Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach failure to launch

3 Simple Steps to Overcome Failure to Launch

Have you ever wondered how some people achieve their dreams and goals easily, and others don’t? What is special about them? Or why do some people experience failure to launch? What is the stumbling block that prevents them from living their dream life?

I’ve been thinking about that and realized that the real question is: Is it possible to remove that stumbling block or turn it into a launching pad? And is there an inner game that can help us to do that? 

Of course – the answer is Yes! 

Actually, there is a very simple three-step inner game strategy to overcome failure to launch and make everything in your life start working out for you. 

I started applying these steps in the period of my life when nothing was working out for me, and they helped me a lot on my joyful journey to the next level of success without struggle, hustle, or grind.

Tune in as I’m diving into the things you can do to launch you to your dreams.

Let’s dive in!

I Can (Not) Do This as Internal Foundation

I had years of failure to launch. During all those years, I was so good at doing, executing, and implementing everything I should do. However, the internal foundation I tried to launch from all the time was a complete stumbling block.

What’s the internal foundation? It’s the foundation that we all lay internally with our self-talk – our beliefs, decisions about how life works or doesn’t work, ability to create life on our terms. That’s where we launch all of our dreams.

The components of my foundation were doubt, second-guessing, and uncertainty, which caused massive amounts of anxiety. I was in performance energy all the time, people-pleasing, and trying to launch a business from a foundation that was like: 

  • I don’t think I can do this.
  • I think this is too big for me.
  • What if I can’t sustain this? 
  • Nobody is listening to me.
  • What if I’m an imposter? 
  • This is going to be really hard. 
  • I’m probably going to be disappointed at this. 
  • I should hope for the best but plan for the worst.

Sounds familiar? Well, dear Prosperity Seeker, if you have similar thoughts about the circumstances you are in, be sure that you’re laying a rock-solid foundation underneath you. But that one is not much of a launching pad for your dreams.

However, there is one beautiful thing!

What you lay under your own foundation is 100% your choice. It may be wet cement that’s going to harden, dry, and make it impossible for you to launch the way you want. Or it may be a rocket launcher that’s going to lift you to the stratosphere. 

It’s only your call! 

Step #1: Be Aware of Your Foundation

Then, let’s unpack the three-step inner game strategy I’ve mentioned. 

The first thing you need to do is be aware of the foundation you have laid. Think about your dreams and pay attention to what thoughts you relate to them – that’s the foundation that you’re laying.

Are you filled with hesitancy? Concern? Doubt? Is there uncertainty? Do you What-if-down all the time when thinking about what you want in your business, relationships, health and fitness, or relationship with God (the four cornerstones of prosperity)? 

Figure out what your most dominant thoughts are. This is worth pondering in the shower, in a traffic jam, in the gym – because these thoughts can either burden your foundation or be a springboard to your dreams and goals. 

Step #2: Make a Decision About Your New Foundation

  • What if I can’t lose the weight and keep the weight off? 
  • What if I have this conversation with my spouse, and it blows up in my face?
  • What if my business plan fails? 

If you resonate with these thoughts and your foundation is filled with doubt, uncertainty, and hesitancy, then you need to take step two and make a decision about your new foundation. 

What’s the foundation that you want to lay? Yes, you can do that – you’ve made the foundation that keeps it impossible for you to reach your goals to the level, speed, and experience that you desire. In the same way, you can create a different one. 

When I made a new decision about life, I got really foundational (some people would accuse me of being basic). I had to lay the new foundation: Everything always works out for me! 

That was the period when we were in a financial freefall for about two and a half years, people that I trusted were betraying me, I was 45 pounds overweight, and nothing I was trying was working – all of the physical evidence stacked against me. 

But I decided that everything always worked out for me and stayed committed to it.

(Reminder alert!) It was not a new decision to do something. It was a decision about something. 

Step #3: Look for Evidence That Supports Your New Decision

I know some of you are thinking, OK, Allyson, easier said than done! Well, yeah, everything is easier said than done. So, let’s back this new decision up with something tangible. 

For instance, you can’t just be like, OK, I’ve decided everything always works out for me (or whatever your decision is), and I get to live life on my terms. Committing to the decision you’ve made requires looking for evidence to support that – on a daily basis. 

You’ve got to give your brain something to focus on. If your foundation is, for instance, second-guessing, your brain filters out everything that doesn’t agree with your desires, and you’re gonna see evidence that supports that foundation. 

That’s why I only saw that nothing was working – I was overweight, betrayed by people I cared about, forced to do things on my own because there was no one to help me… My brain just filtered out everything that didn’t support what I wanted. 

Before my new decision, I took myself and my work way too seriously – being constantly in that this-has-to-work and do-or-die energy, which was a part of my foundation. So I started experimenting with it. 

When I started using the word experiment, it popped me into the energy of Let’s just explore. Let’s play – try and see what will happen. (We talked about experimenting in this episode.) It helped me get curious without being judgmental about my level or speed of success. 

It’s Simple, and It Works

Also, I started an experiment of finding even the dumbest evidence that everything always works out for me, such as:

  • I’ve got water right at arm’s length in case I get thirsty. 
  • I’ve got a box of tissues in case I need them.
  • It’s 27 degrees outside, but I am in this wonderfully comfortable 72-degree room. 
  • I’ve got an internet connection. 

It’s that simple. It may feel kind of silly and elementary, but I made a game with it and had so much fun. That’s how I started laying my new foundation, which turned from a stumbling block into a freaking launching pad. 

If you struggle with failure to launch, try these three steps yourself. Focus on small and simple pieces of evidence that support your new decision, and create a new, more exciting foundation. 

Let’s Play!

Do this regularly throughout the day for 30 days. You’ll be dazzled to see the first thing that will change – you will calm the freak down. And then you will start opening yourself up to the magic of life and all of the things that are waiting for you to receive and experience. 

As you continue to do it, physical changes in your circumstances will also happen. It’s a wonderful experience. For sure. I promise. Been there, done that. 

Also, if you want some extra help with laying a new foundation and creating from this place of empowerment, knowing that you’re fully supported, come play with us for three days in our free online workshop.

Join us for the next Success Without Struggle free online workshop and learn the simple, practical inner game strategies that bring next-level success without burnout or sacrificing yourself on the altar of achievement.

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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