Allyson Chavez, Prosperity Approach, addicted to drama

My Drama Addiction

Everyone is addicted to drama.

If you don’t believe me, ask yourself how many social media accounts you have. Or cable subscriptions? How often do you spend scrolling through YouTube or any social media platform? Are you streaming? Do you have Netflix? Hulu? Disney Plus? 

Of course, we’re addicted to drama. And there’s nothing wrong with it. Actually, it’s a kind of the flavor of life… a part of our human nature. 

However, we get hypnotized by various dramas. And the problem happens when we get addicted to a drama of something that doesn’t work for us. So the question is how to stop being addicted to the drama of what is and get addicted to the drama of your dream.

Tune in for this episode, as I’m sharing my drama addiction and how to master the art of directing your own drama!

Let’s dive in!

A Period of Anxious and Sweating Emojis

I remember being at an event where we were supposed to draw how we felt about money using emojis.

That was several years ago – the period when we were in a financial freefall that lasted about two and a half years. I was in the throes of drama those days because I was so addicted to it that I did nothing to actually change things.

Anyway, although I have no artist skills, I managed to draw all of the worried and sweating emojis (and was really proud of myself). However, the next part of the exercise was to rip that up so that we could write the version of how we wanted to experience money.

But I didn’t want to let go of that art! I wanted to take a photo of it and send it to my husband so that we can have a good laugh over it. I was absolutely addicted to that drama in my life. 

Also, I desperately wanted to change our situation. I didn’t like being in the financial freefall, but, at that time, I didn’t know how to get out of it. And more importantly, I didn’t realize that I was addicted to it.

When you’re addicted to the drama of your current reality, that is not working out for you. You quickly get hypnotized by your current reality, and it’s difficult to change it because you’re enthralled with the problem.

I kept looking at the problem and talking about it because that drama hypnotized me. (It’s something we’re conditioned to in a certain way.)

So, give yourself some mercy, grace, and compassion if your first reaction to any solution somebody offers is, Yeah, but this is why it won’t work… But you got to get out of that drama addiction. 

The Drama of the Problem vs. Drama of the Solution 

When you’re hypnotized by the drama of what’s not working, you literally shut ourselves off from the drama of what will work and the drama of what you actually want. You shut your brain down from searching for the solution.

We cannot solve the problem with the same energy that we use to create it.” – Albert Einstein

The energy of the problem and the energy of the solution are two different vibrations and two different ways of thinking. In the energy of a problem, we’re not actually thinking – we’re analyzing it, looking at it from every possible angle, and anticipating worst-case scenarios. 

So how do we get into the energy and the drama of the solution?

First, remember – you have full control over what drama you’re hypnotized by. And I want to help you stop getting hypnotized so much by the drama of current reality and start getting addicted to the drama of your dream. 

Because your dream is a drama. And it’s a whole lot of fun – the unfolding, the unknown, all the different opportunities, and players… It really is a drama – it’s not a tragedy or a horror. And it’s definitely worth getting hypnotized by and getting addicted to.

Then how do we tap into the areas of our brains that will start looking for the solution? The easiest way to do that is to start looking at the result you want. 

Connect to the Solution 

Imagine the result that you want. NOT how it’s all going to come – you don’t care how it happens. You just care about the solution and how it’s going to make you feel. So when your dream is here, what do you think it’s going to feel like? 

You get to choose how you think it’s going to feel:

  • like a relief? 
  • like an accomplishment? 
  • support? 
  • victory? 
  • success? 
  • something else?

You go into that first. Then picture yourself right after you have reached that result. What are you doing? Are you celebrating? Is there somebody with you? Do you have tears in your eyes? Are you smiling? Are you doing a sexy dance? Singing? Whooping? 

To get addicted to the drama of the solution, you need to connect to that feeling and spend a few minutes there. You just got to get really clear on what that feeling is (it can’t be to feel good or awesome) and then continually picture it until you reach the feeling you expect (peaceful, supported, complete…). 

Most people will stop there, but you need to take it one step further. Once you reach the feeling, you can ask what you might do to move toward that end result. Because now you’re in the energy of the solution. 

You’ve connected to the feeling where everything is resolved, your dream is your reality, and you ask, What could I do to move the needle forward? That’s where the ideas, opportunities, and great nudges are! 

You’re Directing Your Own Drama

Because now you’re asking an intelligent question in the energy of the solution. Instead of asking an unintelligent question (How is this ever going to work itself out?), in the energy of the problem. 

When you’re asking the right question, in the right energy, it connects you with the collective consciousness of genius instead of the collective consciousness of stupidity. And most of the world is fully connected to the collective consciousness of stupidity. 

Look at the arguments and problems that are going on right now. Or just take conversations with your family and friends, which can quickly show you the collective consciousness of unintelligent thinking and stupidity that the world is in. 

The last two years are not an exception – the world has always been in that. But you don’t have to be! You have the power of choice – you’re directing your own drama. So, choose intelligently and get addicted to the drama of your dream!

If you’re not sure how to do that and need some help, we can support you! I invite you to book a free consult call with a member of Team Prosperity. They will see what drama you’re addicted to right now and what drama you would prefer. 

So click here, and let’s see how we can help. 

Book a FREE consult call with Team Prosperity! 

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

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I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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