Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach next level weight loss

Next Level Weight Loss

What happens when you’ve done weight loss affirmations and released all of the weight you wanted? Yeah, don’t feel bad about that – it happens all the time! You start those old habits pulling you back to where you were. 

Been there, done that. After losing 45 pounds in about four and a half months, I kept it off for two years. And then I went back to the way that I was eating before. I think we all have that point when we’re like, “Oh, we’re done. Now I can go back to normal!”

Actually, it’s super easy to slide back into that old thinking if you’re not being conscious, deliberate, and mindful. But the point is to create a new normal and stick with it! 

So, it’s time for next-level ownership of your health and body image with an inner game & outer game strategy that, when you put them together, works.

So check out this episode and make your mind and body even more wonderful team together! 

Let’s dive in!

Want to Rock Out Your Skinny Jeans?

I did an episode on weight loss affirmations that actually work and how I released all of the weight. Now I want to unpack next-level weight loss. 

It’s getting into the next level of commitment, or the next level of ownership about you being a healthy person and identifying with somebody who takes great care of your rockin’ body. 

Let’s be honest – yes, the health benefits are a perk, but we also want to rock out our yoga pants, the swimsuit we just bought, or the skinny jeans we adore. (I don’t know about you, but I really want to feel beautiful, confident, flirty, and flattered in everything that I wear.)

And that requires a certain size and weight, which requires working out and eating healthy. 

Working out is something that I’ve done for more than 30 years, and I don’t have a problem getting my body moving. But I did have a problem with what I was shoving down my piehole all the time.

I needed to uplevel that part, so I did that.

“It’s Just Like Me to…”

The thing that really helped me increase my ownership was this little sentence: “It’s just like me to __________.” 

  • It’s just like me to eat healthy every day. 
  • It’s just like me to stay committed to my workout every day. 
  • It’s just like me to listen to my body’s cues 
  • … to get enough sleep. 
  • … to stay on my nutrition plan.
  • … to hold myself accountable for the body that I desire.

That’s the powerful inner game strategy of identifying with who you desire to be – with the next level of you. I invite you to start trying it on if you want to shed some extra pounds or stay at your ideal weight. 

Actually, most of us don’t have a problem losing weight – it’s challenging to keep it off. Have you ever thought, “I’m so tired of losing the same 15 pounds over and over again”? That’s what I’m talking about! 

So this next level of mental ownership by saying, “It’s just like me to… (take impeccable care of myself)” will be enormously helpful. It’s so brilliant because it works for everything – weight loss, money, relationships, name it!

Just for Today

I’ve also found that my health commitment is easiest for me to keep if I take it a day at a time. So, instead of deciding to go 30 days sugar and white flour free (or whatever you may want to cut out), I keep my health commitments just for today. 

It’s the simplest way for all of us who have the all-or-nothing or “if I have one bite of a cookie, I got to eat the whole bag” kind of mentality. Because it’s easy to stick to your 30-day commitment at 5 am. But it’s not so fun at 4 pm on that same day when you’re tired and those cookies are looking so tempting… 

So I start with a plan at the beginning of the day, because I want to eat intuitively and mindfully. I believe that our intuition is directly linked to our nutrition. And I want to have even more finely honed and sharpened intuition – which is why I have to work on my nutrition. 

As I said, nutrition is the hardest thing for me. Working out isn’t. In fact, many people find committing to their eating plan very daunting – but not if it’s just for today. 

So, what’s your eating plan that you’ll stick to just for today?

My Holiday Strategy

This is the strategy that got me through the holidays. Every morning I would decide what to commit to for my nutrition that day. Like: “Just for today, I’m going to commit to a gallon of water. I’m going to say no to the sweets and no to the treats.” 

So, no matter what goodies the neighbors dropped off or we bought, I said no to them – just for that day. This can actually turn out to be fun when you start winning your little games.

What did I do? As soon as I woke up, I would detail my plan out. 

  • Do I want a treat today? 
  • Actually, yes, I want! 
  • OK, how much am I going to have? 
  • I’m going to have just one cookie. 

And I would keep my commitments to myself. I didn’t care if there were 50 cookies there – I would eat just one that day.

Try It Yourself

Commit to something “just for today.” If you want to do that something tomorrow, then do it – but “just for today”, stay away from it. 

Encourage yourself – “It’s just like me to keep my health commitments to myself.” or “It’s just like me to get the support that I require by reporting to somebody else who’s going to hold me accountable.” 

It’s so gorgeous when you marry the inner game and outer game. I’ve been practicing this for years – not only that I manage to eat more healthy, but I also feel better and more satisfied. 

You can do it yourself and let me know how it goes. 

The best way to do that is to get into our Success Without Struggle Facebook group. It’s an amazing group of powerful like-minded women who are going to encourage you, support you, and celebrate with you on your weight-loss/relationship/money/spirituality journey. 

We are there for you every step of the way. So, come join us over there!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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