Five Universal Laws That Make the Journey Beautiful

Before I ever understood any of the universal laws, life was more challenging than I could bear. But when I learned these laws, I finally understood what was wrong: Life wasn’t so hard, I was the one making it hard! I stumbled many times before, and my goal is never to let you go on that same path. You don’t have to struggle as much as I did. The good news? You won’t – as long as you follow the laws.

The purpose of universal laws is to make you love life as you go. Let’s dive in deeper as we talk about five more essential laws you will love! 

The Law of Cause and Effect

Also known as the law of harvest, this law tells us a pretty straightforward thought: Every cause has a definite effect, and every effect has a definite cause.” What’s good about this law is that it’s easy to agree with, but not many people actually practice it.

For example – if you plant a carrot seed, you will harvest a carrot seed out of it. It will never be eggplants, berries, or daisies. No matter how much you wish for a different crop to grow after planting that carrot seed, you will always and forever get a carrot.

The quality of the carrot gets affected by the conditions of the land, water, and light it receives. But again, no matter how poorly or carefully you take care of it, the full-grown plant bears a carrot.

What does this mean for us?

It means good news, that’s what it is! According to this law, we are the cause, and the experiences we undergo are the effects. So, therefore, it’s safe to say that if you don’t like what you are experiencing, it means you don’t like the effects. And if you don’t like the effects, this means you have to change what’s causing it. That cause is you.

Don’t you think it’s empowering to know that we can control our circumstances based on how we act, speak, think, and decide? 

The Law of Attention

Also known as the law of focus, this law says, “Energy goes where attention flows.”

This law emphasizes that what we focus on expands and gets bigger. Attention is the focus of our thoughts, words, and actions. The law of attention tells you that it dramatically matters where you invest that focus.

The danger is that we tend to focus on the things that we don’t like or make us unhappy. So how do we use this law for us and not against us?

First, you have to recognize that the results of your circumstances depend on where your energy is concentrated. Next, define what it is you really want. You might be surprised how much we focus on the exact opposite of what we want! 

After doing those, redirect your attention to what you want. This is where the power of this law starts – you begin to walk towards the solution of a problem. Or you probably face an opportunity so ample that the problem starts to feel so much more bearable.

This law is one I would easily recommend you to try out!

The Law of Non-Resistance

“What you resist, persists.”

The concept of this law is compelling and helpful to those who are going through rough times. It tells us that when we face problems, we make them harder to overcome if we fight them and force our way through them.

My favorite example of this is water. Water is the most non-resistant element. It takes the shape of its container and flows wherever it is poured. But best of all, it continues to roll as a droplet no matter what its path looks like. When a droplet needs to pass a giant boulder, it doesn’t go through it, but over it!

This law tells us that we can do the same. Don’t fight the obstacles or fight the situation that you’re in. Don’t work against the things that you don’t want. One can also say that this law intertwines beautifully with the law of attention!

The Law of Flow 

This law tells us that things are constantly moving and changing. They flow into and out of your life. So if you want new things to come into your life, you have to let go of old things. This sounds simple but it’s surprising how so many of us are guilty of doing the opposite.

If we keep hoarding memories or feelings that don’t serve us positively, we are not giving room for newer and better things to come into our lives. This is true for material things or emotions.

A great example that many of us are probably guilty of is holding on to the pain of the past. This law tells us that we have to let go of those negative feelings to give way for relief, joy, and peace of mind!

The Vacuum Law of Prosperity

This law emphasizes how nature hates empty space – or vacuum. Nature loves to fill in empty space. Good news for us, this means the universe has always meant to give more to us. 

However, space is not infinite. We need to let go of other things that no longer serve us. It teaches us that we are supposed never to hoard things or else they become barriers to better things that will come. Even better, the things we donate may also become blessings to others who have a void needed to be filled in.

Use the Laws to Your Advantage!

These laws always work for everyone. I challenge you to pick one and try it out for a time, so get ready to be surprised by how it can change things! 

But what if nothing works? What if you find yourself stuck in the middle? Then stay with us on the following topic as we will cover more universal laws to help you. Stay fascinated with them!

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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