Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach meaningful meditation

A Simplified Way to Have a Meaningful Meditation

“If I have a regular day, I meditate for an hour; if I have a really busy day, then I meditate for two hours.” 

I remember reading this Dalai Lama’s quote and thinking, I can’t even hold still for three minutes, let alone two hours! I don’t know if you come across this particular quote, but I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about meditation from all of the big gurus. 

Even if the idea of having a mediation every day resonates with you and you believe their teaching that it’s one of the ways to up level to the next version of yourself, you probably can’t help asking: How in the world do you have a meditation that makes a difference in your life!? 

I used to think that way until I experienced meaningful meditations! And this is something I can tell you first hand – meditation can actually help you to:

  • open up
  • get into the receiving mode
  • get to that next level that you desire without scratching your way to it 

So, tune in for the new episode, as I’m willing to share a simplified way to have a meaningful meditation and a cool freebie that will help you meditate. 

Let’s dive in!

Two Principles Behind Meaningful Meditation

So what’s the big deal about meditating? 

Having a regular meditation is actually one of the ways we can take the struggle out of reaching that next level of success we’re after. But we can’t do that if we let our minds wander during the process.

If we want to have a meditation that’s going to make a difference, we need two things: 

  • let it be simple 
  • have an intention behind it 

Although the intention may sound like a complicated part, it should actually be pretty simple – to quiet your mind and to open you up to receive. That’s it. That’s all the intention behind a meditation. 

Honestly, this is something you train yourself to do, and you need the practice to reach the point when you’re really meditating for ten minutes or more. But you are definitely worth those ten minutes of just quieting your mind. 

Coming Back to Center

So, why do I say “really meditating”? Well, if you are like me, and you put on some soft music, start “meditating,” and then you run through your to-do list for 10 minutes, then you haven’t quieted your mind. You’ve just done your to-do list with quiet music in the background. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done that, especially when I first started. So, don’t think you can’t meditate just because you couldn’t make it the first time. Practice is the key. 

Another thing that may mislead you is trying to get your mind to go blank. Meditation is not about that. It’s about letting the thoughts come in (because they will), then letting them go out, and coming back to center again. And the center is really easy – it’s breathing. 

You can also focus on one word instead of just breathing. It could be peace, calm, or any word that doesn’t evoke a whole ton of emotion in you. The point is to choose something that helps you get back to center. 

For instance, I really love to meditate with some instrumental music in the background. For me, it’s helpful. But if the music starts to be distracting, I focus on the tick of the clock in my living room. That is also something that helps me come back to center. 

Of course, you can take something else (whatever works for you) – just keep it simple.

Reach a Point of Detachment

I also love meditating with the music in the background because it helps me detach. I know that I’ve had a meditation that makes a difference when I can reach a point of detachment. In those moments, it feels like my spirit separates itself from my body. 

You probably experienced the feeling after sitting still long enough – it’s like you know your fingers/toes are there, but you can’t feel them. Then you have to wiggle them to connect back and actually feel them. That’s how I know I’m just detached. 

At that moment, I’ve quieted my mind and reached that beautiful receiving mode. That’s the opening up and the experience of “more energy and less matter.”

I heard this quote “more energy, less matter” from Joe Dispenza, and I often remind myself of it. But sometimes I get into thinking like, I’m too much into matter, I need to get into energy!, and then I make my meditation less effective than it could be.

It’s because our thoughts have hooks on them, and they try to hook us and drag us down the rabbit hole of whatever they are about. And so the whole idea is not to get hooked by the thoughts and let them just move past our mind. 

Once you do manage to get into detachment, you reach the point of allowing yourself to receive guidance, downloads, peace… And that’s all you want to do – to put yourself in a wonderful mode of receiving, which is the whole purpose of a meditation!

Connect With God

When you calm or quiet your mind, then God can get in there and talk to you in a way that you can hear Him. But He can’t get through when your mind is filled with all of this chatter. No matter if the chatter is negative or even positive. 

Even if it’s the day before vacation and you’re so excited, like I got to go over there, I got to make sure this is done… That’s still chatter, which is so loud that the spirit can’t get in and help your day be much more meaningful and magical for you. 

Because quieting your mind is a gorgeous way to connect with God, higher power, and your higher self.

If you’re a beginner, start with ten minutes. It takes me a good eight minutes to get to detachment most of the time, and I’ve been meditating almost every day for years. So it’s OK if you don’t reach detachment immediately – it’s a work in progress. 

Sometimes I’d remind myself, We’re not on a to-do list, we’re detaching. And then I’d breathe in and focus on something really simple – nothing that takes any sort of mental energy. For example, my breath and how it feels in my body. 

When you do this, you’ll be amazed at 

  • how energized you feel 
  • how much more connected to possibilities you are 
  • how much easier it is to think in terms of prosperity rather than struggle 
  • how quickly things click in for you 

It’s not magic, but the results you experience from it really feel magical. 

3 Free Meditations 

So I want you to try it. And if you are like, Nah, I don’t really know where to go from here, I created three guided meditations to help you out: 

  • connecting to God’s frequency 
  • connecting to your own feminine energy
  • a money meditation ($250,000 money meditation) 

There are a couple of ways that you can grab these meditations. You can text success to 801 701-7157. Or you can just click here, opt into our text community, and you’ll get those links to the guided meditations delivered right to your phone. 

Grab 3 FREE meditations at or text success to 801 701-7157.

Join us for the next Success Without Struggle free online workshop and learn the simple, practical inner game strategies that bring next-level success without burnout or sacrificing yourself on the altar of achievement.

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We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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