Making Peace and Money Co-exist Together

There is a surprising truth about money. But there is an even more surprising truth about how we often relate money to our peace of mind. Have you ever declared to yourself that you can be happier and more at peace once you have more money? That’s precisely where I was before. But in this episode, we talk about how this kind of mindset is not the way to go. 

More money should not mean less peace, but this is what typically happens to most of us. Sure, it’s easy to say, “Just be more at peace.” The grand question here is HOW? Learn how to break the chains of your misconceptions about money and practice how you can have both financial frequency and peace of mind!

Is Money Deceitful?

Not entirely! But before I defend how money can be an amazing tool, let me start by saying that money can be deceitful. When our pockets are full and our bank accounts are stable, we feel a sense of security and ease. 

What’s wrong with that?

The problem comes in when we make the mistake of thinking that our lives elevate because of money. We believe our status elevates because of money. We believe our joy and our peace multiply because of money.

The Three Things Money Can Do

Three things sound like a small amount compared to an endless list of what money can really do. But consider all of its power wrapped up in three capacities:

Money opens doors

With money, you can discover things that were not available for you when you had less. It’s like this key you need to unlock a new door that leads to better things!

Money gives you options

Who doesn’t want more options, especially if they are better? Money grants you access to easier and faster ways to do things. When life is hard, we feel more hopeful when we see that there are options lined up for you if a few things don’t work out. 

Money magnifies who you already are

People think they would suddenly go into a metamorphosis of character once they have money. If you are stingy and insecure with money, you will become even stingier and more insecure with it!

Peace of Mind Is a Decision

I lived at a time when anxiety dictated my every move. I kept telling myself that if we had more money, I would be at peace and feel more secure. But then, when we had money, I was still waking up in the middle of the night, worrying about losing the money we already have.

I was miserable with or without money. But then I came across a quotation that said, “Peace of mind is not a goal. It is a decision.”

That’s when I realized that money does not bring peace, and I lived in that deception for so long. Money was not the problem, I was! I needed to decide to be at peace, but the problem was… HOW?

A Source of Peace: Does It Even Exist?

I have found that you need to find your source of peace for you to experience peace no matter what the circumstances. When you do, you simply connect to that source not only when things feel turbulent, but you connect to it all the time.

My source is God. Yours could be the same or not. It could be any other form of higher power or divinity that you believe in. 

Another way is to close your eyes and reimagine the time of your life when you had so much peace. In my case, I like to transport myself to the time when I could close my eyes and have my baby sleep and snuggle on my tummy for hours. Peaceful snippets in your memory that you cherish so much – they can be a source of calm anytime.

Money Enhances but Never Defines

So now that we know that money isn’t everything, how exactly do we define money?

The answer is not by letting go of money or losing interest in it. But it is all about recognizing it the right way. Let money enhance your experiences, and never let money be the experience. Never let the lack of money dictate the experience either!

The Only Missing Ingredient You Need to Know

For most people, they either don’t know about it or forget it: 

You have to be intentional about how you feel. 

If you want to feel joy today, you have to choose it right in the first hour. Whatever you want to feel, you have to be deliberate about doing what you can to feel it. 

Is there a specific playlist that makes you feel peaceful throughout the day? Go for it. Is there a certain perfume scent that reminds you of happy memories? Go get it if you don’t have it! It’s totally up to you to filter through the garbage and only pick what’s good for you. Connect yourself to peace, joy, or anything that delights you.

The Prosperity Experience Is Waiting for You

These are all shifts that we can do by ourselves, or you can opt to discover it faster with us! The prosperity experts are here for you with strategies that are designed to work for everyone. 

If you want to spend a day talking about life’s peace, life’s expansions, financial frequency, and so much more of inner game strategies, join the challenge! In this journey, we don’t give you mere insights that don’t create transformation. We give you the implementation of all the insights to experience real transformation for a better life.

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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