Allyson Chavez Prosperity approach positive thinking prosperity thinking

The Deception of Positive Thinking

Did you know you were being deceived by positive thinking? Probably not. Most people think they can change their life with positive thinking. But they can’t! That’s why we’re gonna dive into the deception of positive thinking today. 

Your life won’t just change because you’re thinking positively. Praying or hoping that somehow, even though you’re not changing, your circumstances will change to fit your desires won’t help you. 

You must change into the person who attracts and creates their desires. It’s not always easy at first, but there are very simple things you can do to achieve that. And I’m willing to share them with you… for free! 

Tune in for the new episode of the Prosperity Approach as I’m unpacking the differences between positive and prosperity thinking and why only one of them has the power to really change your life.

Let’s get into it!

No Energy or Plan

As I said in the introduction, the big lie and the deception of positive thinking is believing that you can make significant changes in your life through the power of positive thinking. You cannot! 

Let me back this up by saying I believe in positive thinking. I’m a naturally optimistic, very positive person. Yet positive thinking and optimism were not enough to change my life in any way that really mattered when I needed and wanted that. 

Positive thinking does not have the energy or a plan behind it to actually change anything of these: 

  • the way money comes 
  • the way relationships unfold for you 
  • your level of health 
  • your level of spirituality

But don’t get me wrong – I don’t think you should just go into pessimism and negative thinking. Of course not! We can use positive thinking as a tool to help you stay in a better frame of mind. 

But if you want to bring more money to you, you’re not going to get it to you through positive thinking. 


Because of the vibration that it has. And we said multiple times that the Universe responds to vibrations, not words!

First of all, positivity and positive thinking does not naturally have expectation attached to it. It’s finding the silver lining in the clouds or the blessings in a certain situation, which is an excellent skill to have. 

But it doesn’t have a deliberate plan or any expectation behind it to really change your life. It’s more like a wish or a prayer that you’re throwing up to the heavens with your positivity to try to change everything. However, it doesn’t change the vibration of your body.

“Words are just noise. Vibrations never lie.” Bob Proctor 

I Wasn’t Doing Enough to Change

Several years ago, when we were in the freefall, about ready to hit our rock bottom (both financially and in other ways), I remember speaking to a friend about that. She was also my mentor at that time, and she was telling me that I wasn’t doing enough to change. As she put it, I was not changing my vibration by being positive.

I was really, really frustrated by that. Why doesn’t my positivity change my vibration? It should be changing it! I’m going into gratitude, and I’m listing my blessings… 

But she called me out: “Actually, you’re not because you run in anxiety all day long!” 

And she was right. I could list all of the things that I was thankful for: 

  • my family 
  • we could pay some of our bills 
  • we had working vehicles 
  • my husband and I both had jobs 
  • there was love in our home… 

I was positive about these things – but it did not change my anxiety one little bit! Looking at the bright side of everything didn’t make me feel safe, supported, certain in the future, or even in the present. 

I was actually in the vibration of anxiety all the time. I was worried, “What if we lose all of our money?”, “What if I lose my business?”, “What if all of this disaster happens?”… The vibration in my body was calibrated to all of this destruction going on. 

I was waking up in the middle of the night, I was feeling victimized by people who betrayed me, I was in worry, anxiety, and regret, feeling guilt, shame, anger… Even though I was listing “Oh, but I’m so grateful we got this paycheck…” or anything else – those were just words, but they didn’t change my vibration.

Positive Thinking vs. Prosperity Thinking

My mentor opened my eyes then, and I got really clear on exactly what I was doing. I was lying with my words and trying to go into positivity instead of prosperity thinking. 

Positive thinking and prosperity thinking are two completely different things.

Positive thinking cannot bring you tons of money, or a beautiful relationship, or the health that you desire, or the relationship with God that you want…

Prosperity thinking does. It’s a deliberate use of your mind to change the frequency in your body (to change how you’re feeling, to change what you’re calibrated to). 

Positive thinking is similar to something that you go into at the beginning of every new year. “This year is going to be different!” You feel different, motivated, want success, and have these great big goals – but you’re still the same person who identifies with the same struggles. 

Until you change who you identify as your life won’t change. Positive thinking doesn’t change who you are. But prosperity thinking does! You have to start thinking different thoughts, relating to different things, and identifying with that next level of you, even before everything changes! 

Because that’s actually how you get everything to change. 

Poverty Consciousness & Money Consciousness

While certainly there are many people in the struggle because they don’t have enough money to pay their bills, there are plenty of people who are still in just as much struggle, although they have more than enough money to pay their bills. 

Poverty consciousness and wealth consciousness is a state of mind, and your bank account has nothing to do with it. Your bank account will change as your consciousness changes. 

In his book “Think & Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill beautifully explained poverty and money consciousness:

“Poverty is attracted to the one whose mind is favorable to it, as money is attracted to him whose mind has been deliberately prepared to attract it, and through the same laws. Poverty consciousness will voluntarily seize the mind which is not occupied with the money consciousness. A poverty consciousness develops without conscious application of habits favorable to it. The money consciousness must be created to order unless one is born with such a consciousness.” 

And 98% of us are not born with such a consciousness. It means that our wealth consciousness must be created to order – we must be deliberately preparing to attract what we want to us. 

This is the crux of success without struggle! It’s changing your thoughts, who you identify as, changing your beliefs… Because your beliefs create your thoughts and reality. (Literally, the function of the mind is to make the programs the reality.) 

52 Activities to Get Into Prosperity Thinking

So, how do we get out of poverty consciousness? With prosperity thinking! When can you start changing? It’s up to you! That’s the beauty of the prosperity approach to life – you can start whenever you want, and you need no preparation.

It’s not always easy in the beginning, but there are simple things that you can do. It’s why I created the Prosperity Guide

These are 52 different activities, techniques, and exercises that I did to get myself out of the deception of positive thinking and into creating the life I desired through prosperity thinking. Why 52 different ways? Because you can pick one activity a week for a year.

These are boots-on-the-ground strategies that are going to help you get out of positive thinking and into prosperity thinking so that you can change your life!

So, go and grab it! And until next time, remember – prosperity becomes you!

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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