The Thought Experiment that Changed Everything

If you’ve been listening to me for a while now, you probably already have an idea about the thought experiment that my family and I did years ago. It’s a simple formula that has only one agenda: to feel good while you manifest something that’s beyond my capacity to have. It worked unbelievably well for us, and I’m positive it will work for you, too.

We wanted to get a two-thousand-dollar dog, an extra income, and a trip to Hawaii. This sounds like a whole lot, especially for a family who’s barely placing any food on the table. But while we were truly broke that time, we wanted to stop feeling broken. The thought experiment works wonders for the mindset, redesigns your reality, and is just the beginning of real success without struggle.

Being Broke and Feeling Broken 

Many of us have reached a time in our lives where we feel like we’ve become the biggest loser ever. Financial downfalls make you feel like everything you touch turns to ash! There’s a lot of self-loathing, and you label yourself as someone who’s never going to succeed. If this sounds familiar to you, then that’s two of us.

Feeling so low for a day is one thing, but feeling it on a daily basis is another. That’s what happened to me. Despite all the effort I put into my business, it just kept collapsing all around me. I got to the point that I felt so tired of beating myself up with the harsh judgments in my head.

I knew I didn’t want to be in that hurtful place anymore, but here’s the problem: I didn’t know how to get out.

A New Approach to Manifesting

I realized something in that dark and draining path. There is only one simple reason why I kept struggling and stressing over my failures: It was because I wanted to always succeed.

And here’s the thing: We don’t succeed all the time. There’s always room for the painful days. I finally gave up on fighting for how I want things to be and focused on one agenda – to feel good.

I stopped trying to be successful and started trying to be happy instead. We couldn’t pay our bills, we’re ready to file for bankruptcy, and we’re taking food from the community pantry. For the sake of distracting ourselves from all of those ugly angles, I decided to do something fun.

The Thought Experiment

This experiment is simple: Think of a goal you’ve always wanted to accomplish, despite knowing that it’s impossible to have it with your current financial standing. The important part? Don’t stress over how you can get there and don’t waste time strategizing. Just manifest it happily, and see where the optimistic mindset can get you by the end of the year. It might seem like it’s only for fun – but it was really a test of the power of our thoughts.

Onboarding my family with my new little idea, we gathered at the table to discuss a goal that seems impossible to gain. Each of us picked something. 

I chose a vacation in Hawaii because to me, it is paradise on Earth! 

My husband wanted to pay the bills (we were fifteen hundred dollars behind every month that time). 

Payton wanted a dog. 

Trevon wanted a group of friends. 

These goals do not look as simple as they may seem to others. We were in financial ruin, and we couldn’t afford anything extra at all. Payton’s dream of getting a dog needed to go through me. If we had to have a dog, it had to be a purebred Yorkshire terrier. Every dog lover can quickly agree with me when I say that this breed costs over a thousand dollars. Trevon, on the other hand, had a difficult time connecting to people. His goal isn’t simple for an awkward fifteen-year-old, either.

This Mindset’s Enemy Is… Your Mind!

“How dare you. You don’t deserve to go to Hawaii. You run your business to the ground and hurt the people you love. How could you dare think that you can take them to Hawaii? You can’t even put food on the table.”

Ironic as it seems, but what became the thought experiment’s greatest nemesis is also my mind. I kept questioning myself if I deserved to dream of going to Hawaii. As if it was not disturbing enough, more brutal arguments came in. 

“What are the neighbors gonna say?”

They were very valid arguments, I can tell you that. Payton was enrolled in a dance and piano lesson at that time, and her dance teacher was our neighbor. Because of our financial situation, I had to ask the teachers to pull my daughter out of both classes. Those teachers were gracious enough to keep Payton even though we can’t pay yet! 

They were real angels in our lives who supported us. So who was I to suddenly act like a rich lady and take my family to Hawaii? What will they think? That I cannot afford to pay for their lessons, but I can afford to take my family of six to Hawaii?

But I always slammed it with a big, bold, I DON’T CARE. Maybe I can just tell them our grandma is paying for it or something. When the negative thoughts and doubts begin to creep in, make sure the positivity wins through!

Miracle Upon Miracle

Payton named her dog even before having a single clue on how to get one. Her manifestations were reading books about Yorkshire Terriers, preparing the dog’s bed and leash, and so much more. She looked like a perfect dog owner, except that the only missing part is the dog. 

Trevon, in the meantime, was able to have more chances of classmates talking about starting campaigns for Dungeons and Dragons. He wasn’t always quick to seize the chances, but there was definitely an improvement.

Jeremy, my husband, had the most fascinating experience. With our financial struggles still around, he was working full-time, overtime, and part-time. On top of all that, he was still trying to recover from a back injury.

One day, he knelt and told God about everything he has been doing to make ends meet. He mentioned that things still did not go well and that there is no longer anything else he can do about it. He ends the prayer with a powerful statement: “You must provide.” 

It did not sound like a tantrum, it was a kind and reverend claim of God’s promise to provide. Sure enough, he received a call a few days after his mother. She was the owner of their family-owned company, and she wanted to retire the following year. A substantial rise of fifteen hundred dollar raise was effective immediately as he will replace her! 

God Overrules the Answers We Want Sometimes

I received an opportunity to speak at an event that could lead me to generate sales. We were not in good shape with our finances, but we ended up spending ten thousand dollars for the opportunity. You could easily imagine me thinking, “This is it! This is the answer!”

Unfortunately, it wasn’t. I sold zero. The audience of five hundred people did not happen. I only had a few people on day one, fewer on day two, and day three got canceled. We went home losing ten thousand dollars rather than gaining more.

This frustrated me to the core and I felt my grip for certainty fading away. It’s when these big opportunities come that you start to think that God is finally answering prayers. To end up just losing it after all makes you question everything else.

But then I got a call, too. A property that my grandma owned is being sold. My mother is supposed to be the only beneficiary, but she died when I was only eleven. I got a fifth of the share and guess what?

It was more than enough to pay our debts, buy two Yorkshire Terriers, and get to Hawaii.

Success Without Struggle: God Wants It for You!

At that moment, I knew God was solid in giving me the things I wished for. His ways were different than we expect sometimes, but they’re always far better. 

After you discover and experience the experiment for yourself, make sure to engage in the next level: to be consistent.

The thought experiment is not a one-time thing. You can rinse and repeat! Imagine mastering this and being happy all the time because of a strong sense of certainty. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be hitting your goals regularly. The next thing you know, you have already mastered the heart of it all – success without struggle.

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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