Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach divine feminine

The Practical Way to Connect With Your Divine Feminine

Most women think the divine feminine is some sort of mystical being that’s hard to relate to, much less connect with! It’s probably because we put divine in front of anything, and then it suddenly becomes such a mystical and esoteric term that we actually feel so separate from it.

But the meaning of divine is godlike – see, now it feels so familiar. So we’re going to connect with our godlike feminine. And I highly recommend that you do that first thing every morning.


That’s the very topic of this Prosperity Approach episode! 

So, tune in as I’m diving into accessing your divine feminine and sharing a really practical way to connect with it every single day.

Let’s jump right in!

The Divine Feminine

Let’s play a game – If I say something, you’ll be like, Oh, here we go again! Try to guess what “that something” is? What is the thing that I repeat every now and then? Hint: It’s about energy and traits.


Yes! All of the Prosperity Seekers that are following me for some time know that I like to emphasize that both men and women have divine masculine and the divine feminine in us. And that we need both the energies to create with ease and joy. 

Generally, women have more feminine in them than masculine, while men have more masculine than feminine. But that’s not all across the board – there are some women who naturally have more masculine in them, whereas some men have more feminine in them.

(It doesn’t mean anything other than having a higher level of one energy. As a matter of fact, I think I have more natural masculine in me than feminine. But don’t worry, I have a healthy amount of feminine in me as well.) 

We know that women have been conditioned to lead with our masculine energy. It’s one of the reasons why we feel an empty husk by the end of most days (or most projects) – burned out, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Because we’re in so much masculine all the time.

So, the question is how to “reverse this pattern” and start leading with the feminine and letting the masculine support us. The best way is to start your morning connecting with your divine feminine. And I’ll show you a super practical way I’ve been doing that for years.

What Do You Want to Feel?

You know I don’t like the theory of anything – I want a practical application. How does this look in my life? What does this translate to in my own life? 

If God is a perfect balance between masculine and feminine (the doing energy and the being energy), the question is what state of being I want to connect to that is a characteristic of God. I’ll mention some of them: 

  • love 
  • kindness
  • flow 
  • creativity 
  • peace 
  • expansion 
  • prosperity
  • receptivity

These are the traits I think of when I want to connect with God and my divine feminine each day. 

Sometimes the feeling I want to connect to is connection. I want to feel connected, supported, heard, or safe. That’s my answer to what feeling I want to have when I am connecting with the divine feminine. Because the being state is the feeling state.

To start your day in the divine feminine, you need to have the intention behind it. So ask yourself what you want to feel by the end of your 20 min / 60 min / 3-hour morning routine? 

This is a really important part, as I believe ambitious driven women easily forget the whole point of the morning routine – because we go into masculine energy with it. And the point of the morning routine and connecting with the divine feminine throughout the day is the feeling state.

What do you want to feel because then you’re going to lead with that? And we want to lead with the being rather than leading with the doing all the time.

Masculine Morning Routine 

I talked to a client not so long ago who was like, I’m working really hard on my morning routine! But she felt like she was putting out fires all day long. I asked her about her morning routine, and she said she had a checklist. 

OK, nothing wrong with a checklist. It is a completely masculine thing. But the masculine is designed to support the feminine, and generally, it’s OK to have the checklist there to keep yourself on track and not forget anything. 

However, what my client had as a purpose behind that checklist was to DO the things she listed. So she didn’t actually connect to anything other than doing. She didn’t connect to a feeling because she didn’t know what feeling she wanted to connect to. 

That’s why she went into survival mode and, as she said, put out fires all day long. It isn’t surprising that she was exhausted and grumpy by the end of the day. She was actually starting every morning in the masculine energy and leading with it throughout the day.

You can’t do feminine activities like connecting with your divine feminine, meditation, or any morning routine in masculine energy, yet think that you’re hitting feminine energy. You’re not.

As I hinted in the beginning, the easiest way is to pick one thing you want to feel by the end of your morning routine and let it be simple. For example, if you’re running into a lot of anxiety, overwhelm, or burnout right now, then just go to calm, peace, or support. Pick just one.

Then everything that you’re doing in your morning routine is to lead you to that feeling. 

Feminine Morning Routine

I keep my morning routine really simple: read, write, meditate, and move. Instead of like a dozen different things, I try to hit these four cornerstones that I can easily remember and, more importantly, that work for me.

You can do it in any order that you desire. Start your routine with what feels lightest to you or what you are in the mood for. 

For example, when I’m reading, I’m reading Scripture and looking for the feeling that it is going to bring to me. (If you’re not into Scripture, read something that uplifts you spiritually – anything that just helps connect you to God.)

The same thing is with prayer and meditation. (Just to note here: You can’t hit the feeling you want in a three-minute meditation. I spend about 15 minutes in meditation.) Let’s say you want to feel peace. Breathe deep – breathe in peace, and share peace. Receive and release it.

When I’m writing in my journal, it’s not just a travelogue of what I did the day before. It’s what I want to feel, or if I have questions that I’m looking for answers to, or if I am bumping up against anything… 

I write about a visualization that I have and how it feels. A simple way to start journaling is what you are grateful for, or what makes you feel at peace, wealthy, or whatever feeling you’re after. Journal about it and how you already feel that in your life.

I usually save movement for the end of my morning routine. Because it means going to the gym and doing resistance training with the weights – and that is entirely masculine energy. I’ve got my gym playlist, and I am rocking out. 

Let It Be Silly

However, if you don’t want to hit the gym, it’s perfectly OK to just get in your body – put on some music that makes you feel like a woman and feel your body. Bend your knees, start swaying your hips side to side, move your shoulders, and dance (it doesn’t matter if you’re a skilled dancer).

The point is to feel your body and connect with your feminine, that godlike characteristic you want to lead with throughout the day. And then you’ll see your day going so much better, things flowing more easily, and you’ll come to solutions much faster. 

There are so many benefits to accessing and connecting your divine feminine. Let it be simple, and let it be silly. Do what works for you, and just watch how you start allowing the day to unfold. Suddenly, you’re not tipped over by interruptions anymore. 

Because you’re in that right energy of being and feeling. Then you can let the masculine doing support the feeling. 

You can also connect back to your feminine throughout the day. If you’re in too much masculine energy and it starts feeling heavy again, give yourself a couple of minutes to reconnect to your feminine – listen to music, dance, go outside and stand in the grass, connect to your senses… 

It’s really as simple as that. And it works!

And to make it even easier for you, I’ve prepared a FREE Feminine and Masculine At-A-Glance reference guide, a quick reminder that will help you lead with your divine feminine. Grab it and start changing your reality!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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