allyson chavez prosperity approach feminine energy

5 Simple Steps to Activating Your Feminine Energy

It’s easy to say “activate your feminine energy,” or “strike a balance between your feminine and masculine,” or “create like a woman.” But sometimes, the theory is not enough – we need someone to tell us exactly how to do something.

However, there are very few role models leading out with feminine energy. It’s because highly successful women are so much in their masculine all the time. I don’t say it’s anybody’s fault – it’s just how we were taught to create.

But you know what? 

“You’re NOT a shorter, less-hairy man!” – Laura Doyle

It’s essential to learn how to trust your divine nature and work with it instead of against it. Once you start dancing through your life like a woman, you’re going to have phenomenal results and such a great experience along the way. 

Join me today as I’m sharing five simple steps to show you how to activate your feminine energy and quickly find that delicate balance!

Let’s dive in!

Step 1 – Awareness

First, you have to be aware that you have been in masculine energy for too long. Check out the differences between feminine and masculine energies

You know that you’ve been stuck in the masculine when:

  • things start feeling heavy
  • you start feeling bogged down
  • you’re getting grumpy
  • you’re struggling to puzzle things out
  • you’re telling yourself, “OK, just hold on for ten more minutes.”
  • you’re constantly looking at your watch

All these irritating things are indicators that you’re out of balance, and when you recognize any one of them, it’s time to switch gears. 

So, when you’re at your wits’ end and feel like slogging through the mud, you have to change the energy and get back into balance.

You can’t change what you’re not aware of.

Step 2 – Set It Down

It’s as easy as it sounds… Just set down whatever you’re doing and move away from it. 

Turn off your computer and stop working on any task or project you have been struggling with.

Leave the monster for some time, and later, when you slowly get back to it, you’ll see it’s become a puppy in the meantime.

This works for me and many amazing women I have worked with. I’m sure you can do this as well.

Step 3 – Change Your Environment

You’ve got to leave the room/office physically.  

No, you can’t stay there and just switch to YouTube and watch some funny videos. Because even if you’re doing things that have nothing to do with your tasks, you’re actually still in the same energy of the big push. 

And you have to get out of that vibration. 

Move into the bedroom, move outside, go into your car, just leave the place and switch the atmosphere. 

Step 4 – Connect With Your Senses

As a woman, you’ve got to get back into your body and reconnect with your senses – you have to get sensual. 

Many people confuse sensual with sexual and think that sensual and sexual equals pornographic. And neither of those is true. 

Sensuality is just about connecting with your senses and getting back into your body. Obviously, it means you’ve got to get out of your head and leave the push of the masculine you’ve been drowned in.

What I do is close my eyes and take three deep breaths because when we’re stressed, we take very shallow breaths. Then I focus on connecting with my senses.  

  • What am I hearing? 
  • What am I feeling? 
  • Do I feel my hair on my neck? 
  • Are my feet cold or warm? 
  • What am I smelling? 
  • Am I smelling anything? 
  • Am I tasting anything? 

Connecting with your senses is all about being aware of your body and enjoying your divine nature. Ultimately, getting sensual is how you be a woman.

Step 5 – Move

Moving is a part of the feminine quality of being dynamic (and the definition of dynamic is constant change, activity, or progress). Also, when we talked about feminine vs. masculine, we said that the feminine is circular and the masculine is linear. 

It means that women want to flow. We want to give our body a shape more than just staying in a straight line. 

So, you can turn on some music or just listen to music in your head, but the point is to start swaying your hips, run your hands through your hair, squeeze your ears down to your ear lobes. Move your shoulders back, feel your muscles stretching…

This may sound a bit bizarre, but feel the sensation of swallowing, feel the vibration on your throat as you sing, feel your vocal cords moving. It’s such a gorgeous experience to feel every single part of your body. 

I turn on a song that makes me feel sexy and start swaying my hips. In those moments, I feel my legs, my hands, my hair… I feel like a woman and just let my feminine move me. 

Try this – it really activates your feminine energy. If you need to close the blinds or shut the door, then do that. But once you let your feminine dance your body, you’ll find yourself breaking into this huge smile, and you’ll feel your burdens lifted off your shoulders. 

Go Back to Your Projects Feeling Alive Again

Now when you’ve activated your feminine energy, you can go back to whatever projects you’re working on with new eyes and light energy. You’ll troubleshoot quickly, and you’ll find that solution that was eluding you before. 

You’ll just feel that you’re leading out with the feminine because you’re leading out in pleasure. 

The best part? 

It’s so simple, and it works every time! 

Try these steps and just watch what happens. Then join all the dynamic, ambitious-driven women in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group and share your experience. I would love to play with you there.

And until then, remember, prosperity becomes you!

We hang out in the Success Without Struggle Facebook group – Join us and learn all the ways to achieve high levels of prosperity. 

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I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez.

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