it’s just like me to forget that 
  • Leave it to me to forget the tickets on the counter
  • Oh, here I am late again! 

It’s fascinating, but there’s nothing virtuous about self-deprecation. 

When I say you must start thinking higher of yourself, what do I mean? In real life, it means you should stop talking about yourself as a dingbat that forgets everything (or fill in the blank any issue you have). 

Instead, it should sound like:

  • It’s just like me to be able to reach my goals.
  • It’s just like me to leave the house on time (if you struggle with being on time).
  • It’s just like me to be in flow. 
  • It’s just like me to laugh every day.
  • It’s just like me to find a solution. 

See, this is simple, but it’s a way to start thinking higher of yourself. It’s especially important for women since we have difficulty doing this. Guess why? Because of the way we’ve been conditioned for thousands of years.

Actually, we’ve been trained to think that we’re conceited if we claim our gifts. Like in that way, we show that we’re better than everybody else. But that’s not true at all! There’s nothing wrong with thinking higher of yourself. So start practicing this step immediately.

Step #2 – Start Expecting More of God

I’m not done with beautiful quotes yet. Sage Lavine said this: Every desire comes with an unlimited supply of divine assistance. 

So, you got to start expecting God to show out and show up in your life and start doing life with God. I know that the concept of God (whatever your higher power is) is not foreign to you. But, expecting more of God for us is.

You can see that in often quoted sayings like Pray as if everything relies on God, and then work as if everything relies on you. But if I have to figure it out all on my own, where is God in the equation? Is He going to help me? 

And how many times in your life you’ve started praying but only after you tried every solution? Because you’ve been taught to tap into the most powerful being in the multiverse as a last resort. (I know I did that soo many times in the past.) 

What else have they taught us for centuries? If you’re obedient because you think you’re going to get a specific outcome, then that’s wrong. Except it’s not! 

Penalties and rewards are attached to obedience or disobedience of specific universal, mathematical, and spiritual laws. There’s a penalty attached to a law if you disobey it, and there is a reward when you obey the law. 

So, expect a fantastic outcome when you’re obeying the law. Expect daily miracles in your life (big, small, and everywhere in between). Ask for that divine assistance with the expectation that you’ll receive it. 

And maybe the most important thing – trust your desires! They’re divinely given to you by God. Expect that your desires are followed by the ability to bring them into your reality. That’s part of doing your life with God. 

Step #3 – Get Really Great at Receiving

Remember, to receive means to experience. So, start experiencing the good that every part of life has to offer. Yes, there is good in every single circumstance and every single situation. Sometimes, you have to look for it. But it’s there – it has to be there by law. 

If you’re in the midst of adversity, a trial, or any kind of refining that feels intense right now, you must be even more conscious of finding and receiving the good. It’s in the form of lessons, compliments, money, support, help, name it…

Start letting a stranger open/hold the door for you. If somebody offers to carry your groceries, say, Yes, thank you! Let the masculine serve the feminine. And feminine is all about receiving.

Step #4 – When Triggers Happen, Don’t Take the Bait

Triggers are beautiful things because they alert us there’s something wrong that’s ready to be acknowledged and healed right away. It’s right on the surface, and we don’t have to dig for it – we recognize it when someone/something triggers us, so we’re like, Ohhh, I can’t stand that!!!

So what to do when triggers happen? Instead of diving into how upset you are or how (fill in the blank) you are because of the trigger, start thinking:

  • Why is this so awesome? 
  • Oh, this is here because something’s ready to heal – what’s it? 
  • What am I learning in this situation?

I had a mentor that would say, I’m thrilled this is happening because… So you got to figure out how that particular trigger can help you. And don’t take the bait. A little while ago, I talked about drama addiction. Triggers are an invitation to step into drama. Don’t get into that addiction. 

I know it can be a little bit tricky to ask yourself why something that triggers you is actually awesome, but it is well worth it because you’re: 

  • getting curious 
  • getting into awareness
  • healing those triggers. 

Step #5 – Get Obsessed With Three Things

Here are your three subsets – what you’re going to get obsessed about:

  • #1 – What you’re about
  • #2 – Where you’re going
  • #3 – What’s possible

Instead of the “What so…” and obsessing about “the How,” obsess about these three things. 

I’m about bringing joy and relief and ending the struggle to millions of women around the globe. Because if I can change a woman, I will change many, many generations. That’s what I’m about. 

So, what are you about? Are you about learning how to be more prosperous in every area of your life? Are you about relief? Are you about greater success and less struggle? And where are you heading, and what is possible for you?

Think about these questions. Get obsessed with them!  Because, my beautiful prosperous friend, you’ll get more of what you’re connected to. It’s how the Universe is set up! 


Join our 5-day workshop, Conscious Creation the Feminine Way, and discover the components of conscious creation, laid out in practical terms, but apply them like a woman. 

Book a FREE 30-minute consult call with Team Prosperity!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

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I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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