Ways to Get a Yes From God Through Prayers

Let’s talk about how we can pray effectively to God. When we ask something from Him, we may not be aware that we are praying the wrong way. The Prosperity Approach demonstrates how we can ask God anything and get the answers without having to doubt Him in the process. There is definitely a way to get that much expected YES.

Powerful experiences strengthened my faith to the point that I became thankful for the financial freefall. At a time when we felt like life was uncertain and things never seemed to work well, it was easy to miss whatever good was still left. Little did we know that in the midst of a denied prayer, we were being ushered to a dazzling and life-changing surprise.

We can’t expect God to say “yes” all the time. But there is a certain mindset we need to harness for us to master the skill of asking, identifying, and owning an answered prayer! I’m glad you’re here for this episode as what you’re about to hear may just change your entire concept of praying.

Before You Pray, Believe First

So many of us pray but don’t actually believe that God will give them a “yes” for an answer, and understandably so! I remember my child trying to ask me a favor and she starts off this way: “So Mom, I have this question. But I know you’re going to tell me no.” I’m sure this sounds familiar to a lot of parents.

It’s no surprise that we ask God the same way. How often have we been praying while doubting God would answer? It is crucial to believe in your prayer first. We rarely ask God confidently. We usually play the part of the little kid who’s pleading and begging for that piece of candy. 

But nobody prays for candy, right? We are aware of how big our requests sound and it only makes sense to doubt it will be given. What we often miss is that God is the most powerful being that ever existed. It’s absurd to doubt Him! So whatever it is that you’re praying for, be confident and believe that God’s got you.

It’s Not a “No”, It’s a Delayed “Yes”

So you’re done picturing what you want, staking your claim on it and mentally owning it. You’ve crossed past the bridge of doubt and now believe in getting what you prayed for. But then, you see that God seemingly gave you a “no”. Yikes.

The next thing to do is thank God for not granting your prayer. If He refuses a prayer, it means there’s something better in store for you. The problem sometimes is that we don’t look forward to the “better” answers. We prefer getting exactly what we asked for because we don’t believe that there could be something better in the first place.

There is a quote by Patricia Holland that hits the heart of this mindset: “The Lord’s ‘No’s’ is a prelude to an even greater ‘Yes’.” If you come across a “no”, believe that there is something bigger and better in store for you.

Stay Still And Listen

During a financial freefall in 2018, I kept my hopes high and fought for my way. In fact, I fought so hard that my prayers already seemed ceaseless and incredibly loud. I was pleading with God to save us and my desperation was evident every step of the way.

We were already in debt, but we risked even more in the hopes of finally acing an opportunity to cut all the other debts away. But it didn’t feel promising. It felt like I did hundreds of prayers and ended up with a series of rejections—one “no” after another. 

But then one day, I got a phone call from my aunt. She informed me that a certain property was going to be sold. As one of the siblings who would benefit from the property’s sale, I needed to show up to sign things. Also, it simply meant that I did not even have to work so hard for the money I needed that time to help us!

What I learned here is that we have to stop struggling and screaming so loudly. God is already answering you, but you can’t hear it when you’re too loud.

God Loves To Say Yes

This experience shaped my faith and gave me a powerful mindset of certainty. It transformed my life and had it not been for that turbulent but life-changing chapter, I would never have known how to be better with money. I would never have started teaching people the Prosperity Approach.

I had to do my part and only my part, and then trust that God would always do His part and everything always works out in the end. God answers prayers in ways that will give you the most delight, the most surprise, and the greatest growth.

Just keep going in His direction, even in times when you feel lost already. The chances of getting God’s answer rely on how certain you feel about it. Quiet your mind, picture what you want, ask for it unapologetically, own it mentally and then go for it. 

Allow God to guide your footsteps. Let Him continue to lead and guide you. He’ll take you off the beaten path because there’s a secret waterfall that will dazzle and delight you.

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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