Four Universal Laws to Get you Going

Everyone has their hard days, but then we also have extra hard ones – the days when nothing seems to work and you’re in a constant state of a tailspin. We tend to think that we’re finally reaching an ending, a doomsday, or a painful finale of a losing game.

These four universal laws are here to remind you that it’s not “the end” yet, but only a sticky middle part of the ride. Take it from me, practicing these laws made all the difference! Find out how you can get out of that difficult place and master how to keep doing it whenever the testing seasons come. 

The Law of Gestation

The law of gestation tells us that every seed has an incubation time. Likewise, our thoughts and dreams need to undergo an incubation period for it to be realized. It tells us that even if incubation time may be short or long, it is finite. 

Time is actually on our side! When we come across troubles in our lives, that’s actually your dreams being “processed” and under the incubation period. The little downside here is that we can never control how long this incubation period is.

So how does this translate to our daily lives? 

The law ultimately teaches us about patience. If your goals are not in your hands yet, it’s not because it will never come. It’s because you’re not ready for it or it’s not ready for you yet!

The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance

This law tells us that you have everything inside you right now to create the reality you desire to live. A simpler way to understand this law is this: Acknowledge what you already have and be satisfied, but also hope & expect better things to come.

This law reminds me of a story of Joseph Smith. At a very difficult time in his life, he had to consume johnny cakes for a meal one night with his family. Johnny cakes are not easily anyone’s favorite – they’re simply made of flour and water, they taste bland and have very little nutritional value.

He prays for the meal saying “Lord, thank you for the Johnny cakes. Please send something better.”

Notice how he thanks for the food and asks for more? Surely, a knock on the door was heard and a neighbor randomly hands out a whole ham for sharing. Joseph’s whole family had both Johnny cakes and the ham that evening!

They did not resent God for having only the Johnny cakes at first, but instead, they were grateful for it. Being grateful often gets taken out of context sometimes – some people think that to be grateful means to never want more. This law tells us that while it’s important to be thankful, you should also manifest greater things!

The Law of Detachment 

This powerful law tells us that in order to successfully attract something, you have to be okay if it doesn’t come. This is challenging to do for many of us as we always wear our game faces when we aim for something. 

How do we apply this law? The name of the law says it – detachment. You have to detach yourself from an anticipated outcome. To better understand this, think of the opposite of it – attachment. When you are attached to something, you surrender your powers to it and you acknowledge that it becomes your source.

A great example is if a person dreams of buying his own car. When that person wants it so bad, he yields to the goal so much that it would hurt him if he didn’t get it. How do you know that this person is attached? The emotions of worry, fear, doubt and impatience define attachment.

If we want something so much that we can taste it, we become attached to the goal and the purpose of this law is defeated. We detach ourselves by being hopeful enough to dream of big things but gracious enough to accept the possibility of not having it.

The Law of Utilization

Utilization leads to manifestation. A good mantra for this law is this: “Everything happens for a reason, and the reason is to assist me.” Take the incidents in your life, both the good and the bad, as stepping stones to your dreams.

Two people can have two problems that are exactly the same, but their outcomes differ depending on how they handle the situation. If we cannot embrace the troubles as something we can utilize for our own good, then bad days will just remain as bad days.

But if we are able to utilize circumstances into tools, helpful life lessons, or simple ways to move forward, the bad days won’t feel as bad! 

Instead of having the mindset that says “Everyone is out to get me”, why not reverse your perspective and say that everything in your life is a miracle? That everything is divinely orchestrated to get you where you want to be?

Another wonderful mantra to live by that’s aligned to this law: “Only good can come of this.” This is a personal favorite of mine!

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of that next level of success without struggle, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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