A Different Way to Approach Relationships: Show up in Power and Compassion

Prosperity in relationships begins when each partner stands up for their truth. Now, that doesn’t mean being overbearing, manipulative, or bullying. There is a way to show up powerfully and radiate that empowered feminine unapologetically. Today I’ll share my own story of going from being apologetic and permission-seeking to finding my footing and inspiring my husband to do the same.

Like I said in the last episode, we don’t need our partners to be our cheerleaders. We just need them not to be roadblocks. If that sounds worrisome to you and like it might end your partnership, don’t worry. There is actually a way to get what you want and still have a prosperous relationship!

I’m talking about the principles of empowered feminine and empowered masculine. When you show up in that way, your partner will be naturally attracted to your energy. Everything flows easier and without a struggle. If you’re ready for this download, let’s dive in right now!

How It Used to Be When Jeremy and I Just Got Together

In the early days of our relationship, I didn’t know how to ask for what I wanted. I wasn’t showing up powerfully. I was afraid of being told “no” – I didn’t like hearing that word.

I had a really hard time asking for what I wanted without apologizing. I had a hard time having my “yes” be yes and my “no” be no. I fostered resentment in many of my relationships. I just didn’t know any better at the time.

Most of all, I didn’t understand how the empowered feminine energy worked. Jeremy and I married very young – I was 20 and he was 23. We didn’t really know who we were yet. And I most definitely didn’t know how to communicate in our relationship.

And Before We Learned to Communicate, There Was Definitely Some Friction…

Once, I wanted to get LASIK surgery done and Jeremy said “no” because it was too expensive. I wanted to do it but I didn’t know how to present it to Jeremy in a way where we both felt honored. So, I got mad, I got pouty. He got resentful. I was having a tantrum and I was going to do what I wanted anyway. This disempowered energy didn’t give either of us a good feeling, but we just didn’t know how to be mature then.

Sometimes, I’d get very compliant instead of angry. I’d accept whatever he said, but I’d still be resentful. Now, we were never verbally abusive to each other, but this behavior did create some friction. We didn’t feel heard or honored or respected.

So, What Does Prosperity Approach Look Like in Relationships?

Through the attitude of prosperity, everyone deserves to be supported in their relationships. How we go about it is another thing. As women, we were taught to ask for permission. We were taught to give away our power. This is not how prosperity works. 

In prosperity, we know that it’s our responsibility to own our truth and to speak our truth. When a woman speaks from a powerful, authentic place in her heart, there is not a man on this planet that can get in her way. And again, it’s not that you want to bulldoze over your husband. That’s not what this is. 

But when you show up in a very empowered way, you radiate a very attractive and magnetic energy. Your man wants to be near you and this energy triggers the empowered masculine in him. He wants to support your dreams and he wants to make you happy.

When both partners are empowered, we can really make space for support. Our men want to support us, but we need to be “worthy” of that support. That means not being invisible. It means giving everyone space to grow. It means owning your individuality. It means being unapologetic about who you are. It means giving yourself permission to follow your destiny. 

Now, that doesn’t mean our partners will be our cosmic cheerleaders. But it means they will not stand in our way. It means no more resentment and it means two people living their lives in an alliance. 

How We Mastered Communication in Our Relationship

Once I started learning and defining the Prosperity Approach, I wanted to bring that knowledge home. I wanted me and Jeremy to find a way to be a power couple, on our own terms.

So, what did I do, specifically? When we were both in a good place, I would have conversations with him about how I wanted to show up in our relationship. I would take full responsibility for all the times I did something that was disempowered. But, I didn’t take ALL the responsibility. I didn’t think everything was my fault. Big difference!

Then, I would let him know that I wanted to have powerful conversations with him. I wanted to be vulnerable and feel safe. I most definitely didn’t want to go into fear.

When I did that, when I made myself clear, when I unapologetically stated my truth, Jeremy felt invited to act in the same way. We both started growing and developing our own sense of purpose, together. And, we decided we weren’t available for fighting or sarcasm or anger anymore.

It was so freeing for both of us when I was able to establish my boundaries. I dropped the “little girl” energy and I dropped the pouting and I just took responsibility for my destiny. I didn’t need him to approve of my existence anymore. He was liberated and so was I. That’s the beauty of empowered energy – it gives both people a chance to grow.

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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