Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach heal relationship with money

Heal Your Relationship With Money Once and for All

During my teaching practice, I’ve found that most people have an unhealthy or even toxic relationship with money. But it has nothing to do with how much money you have. 

You can have very little in your account and be in a fantastic relationship with money. Or you can have a great deal of money and be in a traumatic relationship with money. It all depends on your point of view and how you relate to money.

So, what would happen if we stop acting like a “horrible girlfriend” who keeps blaming everything on her partner – money? Can it be easier to heal our relationship with money than we’ve been taught? Can we heal it quickly and once and for all?

I say YES! 

I used to be stuck in money-related struggles for years. But once I understood that I created the situation I was in and that I was the only one who could make my way out of it, everything changed. And the change came quickly!

Tune in for the new episode, and I’ll show you how to heal your relationship with money and start using it as a tool to bless your life and to help you grow on your way to prosperity.

Let’s dive in!

Money Is Not the Bad Guy 

Most of us think that if we hit a certain level in our finances, we won’t struggle with money anymore. But it’s true only on a surface level, and you won’t struggle to pay your bills or provide food and clothes for your family. 

However, on a deeper level, the struggle just won’t end with money. Once you reach your threshold, you’ll struggle with the fear of losing the money, or you’ll struggle to get more. The form of the struggle is the only thing that will change. 

I speak from personal experience. 

The linchpin that really started healing my relationship with money happened at a retreat I was at when we were fresh into a chapter 13 bankruptcy. My decision not to struggle financially any longer really stems from the advice I got at this retreat.

When I was asked what brought me there, I said I wanted to go back to making $20,000 a month. We had that income for about a year, but we were under stress and trauma with the money, even during that period. 

So I was like, I want that money, but if it is going to be as traumatic as it was initially, then I’m not interested in it. 

The feedback I got was an eye-opener for me!

The woman facilitating the retreat looked at me and said, Why are you making money, the bad guy in all of this? It isn’t money’s fault – it’s the way you’re thinking about it, relating to it, and blaming everything on it. 

I realized she was absolutely right! 

A Horrible Girlfriend 

If I were to personify money and imagine that we had a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship, I was that horrible, clingy girlfriend, chasing, pleading, and blaming her partner all the time.

  • Why didn’t you come earlier? 
  • Why didn’t you bring more of your friends? 
  • Are you going to leave me?
  • Please tell me that you’re not going to leave me! 
  • What do I have to do so you’re going to stay? 

I was a little embarrassed when I recognized my approach to money and my role in that relationship. No wonder why money left.

So I decided to take the counsel I got at the retreat to heart and wrote an apology letter to money. I committed unconditionally that I would show up in gratitude and appreciation (I talked about that last week) and that I would use money as a tool to bless my life.

As I committed to showing up that way towards money, I also expected money to show up in ways that supported me as I continued to grow and skill up. So it was kind of a letter of agreement defining my relationship with money. 

From that time forward, I was committed to truly changing my attitude to money. And it felt like a beautiful cleansing process. I was filled with relief. And I felt this huge burden just fall off my shoulders. 

The change in my attitude and expectations made me feel better. And it made it so much easier for money to come because I wasn’t going to chase it any longer. 

Can It Be That Simple?

When I think of people who have gone through varying degrees of trauma, when money is concerned, I remember a friend of mine, one of the most positive, upbeat people I know. She has struggled with money for a long, long time. 

She used to be married, and they had a great deal of money in that period. But her ex-husband was quite abusive to her and their children. Now she says she doesn’t know how to untie money from abuse, although she’s tried energy work, therapy, reading relevant books…

I couldn’t help but ask myself: What if we’ve made money the bad guy? What if the traumatic experience didn’t have anything to do with money but with the people that were in charge of it? 

Can it be more simple than we believe to heal our relationship with money? What if we decide that money shows up for us as a blessing to express ourselves with greater fullness and greater joy?

I do believe it can be that simple. 

We could be in years of trauma, not-enoughness, and scarcity, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to take us years to get out of it. If you created the situation you’re in, you could also create your way out of it. 

Give It a Different Meaning

The only cause of our internal suffering is the meaning we’ve given the situation we are in. So, if we can give a meaning to a situation that hurts us, then we can also give a meaning to a situation that blesses us and benefits us.

You can give a different meaning to money, and it can become a tool to support you and help you get to your dreams faster by giving you more options and opening more doors. 

Don’t make money the bad guy anymore. Just make a different decision, and then commit to it: This is how I’m going to show up to money. And I expect money to show up this way for me. 

So play with it. Try showing up in a different way mentally for money for 30 days, and watch how it starts showing up differently for you. 

Let it be simple. Let it be easy.

If you want some extra help to start looking at money differently, join my $37 email Money Magnet jumpstart course and learn how to heal your relationship with money: 

Get the free Prosperity Guide – and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group! –

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group – Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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