Powerful Transformation Is Possible with Valaura Arnold

You know I’m all about show and don’t tell. My guest today is Valaura Arnold, she’s one of the people who’ve deeply inspired me on my health journey. She’s also been through the Prosperity Approach and has some amazing results to show for it! Tune in to discover how Prosperity Approach works in practice and what it can do for you too.

Valaura was instrumental in my health journey as she was my health coach. We co-created an incredible experience together, all based on divine timing. Today she’s living her best life, and a big part of that was her commitment to the Prosperity Approach.

We discuss her journey and how Prosperity Approach helped her move forward in her business and relationships with her spouse and children. 

Who Is Valaura and Why She’s Such a Big Inspiration for Me

Valaura is a certified health coach, a singer, a grandma, and a lover of life. She’s an inspiration to everyone she meets! We met because we were singing together and it was magic from that very first moment. 

We caught up again some months later, exactly at the time when we both needed it. Talk about divine timing! We talked on the phone for hours, and for both me and Valaura, those were life-changing hours. 

Valaura was just about to record her first CD and I was there to push her. She was inspired to own her life and future. The rest is history… 

What Prompted Valaura to Commit to the Prosperity Approach

At the time we started talking, Valaura was struggling with her health, both mental and physical. She was overweight, the doctor had just told her she had to deal with high blood pressure from then on, she was feeling depressed… Her husband’s income was also changing and there was a lot of stuff going on. 

Valaura felt like her dreams were broken – she was in a downwards spiral and feeling like she lost control. 

When I advised her to just imagine things going her way, that was a big stretch for her. But she gave it a try and she realized she needed more good energy in her life. With just a few tips from the Prosperity Approach, Valaura started her transformation: releasing weight, creating and selling her CD, all these other things…

It was then she decided she needed the whole package. She needed everything the Prosperity Approach had to offer! At the same time, I needed a health coach. Everything came together in the spirit of a great divine intervention!

These Are the Challenges Valaura Had to Overcome

Valaura believes that whenever something wonderful is about to happen, some adversity is always sprinkled up in there too. 

When she joined, money was definitely a thing for her. Her husband was making half what he used and she needed to have that difficult conversation with him. She needed to explain that the Prosperity Approach had to happen for her, but for him, the whole thing was a little too much woo-woo. Valaura also had a little bit of guilt going on, but she pushed through and jumped in fully in January, two years ago.

What Valaura Wanted to Accomplish

First and foremost, Valaura wanted to be healthy and not have to worry about that anymore. She was feeling miserable and tired and she needed that to change. She also wanted a better income so she could pay off their debt and help her children start their lives. Valaura also wanted to travel, sing, help other people… 

Her big dream was to become a certified health coach. She made her plans, and at the same time, decided to do her best in music and get serious about financials with her husband. She realized she needed six figures to get where she wanted to go, but she also wanted time with her family. 

So, did Valaura make her dreams come true?

YES. Absolutely. Today she is a health coach, she traveled, she sang in front of 65,000 people, she traveled, she went on an international tour… She makes six figures and works 20 hours a week. She’s helped over 300 people get healthy and life right now is GOOD.

Valaura Reached All Her Goals and More

Not only is Valaura now living the life of her dreams, but she’s made great strides to fix her relationships too. Her relationship with her husband has been taken to a whole new beautiful level. She has the confidence to make things happen now and she feels better than ever. 

And although her husband had reservations at first, these days he’s all about prosperity and thinking positive. Valaura didn’t try to change him – she believes this approach ruins relationships. But, as she was learning about the Prosperity Approach, she shared some of that with her husband. 

Slowly, he’s learned to look at things the other way and see all the good that was coming into their lives. When you exude that positive energy and live your life as a testament to a prosperity mindset, everyone around you is attracted. Everyone rises in vibration to join you there. 

The Single Most Important Thing to Know About the Prosperity Approach

The Prosperity Approach works, it just does. And in Valaura’s experience? You get out of it what you put into it. She advises that you do it with all your heart. Do all the exercises and make prosperity a part of your life. 

Fill your own heart and then you can go out there and impact the world. Make that your priority and don’t be afraid to take time for yourself. If you do the Prosperity Approach the way it’s designed, you’ll be surprised by how quickly the results come!

Additional resources

Valaura can bring incredible health transformation into your life – contact her via email Arnoldhealtharmada@gmail.com or find her over at Facebook!

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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