A Nudge or a Coincidence? Ways to Identify Signs From God

We are fully aware that God is with us every minute of every day. He speaks to us all the time but we don’t understand what He’s saying and how He relays the message. God doesn’t speak to us in the way we are used to – but did you know there are ways to get His messages? If you’re wondering if it’s a nudge from God or just a mere coincidence, tune in because I will share my five-way test that helps you tell the difference!

I have always been certain of God’s presence, but I never got the gift of intuition. I need to have some sort of a test to get a real grip on what’s going on and understand heavenly messages. 

So, I developed a five-way test that helps me determine if a message was from God himself or if it was just an idea to dismiss. Learn how to apply it in your life and you will never miss a message from God again!

I Had a Pre-Litmus Test

Before I defined the five-way test, I had a quick pre-litmus test that remains helpful to this day. I gauge situations this way: if the signs were negative or judgmental, I would know that it wasn’t from God. Surely, He wouldn’t have anything in store for us that would grow from anything that would condemn His own values, right? Anything that was negative, I just pushed aside. 

But if the nudge was a neutral or a positive one, the approach would be different. I would jot it down, and I would try my best to follow it. Whatever came to my mind that seemed positive, I always wrote down on a notepad. I wrapped up each of the little tasks with a checkmark to track how I was doing. This was the habit that led me to the litmus test you are about to learn.

The Five-Way Litmus Test

These are five questions you need to ask yourself first before deciding to label a nudge as a message from God or not. It’s been incredibly helpful to me and has developed my sense of intuition towards so many things.

#1 Does it lead me to do good?

Try to see if following this idea would lead you in the right direction. Be honest to yourself about how you think things might go. I would say that this first question is an easy item to tick off the list, but it’s important to give yourself time to think about it.

#2 Does this lift someone else up?

Some decisions that we pursue end up as double blessings. This means that it becomes a blessing to others, but a blessing to you, too! This second step leads you to do good to others and has the potential to become your own answered prayer. 

#3 Does it invite me to be humble and make God my source?

This is a big one. Most of us don’t really understand what the true meaning of humility is. A lot of us think that it reflects an act of self-deprecating. But it doesn’t!

Humility is a grateful acknowledgment that you rely on God for everything. It is about acknowledging that your abilities, talents, and skills are all gifts from God. It’s being aware that God is your only source.

#4 Does my mind feel enlightened by this idea?

All the other three tests were about how it could benefit others. They were also a test about your values. But this one helps you determine how you feel about the nudge. It’s essential to pay attention to how you feel about an idea, regardless of how noble it seem. If a nudge feels exciting and expansive to you, that’s a YES on the fourth test.

#5 Does my heart feel joy at the thought of this idea?

Sometimes everything makes total sense and you probably ticked all four tests above in a breeze. But then, you find yourself not very happy about the idea. This is not about saying “no” to something that might just be a life-changing blessing to others – this is about recognizing what could be wrong. 

This last test is about filtering what needs to be cleared up. Perhaps a side issue needs some clarifying or a certain someone needs to be informed about something. Any missing piece will likely be a stumbling block to feeling joy at the thought of a potential sign.

I’ve Been There Before

A few years back, I had to use the test for a big decision. I felt the nudge to give my teammates a raise, and it easily passed the test, except for the last part. I just couldn’t feel the joy I was supposed to feel. And then I knew what was wrong.

I have been noticing this one teammate acting strangely. I had a hunch that this was about questioning how I restructured raises. At the time, she didn’t understand that my system would actually benefit her.

So I made myself a deal. I had to have a clarifying conversation with her. If she responded well, it would mean I can finally close the missing piece and feel joy. The test would be a success! But if she still felt differently about it, I had to reconsider this nudge.

Fortunately, the conversation went smoothly. We were finally on the same page and the dynamic changed so much. From that point on, I was certain that the nudge I felt was definitely a nudge from God. Although it didn’t feel entirely right at first, I was able to clear everything up and gain that sense of joy too.

God Speaks All The Time!

Most of the time, God speaks to us in ways that are easy to dismiss if we are not paying attention. If our minds are not quiet, it’s impossible to hear God’s nudges. Don’t forget that God doesn’t speak to us in the way humans do. 

His words come to us as suggestions, ideas, and sometimes, they even come as whispers of thought. God uses so many kinds of mediums, including literal signs, billboard signs, or bumper stickers on a car beside you. You just have to pay attention to it.

Hopefully, this test can be a tool for you to use in every part of your journey. Don’t forget that God is always by your side. He’s always there giving you divine nudges – I hope you will be able to hear them better now!

Stay with us next week for the next topic in the Prosperity Approach. It’s all about moving forward and making crucial decisions in life. Is it God’s will or not? Make sure you come back to find out!

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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