Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach discipline affirmations

How to Increase Your Self Discipline Through Affirmations

Are you disciplined? In any part of your life – money, weight loss, relationships with your children, spouse, coworkers… Would you like to increase your level of discipline in some of those segments (or all of them)?

Maybe you haven’t heard about that, but there are discipline affirmations that some people use. I’ve tried them. 

So, do discipline affirmations really work? 

I say, No, they do not! 

And I also say, Yes, they absolutely do!

But there is only one way that discipline affirmations (or any kind of affirmations) will actually work and make a difference in your life. And I’m willing to share it with you! 

So tune in as I’m unpacking discipline affirmations, why you’d want to get more disciplined anyway, and how you can increase your level of discipline through affirmations.

Let’s dive in!

The Only Way Affirmations Work

So what’s the secret of successful affirmations? 

In short – even the greatest affirmations in the world will NEVER make a difference in your life if you don’t identify as the person who IS what the affirmation states.

When we were in that hard financial struggle that I often mention, I remember repeating money and success affirmations out the wazoo all the time. “I am wealthy and successful.” I can’t tell you how many hundreds of times I would use that simple little affirmation. 

But I was filled with anxiety, and it felt as if I was lying. I was actually asking myself, “How is that ever going to happen?” It took me a very, very long time to become wealthy and successful to the degree that I wanted. 

Well, I’m still not wealthy and successful to the degree that I desire. But that’s good because there’s always room for improvement – we’re continually growing and expanding. The summit of one mountain is actually the base of your next mountain. 

In a nutshell, what you can learn from my experience is that repetition of an affirmation will only demoralize and frustrate you if you don’t believe in it. You can say it 1000 times a day – if you’re not identifying as the person that affirmation describes, it will defeat you over and over again.

Discipline – Is It Really Necessary? 

Is it necessary for us to discipline ourselves as we reach next levels of success? 

I’d say, Yes. It requires discipline. When I think about what would be a helpful affirmation for discipline, I immediately go to weight loss. It has two parts (working out and eating healthy) requiring discipline. But it’s much easier to achieve discipline in one of the segments.

If you exercise for a length of time and you have felt the benefits of movement (even if it’s simple as walking, rebounding, jogging, dance classes…), it’s really not hard to work out. It doesn’t take long to be disciplined because we train ourselves to enjoy those exercises. 

But do you know what takes an awful lot of discipline and intention? Nutrition! That one comes back to bite me all the time. Or at least it did before I identified myself as a healthy woman who has the body and the figure she desires. 

It wasn’t until I started identifying with that person that any sort of mantra or affirmation did any good for me. It’s the same principle – you can tell yourself, “I eat healthy.” all day, every day. But if you’re not identifying as that kind of a person, it doesn’t work… and feels horrible.

Discipline Affirmations – Money Edition

Let’s talk about money, too. 

There is one thing I often hear from people who want to uplevel their money. They are afraid of being irresponsible in spending their money. So they get in a kind of chokehold because they don’t want to waste their money. 

In this way, they’re identifying with somebody who can’t be trusted to spend or invest their money on wise and productive things. When feeling that, people are like, “I’ve got to be really, really disciplined with this.”, “I’ve got to have a budget.” 

Who on earth likes to be limited by budget!? Not me! At least not me identifying as somebody who looked at budgets as a factor confining me and saying, “No, you can’t have that!” 

But once understood that it’s a higher-level and more productive way of organizing money, it became much more dynamic for me. I started to see that kind of discipline as a blessing in my life because I began to identify as a person who uses money wisely and in productive ways. 

Since then, I’ve been like, Yes, of course, I’m going to use the system/tool/technique that will allow me to really experience that next level in my physical reality, rather than just thinking about it all the time and wishing that I had those results. 

Why Is Discipline Important?

It does take discipline to shift your identity. Discipline is the key to up-leveling and changing your mindset. 

If you’ve been following my podcast for some time, you know that I’ve already talked about:

  • thinking different thoughts 
  • making different decisions
  • believing different things 
  • identifying with different outcomes
  • liking other kinds of conversations

In this way, you’re beginning to identify as that kind of a person and form habits that support the new identity that you’re in. And this is where the discipline comes in. 

I like to look at discipline as training. I’m training my mind to resonate with the experience I desire. So when I started thinking, Well, I’m training to become that person, it gets really fast. And that’s the discipline! 

List of Discipline Affirmations

So if you’re looking for a list of discipline affirmations, I’m going to invite you to make a list of characteristics of a person you would like to be if you were disciplined. What would that look like if you were more disciplined (as far as boundaries were concerned): 

  • in your eating habits 
  • in your exercise habits 
  • with your money 
  • with your children/spouse/co-workers 

After making this list, you’ll get a clearer picture of who that version of you is. In that way, I clearly stated my boundaries in love and kindness. You know what holding healthy boundaries means? It means you’re not a doormat anymore. 

If you’re going to identify with that person who’s disciplined enough to hold their boundaries with themselves and with others, it means you’ll have tough conversations when it’s time for that. Both with yourself and with others. 

As you identify more and more with the new person, you start training and disciplining yourself to have the habits that support the next level of you. 

So let affirmation be powerful!

Join Us!

If you want a little help with this, and you enjoy being around other like-minded people who are determined to get those next levels of success on their terms, with ease, grace, fun, and delight, head on over to our Facebook group. 

It’s called Success Without Struggle – ask to join, and we’ll keep this conversation going on over there.

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We’ll have the next Success Without Struggle free online workshop soon. Join us and learn the simple, practical inner game strategies that bring next-level success without burnout or sacrificing yourself on the altar of achievement.

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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