manifest anything money Allyson Chavez Prosperity Approach

How to Manifest ANYTHING You Want In 4 Simple Steps! (PROVEN METHOD)

Many people think they know how to manifest money and prosperity in their life. They’re like, “I just stopped worrying about it, and then it came!” Well, that’s what happens sometimes, but this approach makes the process really hard to repeat.

Wouldn’t it be easier to use a more deliberate way and make manifesting a co-creative experience? Is there a process to manifesting? Are there methods to manifesting? The answer to all of these questions is “Yes, absolutely!” 

There is actually a simple four-step process to manifest anything you desire. It helped me to get out of a constant financial struggle. And now, I use it to manifest literally anything I want in my life.

When I do my part, the universe does the rest – that’s the principle. And I do the fun part, which doesn’t include tightening my belt or finding another job, I promise! 

Would you like to know the secret formula for manifesting that works every time in every single cornerstone of prosperity?

Then, tune in for the new episode as I’m sharing the proven method that will help you manifest your dreams and goals!

Let’s dive in!

Step 1 – No More Tolerance for Life as You Know It

Before I first got on my own manifesting path, I had reached a point where my current circumstances were no longer tolerable. I had had enough of what was going on in my life – being in constant struggle financially. 

Just to be clear, it had nothing to do with how much money we had. 

Yes, at that moment, we were $1,500 behind in our bills every month. But, previously, we had been making $20,000 a month. Still, I struggled financially in both periods, either because we didn’t have enough money or because I was in massive anxiety that I would lose it. 

I also know many millionaires who constantly struggle mentally with money. So, lay down the belief that if you have enough money, you won’t struggle. No! You need to lay down the struggle first, and then you’ll have plenty of money. 

You have to have no more tolerance for life as you know it. 

Back then, I wasn’t quite aware, but that’s actually the first step in the process to manifesting what you want – the life that you’ve created is no longer acceptable. 

Step 2 – Make a Decision ABOUT Something

Then I made a decision. It wasn’t a decision TO DO something. It was a decision ABOUT something. There is a clear distinction between deciding to do something and making a decision about something.

When you decide to do something, you’re like, All right, things have to change. And you choose to work three jobs and overtime and burn the candle at both ends. 

I did something else. 

I decided I would never struggle financially ever again! I decided that money would show up for me in powerful ways to support me in reaching my dreams and goals. So, instead of deciding to do something, I decided how I wanted money to show up for me. 

And that’s step number two – make a decision about something

Step 3 – Commit to the Decision

Basically, I decided that money actually works for me, not against me. And then I made that decision non-negotiable no matter what happened. 

It’s crucial that you commit to the decision about how money shows up for you. 

When I decided that I would never struggle financially, we were in the process of a chapter 13 bankruptcy. But, I was no longer waiting for my bank account to give me permission not to struggle financially.

I started thinking that money must show up to help me reach my dreams because I was going to show up, and I was going to skill up.

If you don’t think about money correctly, you could be making $10k a month or $50k a month. That doesn’t matter – you’ll stay in a sort of mental turmoil. 

But this can be a game-changer for you! 

Just stop struggling and commit to the decision that money supports you on your way to your desires.

Step 4 – Think Differently and Act Differently

If I was going to stop the financial struggle, I had to start thinking differently. So I changed my thoughts. 

I started thinking about things I didn’t struggle with that had absolutely nothing to do with money. Like I don’t struggle to walk, I’m really blessed. I have a very healthy body, so I don’t struggle to move. I don’t struggle to eat. It’s not a struggle to blink my eyes…

I got really simple. I needed to find other ways that already I lived in ease and prosperity. 

I also committed that money would always be there when I needed it and when I wanted it. So when I would pay bills, I paid them in gratitude. Like, thank you so much because we have enough to pay the phone bill today. 

When I could only pay part of a bill, I was also grateful. In my mind, I would say Oh, thank you, utility company, that you supplied electricity and light and heat for a month before you required me to pay it. This means I’m wealthy. This means money is always there when I need it. 

I literally thought that, and I talked myself through that. And then I began acting differently. I started expecting money to show up for me. 

My thoughts created my emotions, and my emotions influenced my actions. I was more grounded, and I was no longer mucking around in anxiety and chaos.

And step number four is all about that – you have to think differently, and you have to act differently.

Manifest Anything You Want

While I was manifesting, I was like, the universe has my back, and everything happens for a reason! And this reason is to assist me in my growth and to have more joy. God wants me to skill up in a different way. 

And I’m willing to do my part because my part is the fun part – making a new decision committing to that decision, thinking thoughts to support me in the reality that I want to create and act accordingly. 

You see, you can use this formula to manifest anything you want in your life – money, love, relationships, health, spirituality, you name it! 

I’ve done it over and over and over again. This formula works for everything. When you start thinking differently and acting differently, you’ll manifest anything you desire. 

Isn’t that great? 

Then try the proven four-step process to manifestation and let us know how it works for you.

If you need additional support to make decisions about how prosperity shows up for you, pick up my FREE Prosperity Guide and find lots of different ideas, experiments, and tips that will help you change your mind about things.

Get the free Prosperity Guide – and share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group! –

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group – Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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