Universal Laws That Ease The Way

We are plunging into the last four universal laws that help you get through the tough times. I recommend these four more laws as much as I recommend the past ones we’ve talked about. Join me as we discuss how it’s possible to find miracles and be on top of your game even when things are crumbling all around you. Yes – some laws serve as wonderful life hacks for that!

The Law of Relativity

This law tells us that nothing that we experience is fundamentally good or bad. Bad things are only bad because we label them so! Another quote I love to sum up this law goes like this – “Nothing has meaning until I give it meaning.”

The roadblock to this law is how people, especially women, like to compare their situation to others. We love to compare our situation to someone who’s in a better place than we are, so you end up with a demoralized version of yourself.

I used to think we were all on the same plane and pace in the journey. As a result, I used my “measuring stick” against everyone and coming up short every time. I always got confused why everybody else made it and I didn’t. Big mistake!

We have to use this law for us and not against us. But how? 

Here’s the trick – compare your situation to a worse one. Find things that you can appreciate so you can feel better. 

The Law of Polarity

We can sum up this law with this statement: “Every situation has an opposite that is of equal degree.” 

Imagine standing on a 4-foot ledge. You surely won’t ever fall 6 feet if you tripped, would you? If you are in a situation that is “kind of bad,” it means you are also in a situation that is “kind of good.”

Likewise, if you are in a catastrophic situation, you are also bound to find something as miraculous to that problem! Another good news is that the miracles are not “potentially coming,” but they are right there, waiting for you to see it.

It’s your job to find the miracle. Find that hiding opposite around the disaster and pick it up. Of course, that doesn’t sound very easy for most of us. When misfortunes come, we tend to focus on the drama and negativity that’s screaming in our faces. Learn to take a step back and look for positivity because it is undoubtedly there!

The Law of Compensation

Our third law’s main context is that “You get equal returns for that which is given.” In a more straightforward form, it says, “You get what you give.”

And boy do I love that! The law of compensation tells us that you will always be compensated for your contributions, no matter how big or small. While that sounds like good news, bear in mind it also means you will never be compensated for more than you put in.

This is especially important in a world that tries to teach us to put in small efforts and expect huge results in return. If that is the wavelength you are in, it’s a complete violation of this universal law.

The Law of Divine Compensation

“Even when you experience diminishment, there is more than enough capacity to compensate for any lack.” – this is the entire purpose of this law. I’m not going to lie, this is my favorite among the four!

It’s all about limitless supply. Even when things are not going your way, God can always find a way to fill it up. But how exactly do we harness this law to work for us that way? By connecting and receiving!

To effectively connect and receive, we have to let go of fear and align with love. Receive comfort and assurance that everything is going to be okay.

What most of us miss is that we were all created to be resilient. The ability to accept the challenging circumstances and be flexible about it is an important process of becoming. When you add up the law of divine compensation to that? Boom! You’re in for the smoothest ride of your life, no matter what you face.

The Universe Is On Your Side

These four universal laws always work for anybody, but they don’t work at all when done the wrong way. It’s not enough to simply choose a law and wait for the miracles to trickle its way to you. You have to truly understand the heart of each law and apply them effectively.

I hope this has been helpful to you! Always remember that the laws are on your side and never against you. Keep winning as you skip the struggles!

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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