Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach faith to the finish enduring to the end

Enduring to the End vs. Faith to the Finish

Today, we’re going to unpack two different things – the thought of enduring to the end versus faith to the finish. These are two different perspectives and experiences, which generally lead to two different results.

We have much better results when we’re in faith rather than fear or doubt. And not only the results – but the whole journey on our way to the results is also much more pleasant and joyful. 

I know it’s kind of absurd, but we all know how to struggle our way to the end, yet we have a much, much more difficult time grasping faith to the finish instead. Just think of all people you know who struggle almost all their life…

But here I have good news for you! 

Both of these perspectives – the faith to the finish and enduring to the end are your choice! Believing is actually just as easy to choose as doubting. So, I hope you feel like choosing faith over fear!

Tune in for the new episode as I’m talking about the experience and the results that come from living by faith. Let’s learn how to get out of enduring and into faith.

Dive in right here!

The Power of Hope

In the 1950s, Dr. Curt Richter, a professor at Johns Hopkins, did a famous yet cruel psychology experiment with rats. He took a dozen domesticated rats and placed them into a pool of water to test how long they could tread water. On average, they last about 15 minutes before they’d give up and sink. 

But right before they gave up due to exhaustion, the researchers would take them out of the water, dry them off and let them rest for a few minutes. And then they put them back in the water for a second round. 

So, the exhausted rats were given just a short reprieve before being dumped back in the water. How long do you think they lasted treading water in the second round? 

Ten minutes? 15 minutes? Five minutes? 

(Don’t Google it!) 

Actually, they lasted 60 hours! Not minutes – 60 hours treading water! I don’t know about you, but I was shocked when I read the result. 

The researchers concluded that since the rats believed they would eventually be rescued, they could push their bodies way past what they previously thought was even possible. 

Humans and rats are very different beings, but we can learn a lot from these experiments. We will keep fighting when we feel there is a chance of success or rescue, but if we don’t have hope, we won’t.

So the question is – if hope can cause exhausted rats to swim for that long, what could a belief in yourself and your abilities do for you? What would you be capable of if you had a reason to keep swimming?

It’s Not Here Yet, but It’s Coming! 

While the rats were in endurance energy, they surrendered after 15 minutes. But once they had that rest (and a belief that they will be rescued), they just kept at it – being in the faith energy clear to the end. 

So what is faith?

“Faith is vision to believe what as yet one cannot demonstrate and valor to act on the basis of that insight.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick

In everyday language, what Fosdick says is that faith is the vision to believe what you cannot now prove or see and the courage to act on the basis of that insight. 

But the definition that drives home to me the meaning of faith and that I really love is the one saying that faith is truth spoken in advance

Because the truth spoken in advance changes our perspective – It’s not here yet, but it’s coming! When faith is truth said in advance, we do have the courage to make decisions and act based on the insight that what we want is coming.

This perspective keeps us connected to our dreams and fills us with possibilities, determination, and resolve. And what’s my favorite part – it makes the journey not only bearable but also pleasant, joyful, and filled with so much more ease! 

Instead of looking at your current circumstances, feeling overwhelmed and defeated most of the time, and just trying to get to the end, you’re able to see things that are working for you, the things moving into place that support you, the ways that you’re already supported…

And it’s much lighter energy and much more powerful energy to create in.

I Didn’t Sign Up for This

On the flip side, enduring to the end gives us a picture of an enormous burden on our back.  We’re just gritting our teeth and plotting one foot in front of the other, wishing that things could be different. But it’s a real small, constricted tight energy that we’re in. 

It’s just this survival energy, like, “Oh, please, Lord, get me through!” Instead of, “Thank You, Lord, for leading me to and leading me through all of this!” 

If I speak from my experience (and I always do), when enduring to the end, I’m focused on doubt and filled with uncertainty. I’m thinking: 

  • This is never going to end! 
  • Stop the pain! 
  • Stop the train. I want to get off! 
  • I didn’t sign up for this!

That’s where my thoughts go – just wishing for things to be over. 

Now there are times when we have to endure through a short period of something. (Such as the last part of the race when you’re a marathon runner). But I think we use endurance energy through life way more than necessary or even helpful – when getting to our goals or reaching the next level of success.

Choose to Believe

Faith to the finish will serve you so much better than enduring to the end. 

Because if you’re enduring to the end, you just keep seeing what’s not there yet. So you’re in this constant wanting instead of continual expectation. And that’s what faith to the finish gifts you – the expectation that everything you want is on its way! 

I have created large amounts of success with enormous amounts of struggle. And I have also created astronomical levels of success without any struggle. And I really recommend the second way.

As I said, endurance or faith – it’s your choice. So when you have a choice, choose to believe that what you want also wants you. Believe that it’s on its way to you as quickly as you can receive it, accept it, and use it!

Believing is actually just as easy to choose as doubting. Faith leads to a much better experience and result than feeling fear, doubt, or enduring. Faith is part of what makes success without struggle possible. 

Let Me Transform You

However, we have such an ethereal idea of what faith is, how it actually works, and how we can apply it. It confuses us more often than it gives us clarity. And this is where most people get caught up – how to make life meet me on my terms and experience success without struggle?

You have to change your perspective, focus, and your level of expectation if you want to experience the next level of success in your money, relationships, health, spirituality (you name it). 

There are definite tools that allow us to connect to faith, get out of overwhelm, doubt, and guilt, and create the way that we’re divinely designed to. And I’m willing to share them with you.

I actually created a free 3-day live online workshop called the Prosperity Experience – Success Without Struggle. If you join me, you’re going to get your own playbook and a success expert to walk you through this whole process. 

Because I’m not interested in just informing you – I really want to transform you. And information doesn’t lead to transformation. Implementation is what leads to transformation!

So, let’s create success without struggle! 

Join us for the FREE 3 Day Prosperity Workshop.

Get the free Prosperity Guide and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group. Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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