Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach gratitude

How to Use Gratitude as a Powerful Tool of Creation?

Everybody knows gratitude but doesn’t really know how to use it as a tool of creation. Instead, we probably use it as a weapon of shame or manipulation. But what’s happening behind the scenes when you start using gratitude correctly?

One of its biggest powers is that you’re no longer looking at your reality from the “It’s not enough” position. Or “I’ve got to do more.” Or “I need to have more.” When you go into sincere, deeply felt gratitude, it turns what you already have into enough.

But here’s the real magic of it. 

Gratitude is a signal to your subconscious, to God, and to the universe that you’re experiencing something you feel appreciation for. So if you truly feel what you desire as if it’s already here and make gratitude your dominant vibration, things will change quickly! 

Because what you’re actually doing is sending the vibration of receiving, acknowledgment, and acceptance to the universe. And the astonishing force of gratitude will pull what you want right to you! All you have to do is let God and the universe do their part.

Tune in today, as I’m sharing how to use gratitude as an inspiring feminine tool to create what you desire.

Let’s, dive in!

Vibrations Never Lie

Have you ever made gratitude lists while you’re crying? Or you’re not feeling any sort of gratitude or appreciation for what you’re listing out? Or you’d say, “Yeah, but it’s not enough”? 

That would be me! I’d do it for years. I was not aware of it, but I was using gratitude as a tool to manipulate my circumstances. 

I would pray, “I’m so grateful for everything in my life. Now, please change just about everything in my life!” Or when I would sign a client at the very beginning: “Thank you so much for this client. Now, please send ten more!” 

On one level, I was grateful for that client. But my dominant feeling was fear, and I was like, “Maybe I can never do this again. So send me ten more because this one isn’t enough.” 

This is what I mean when I say we don’t use gratitude correctly. 

“Words are just noise. Vibrations never lie.” – Bob Proctor

The universe responds to emotions and vibrations you send. It matches you with the physical equivalent of what you are dominantly aligned to vibrationally. Since we live in a universe of abundance, you will receive more of what you’re connected to or aligned with.

In that way, gratitude helps connect you with more to be grateful for, and you’re going to receive the physical equivalent of it. The universe will send it to you through changing circumstances, different people, opportunities, situations, experiences, things…

But you need to embody that feeling of profound appreciation and acknowledgment. The universe won’t respond if you’re just rattling off your wish list. 

An Astonishing Feminine Tool

“Gratitude turns what you already have into enough.” – Wayne Dyer 

In my gratitude practice, I love starting from this approach of enoughness already. So I begin with the things I’m already experiencing in my reality. 

And then, I like to express gratitude for things that I have not experienced physically yet. (Of course, first, I feel and embody the things I’m grateful for.)

It’s such a fantastic thing because the vibration that you’re sending to the universe is that you’re already experiencing what you desire even though it hasn’t shown up physically yet. In that way, you’re literally pulling that experience to you. 

Remember, the feminine is about desire, and the masculine is about the production of that desire. (Check out the episode about feminine and masculine traits.) 

So when you’re embodying the enoughness and expansion that gratitude is, you’re using your feminine pulling power. And then you’re allowing God and the universe to provide the masculine, which supplies you with the structure and the physical form that matches your vibration. 

This is such a gorgeous, real-world example of the masculine serving the feminine! 

No Guilt, No Manipulation

How do we stay in feminine energy with gratitude, and we don’t turn it into a weapon of manipulation or a weapon of shame/guilt? 

As driven, ambitious, God-centered women, we often start feeling guilty that we want more. We ask, or other people ask us, “Why can’t you just be happy with what you have? Why are you constantly after more – so many have so much less than you do?” 

So we start feeling guilty, and it becomes our beat-up stick. We use it as a weapon of shame to keep us right where we’re at. 

But we have a right to ask for more! We live in a universe of limitless supply and limitless enoughness. 

So if you’re truly experiencing the feeling of what you desire, as if it’s already here, at the end of your gratitude session, you can let it go without needing that physical experience to actually come to you. 

And why is this the case? 

Because you had such a great time being in the pleasure of the moment just with the idea of having it. In this case, you can let go and let God and the universe do their part without trying to manipulate circumstances to go your way. 

It’s the law of detachment at its finest.

The Magic of Gratitude

Dear Prosperity Seekers, you already know how universal laws work. By feeling sincere gratitude, a profound, heartfelt acknowledgment, and appreciation of something that isn’t physically here yet, what you’re doing is pulling it to you. 

That’s what your circumstances are – just a physical counterpart to your dominant thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. So, embodying and feeling the things before you physically experience them allow you to enjoy the journey because you’re feeling so good along the way. 

And this is the best part.

Once you make gratitude your dominant vibration, all you have to do is give it a little bit of time, and things will shift so quickly. That’s how powerful you are to create what you desire, using the inspiring tool of gratitude in the right way. 

Then, are you ready to start using the feminine power to reshape your reality and make your dreams and goals happen?

If you want other ideas for how you can raise your vibration to connect more often with gratitude and with prosperity, pick up my FREE Prosperity Guide and find lots of different ideas, experiments, and tips.

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I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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