Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach Living the good life

The Truth About the Good Life

How good are you willing to let life gets?

This is something that one of my mentors would often ask. It is truly a powerful question because it contains the truth about the good life that most highly successful people won’t tell you: Life can get really, really good, but it’s scary to let it!

It requires us to let go of our need for safety and security and to step into the unknown beyond the boundaries we set. And that is a sacrifice most people are not willing to make.

Just to make this clear – it’s nobody’s fault! This is a fear-based society, and the fear of the future is one of the strongest. Sometimes we’re not even aware of how much courage it takes to move out of our comfort zone. 

However, once you learn to recognize the way of thinking caused by programming and conditioning, you’ll be able to choose to grow over staying safe, and your life will quickly get lots easier and much more enjoyable.

Tune in as I’m diving into choosing the good life and the experience of being committed to more and more of the good.

Let’s jump in!

Maslow’s Motivational Pyramid

There is no mystery or ominous secret about the fear around living a really good life. It is actually based on psychology, and I believe it’s relatively easy to explain in everyday language. 

You’ve probably heard of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs or The Theory of Human Motivation. It’s a five-tier model of human needs often depicted as hierarchical levels within the famous triangle (Maslow’s Motivational Pyramid).

From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: 

  1. physiological
  2. safety 
  3. love and belonging
  4. esteem
  5. self-actualization

At the bottom of that triangle are our physiological needs. These are requirements for human survival, e.g., air, water, food, shelter, clothing, warmth, sleep, sex (not sex for intimacy, but sex as perpetuating the species). As you see, these needs are about survival – based on fight or flight instincts most of the time.

The needs for security and safety are on top of basic needs. We want to experience order, predictability, and control, so this level is about being safe, having good health, employment, security of resources. 

Above that is our need and motivation for love and belonging – it includes friends and family relationships, trust, acceptance, receiving and giving affection and love, and intimacy (both emotional and sexual intimacy). 

The fourth level of human needs is esteem. It includes the need to earn others’ respect and the need for confidence, achievement, recognition, acknowledgment, awards… 

At the very top of Maslow’s pyramid is self-actualization, or choosing our potential. This is where we tap into creativity, spontaneity, problem-solving. At this level, we’re not in any sort of judgment but in acceptance of others and life. 

This level is all about our desire to grow. Maslow describes it as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be.

Subconscious Is Just Doing Its Job

So based on this hierarchy of needs, try to take an accurate inventory of where you fall on those rungs. It’s essential that you’re honest with yourself about where you fall. Are you closer to the bottom or to the top? Are you on the top?

Most of the population falls in safety (and there’s nothing wrong with that.) This rung represents needs for employment, security of resources, making enough money to feel comfortable, having decent health insurance…

When you look at the position of the safety in the pyramid, which is just one level above the bottom (or so close to basic instincts), it’s absolutely understandable why most people are not ready to “risk” safety in order to reach an upper level.

As I mentioned earlier, we live in a fear-based society. It’s a whole lot easier to control the population when they’re feeling disempowered and in fear of the future than when they live in empowerment and certainty that everything always works out for them. 

Our subconscious brain is also wired for safety. That’s the whole job of our subconscious. It runs all of our automatic programs and functions in our body, the purpose of which is to keep us alive and safe – not to keep us happy!

Whenever our safety or security are threatened, we’re going to feel anxiety and fear because our animal instincts are telling us that something’s wrong. And they’re just doing their job!

We Deceive Ourselves

We think we can grow by making choices based on our desire to stay safe. But guess what? That will never happen! It can’t happen because it’s not logical. Also, universal laws and laws of physics don’t allow that. 

The laws say that everything trickles down, and nothing trickles up. So we deceive ourselves into thinking like, “I’m just gonna stay safe and secure, and somehow everything is going to change.” But it won’t! 

If safety is your motivation, you won’t allow yourself to grow past that. As you stay small and tight in safety and security, what you’re missing out on is love and belonging, esteem and feeling confident, achieving things and reaching your goals, not to mention self-actualization. 

If you don’t make your choices based on your desire to grow, you’ll just keep lying to yourselves, thinking that things are somehow going to trickle up. And it’s not your fault! We were taught to think like that and to expect safety to bring the change.

But Once You Choose to Grow…  

And here’s what is so cool about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – as you make decisions based on your desire to grow, all of the other needs will be met as you go:

  • Esteem – Your confidence will grow, you’ll get the respect of others, you’ll achieve your goals much more quickly and easily; 
  • Love and belonging – You’ll have emotional intimacy, sexual intimacy, you’ll have the relationship you want with your family and your friends; 
  • Safety – Your resources, your family, your employment, your friends, your body, and your health will be taken care of, as well as your psychological needs;
  • Physiological needs – will be taken care of as well (water, food, sleep, sex to perpetuate the species, shelter…) 

It’s kind of like 5 in 1. Once you decide to tap into your highest potential, expand your creativity and spontaneity, you’ll satisfy all other needs, and your life will become much more joyful and pleasant. 

But it’s scary to make that decision and commit to it because you’re going against programming, societal conditioning, and all of the propaganda in society. That’s why I’m not saying this is the easiest thing to do. Because it’s not! 

I get scared every time when I’m given the opportunity to let life get even better. But then I stop and ask myself if I’m making a particular decision based on my desire to grow or to stay safe. And I often realize it’s because I want to keep safe. “OK then, we’re gonna make the opposite decision!” 

Growth Over Comfort

Somebody once said that God is much more interested in your growth than in your comfort. And here’s why – because God can express himself better through you when you’re connected to your creativity and expression. 

When you’re small and tight, God has a really hard time getting through because all you’re thinking about is, How do I get to next Friday / payday? How do I get through this trial/challenge? He can’t get in and comfort you when you are in those vibrations. 

But when you say Yes to your growth (and stay calibrated to that growth), expecting God to back you up, he takes care of the comfort as well. Then you experience greater joy, more significant impact, more money, more connections, more people, more sense of purpose, and delight than you have ever experienced. 

Now, if you’re wondering, OK, how do I get calibrated and stay calibrated to the growth? 

I’ve created a free 3-day live online workshop called the Prosperity Experience: Success Without Struggle. Join me, and I’m going to show you the tools that I used and continue to use on a daily basis to choose into growth and expansion. They are boots on the ground practical strategies that will help you blow the lid off of this year. 

So come on over and join us!

See you there!

Join us for the FREE 3 Day Prosperity Workshop.

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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