Four Universal Laws That Can Transform Your Life

Universal laws are enormously powerful. They teach us the way to prosper and create a reality we desire. But to know them is one thing, and to truly understand them is another. In my decade of research about the 21 universal laws, I have found that it’s helpful to categorize these laws into two: The laws to use when you’re just getting going, and the laws to use when everything is falling apart.

Don’t be intimidated by these laws if you’re new to discovering them. They are made for you, not against you! Once you understand and apply these laws into your life, you will undergo a dramatic mindset shift that will change so many things. You really shouldn’t miss it!

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

The main thought of this law is this: Everything is either into form or out of form. It tells us that even our dreams and ideas have certain forms, too. This law associates our thoughts as energy – it cannot be created or destroyed, but it only comes in forms.

This law teaches us that when we have enough energy behind an idea, it turns into matter – a reality. 

As a clear example of this, think of water and its many forms. It can come as liquid, solid, or vapor. But water doesn’t just change forms whenever it feels like it. The circumstances have to be conducive enough for it to become rain or solidify as snow. 

Likewise, we need to set up positive and joyful expectations while we work around our goals for them to become a reality. When we feel defeated even before we start, the ideas in our minds turn thinner as they are being pushed away from being an actual physical form. 

When we are filled with worry and doubt, we are not giving our dreams a conducive situation to solidify enough to become an actual experience. But when we exert enough effort and energy toward a goal, the idea becomes clearer until it morphs its way as a beautiful reality for you!

The Law of Vibration

Everything has a vibration to it – that’s what this law highlights. But vibrations cannot be seen through appearance or the words we say, but through how we feel inside. The best way to define your vibration is through recognizing the emotions you feel.

Here’s an important part: Our dreams have vibrations, too. But sometimes, our vibrations do not match the vibrations of that particular goal. 

The mistake? We often remain in that low vibration and hope that our goal’s vibration level down with ours in time to finally achieve it. 

What we’re supposed to do is change our vibration to match the vibe of the opportunities we hope for. We have to be of the same level!

Another common mistake is using positivity as a way of improving our vibration. Keep in mind that positive thinking is very different from prosperity thinking! Many people tend to say they’re okay, but their vibrations are way below their feet. This proves that words are just noise, but vibrations never lie.

You can say you are feeling great and smile all you want, but if you still wake up with anxiety every morning, your vibrations remain the same. I did this for a long time, and I realized this: I became a physical representation of a smiling poo emoji!

Change your vibration by accepting things gracefully and work your way to the solution of whatever is bothering you one day at a time. Positivity will not change things, but a prosperous mindset will let you make it through with flow and ease.

The Law of Obedience

There are two main things involved in this law: The principle that you are prosperous and the evidence of circumstances. It’s up to you to pick one side and obey it all the way.

Most of us find it highly compelling to obey in the evidence of our circumstances. Our five senses show us that there are so many things to worry about. The bank account hit rock bottom, your relationship with your teenager is breaking, and you don’t like what you see in the mirror as those pounds increase each week.

You have to obey the other side – the principle that there is abundance and prosperity all around you all the time. If we obey the other one, we will remain victims of our circumstances.

I was there once, and I know what it feels like. I was micromanaging everything and just constantly paranoid about doing the right thing always. You end up unhappy in your journey because you instill in your mind that life is hard.

Life is always an uphill journey and no one is exempted from that fact. But not everyone is aware that they can make the trip easier by equipping themselves with the right tools. And once you walk the path with confidence that you are always bound to prosper, you become more confident in every step!

The Law of Sacrifice

Letting go of things of a lower nature to give room for things of a higher nature – that’s what this law is all about. Sacrifice what’s good for something better!

But if you’re like me before, this would not be a very easy thing to do. I was scared to sacrifice the good things. What if I don’t get the better things out of it? What if I actually get a worse trade? Then maybe sticking to the good things is a better movie?

All those questions blocked me from this powerful law. But see it this way instead: If you genuinely believe that you’re letting go of the good for something much better, then that wouldn’t sound like a sacrifice, would it? It would be a trade-off that’s highly in favor of you!

A clear example is losing weight. To lose pounds, you have to give up a lot of things you love. There’s going to be a decrease in sweets intake, you’ll stay away from carbs and calories, and the workouts that come with it are no joke. In the beginning, it’s going to be hard. And yes, it will definitely feel like a sacrifice!

But as your skin starts to clear up, you drop a few dress sizes and you feel amazing, it stops feeling like a sacrifice. It starts to feel like the best trade you’ve ever made for yourself.

Pick a Law!

I challenge you to choose one law to work with this week and see what difference it can give. Of course, a week sounds like a very short time to exercise and master a law. But you might be surprised how your mindset will shift when you decide to be intentional about the law you pick! Then before you know it, you’ll be living by a universal law that will never fail you.

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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