Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach manifestation journals

How to Use Manifestation Journals in 3 Simple Steps

Are you a journaler? I am. A big one, as a matter of fact. I got my first journal when I was eight (and probably have closed 80 journals so far). But until a few years ago, I never knew the power of journaling.

I used journaling as a travel log or to record my daily activities and feelings and things like that. But if you want to use journaling to help you to manifest and create the reality you desire, there’s a specific way to do it.

And guess what – it’s a whole lot more simple than you might think it is! 

Join me today as I’m going to do a juicy dive into manifestation journals and how to actually use them as a powerful tool of creation.

Let’s jump in!

The Simpler It Is, the Better It Is

The question is, why it’s so important to write a manifestation journal? It’s because writing forces your mind to focus on the things you desire, which is an essential and powerful component of journaling. 

So how to write a manifestation journal? I’d go with my favorite rule – the simpler it is, the better it is (and the more effective it becomes). In fact, the idea is to keep your manifestation journal really simple and very straightforward. 

I apply that principle when doing my manifestation journal. 

I begin with writing down my desires – at least five, but usually 5-10 each day. Those are all desires you can imagine, big, small, unreasonable, reasonable, practical, and everything in between. I put the date and just jot down a list of the things I would love. 

While listing the things, keep in mind that there are no ridiculous, impossible, or trivial desires – write down whatever you would like to do, have, see, no matter how it may seem unimportant, bizarre, or elusive. 

I Would Love To…

This morning, for example, I woke up tired because I didn’t sleep very well last night. So one of the things I desired was to be able to take a nap. And I wrote it: I would love to go back to sleep. It’s that simple. 

I also note if I want a bath scratch, a massage, or to have my car vacuumed out… I’m overcoming residuals of Omicron, and I’ve had a cough for the last couple of weeks. So one of my desires for the last several days is, “I would love to be healed from this cough.”

My lists of desires also contain traveling first class, spending a month on Maui, or buying a luxury jewelry piece. I’m giving you some of my desires so you can get an idea of the variety of things you can list in your own manifestation journal. 

It’s so important to start your day in desire. Actually, our true north is desire. When you start trusting your desires more and more and let the roadmap be a pleasure, you achieve them much faster than you can imagine. 

What’s the most beautiful part? 

The journey is surprisingly wonderful, delightful, and filled with so much ease. Of course, it’s filled with work and effort as well. But this time, you’re not efforting yourself to the ground or working yourself to the bone. It’s inspired work and effort that you love doing. 

I’d Like to Feel … Today

The next thing you write down is what you’d like to feel that day. Ask yourself what you want to connect to emotionally. 

I’m always big on flow. I love to connect to the feeling of flow and not to pivot throughout my day because of various interruptions, surprises, and other things that tend to just unhinge us from time to time. 

Don’t let me be misunderstood, there’s nothing wrong with either pivoting or flow. But I see pivoting as the masculine form of flow, which is a feminine trait. 

So I want to start my day in flow and enjoy it without getting upset no matter if the current goes to the left, to the right, or sometimes doubles back on itself. Then I write down, “I want to connect with flow.” 

In one period of my life, all I wanted was to connect with peace. I was in so much anxiety all the time, I’d wake up at 2 am with anxiety, and it would hound me all day long. Now, peace is my baseline, but I still like to connect to it. 

The feeling that is also big for me is being expansive, being receptive to all good things. And what about you? What is that feeling that you want to connect with?

You can write down:

  • I feel peaceful 
  • I feel expansive
  • I feel __________ 

Or you can take one step further and claim it as who you are: 

  • I’m peace
  • I’m expansion
  • I’m flow

But whatever way you choose, find good descriptive words for what you want to feel throughout the day. Something like “I want to feel awesome” would be a little bit harder to grasp, wouldn’t it?!

I Feel Excited About … Today

Remember, your mind works in images and feelings. It’s a kind of goal-achieving machine. That’s what your brain is designed to do, and it wants to be directed. 

So, by making this list right at the beginning of the day, you are giving your brain something to focus on – something tangible, an image, or a feeling. 

In the third part of my daily manifestation journal, I usually write a couple of sentences of what I feel excited about. And not only excited but also eager, playful, whatever. I just write:

  • I feel excited about ______ today
  • I feel expansive about _____ today 
  • I feel eager about ______ today
  • I feel playful about ______ today 
  • I feel flirty about ______ today 

Here’s the thing – I don’t always actually feel that when I write it. But by listing those things, I’m looking forward to the unfolding of the day, and it doesn’t matter whether I’m feeling it at that moment or not. 

In this way, I’m telling my brain, “This is what I want you to bring to me,” “Attract this to me.” I’ve been practicing this for years, and it’s still astounding to me how quickly it comes… (once when you allow it). That’s how simple manifestations are. 

Be Specific

Your brain wants you to be focused and very specific about what you want. So be specific – write what you desire today, next week, and the next year, list unreasonable, convenient, and silly things… It’s about what you want at the moment. That’s honoring your desire and following your true north. 

Then write what you would like to feel and what you’re feeling excited about that day. It takes about six minutes, maybe less. And then watch how those things are brought to you. The speed with which they come is so gorgeous!

So be playful and let it be fun! 

And if you have a hard time with the playful part because you feel guilty about playing too much, and you are looking for that next level of success without struggling your way to it, then come and join us for our next free online workshop

We’re starting it in just a couple of weeks!

Join us for the next Success Without Struggle free online workshop and learn the simple, practical inner game strategies that bring next-level success without burnout or sacrificing yourself on the altar of achievement.

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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